Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/594

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2012 INDEX. · undgw 0 P . Nevada Ag , Nev., _ P¤s6·

 ______ )_° _______ _ _________ __ , lggfl appmpdamtggn for BUPPOH; B16-. of IDQSK2;4 1248

I · 7 Ed, Bt. : . . . ...· · ··---·-· · --··· · - 1 y Vganywrinent to, for damages from Exe 1460 Nevada Nqtugnal Forest, Nev., Nelson, Flora A. (wuklmv), 1518 appmpmmon for mmntenance, etc., of peusltm ... . .. _ » , gm- 1 Nmll, Mary L. (daughter),

 _ H? ______________, _ , , 1543 pension increased . . --·- · ··--·---- 1586

` · l!1,8!1 GX ,W ··;· ··*·* " ° ° ’‘'‘ ""‘ ' "' N°p°l’ im (1 rtin to nm Ngggéignwrge S" 1608 1mP0na1:§ wheat flour, plxhibiied; excep- New Brungwyzk, N . J., _ tim, _______________ _ ______________ 1759 appmpmztog io: operatmg, etc., Govern- 223 gd ______________ _ _,,_,,,,.,.. 1773 men ouso 8 · ···--·------··· Nmmcgivq, New Hampshire Avenue N K, D. C., bridge authorized acmm, in Tillamook appmprnatign for awing I Street to 845 (peg ________, _ ___,,,_,,... 533 wen -seven . ...·.. · ---··--- Nggm-zmuk, ty, N £%paving,}{IpshuxStxeettnGrant Circle. 1116 ggmgm ex1;eudm' g arbitration conveu- ew owen mm. 1;:; with ... . . 1667 d6iici¤¤?;’ ¤PPf<;P¥i?*i°¤ f°Y hQ°Pit‘*1 f°*' imp0rti¤gf1¤m,andexportingto, colonies, dmclmrged dmablod soldmrs, ctc., em., ot wheat and wheat Hour pro- _ at.: ...·-------- - -··-··---···· 508 hibmed; exceptions, ,_.,,,,,._,, §15g modxficaaiiimn (lf cogdtmgt for gale of old posi; 1458 cgncded _______,,,____,,,,,..,,... . _... 77 office a cw . . ...··------ Netherlands and Luxemlmrg, terms of court at . ... 1146 appropriation for minister fn . .. 739, 1206 New J¢r8ey,_ Nason, Emdy A. (mellow), construcjuon, etc., of tunnel under Hudson pepgwn __________,,..,, . . 1516 Rwer by, and New York, ¢0¤¤e¤¢¢d 158 Nelz, Peter, . fo. . 1 .. Pension __,________ , ,,,,.,..,. 1&)0 New Jer Central Railroad Com Ny, Nguseliivgr, N, C., may pwd o_Dplawarc River, ggston, Pa., preliminary examination, etc., of, to be to ghdhpsburg, N. J ..-.- - ·------· 1055 · rmnde, to Newbern . 1011 Newinxrki Bay, Ehzubctb to Bayvlme, 277 Ngulra , . -- · -·-----·- - deponjgtion of convicted of organ- time elnzteindsd for bridging Newark Bay, 1099 izin ex itious, etc., tgsinst · . ., y .. . .·.. : · - friegdly Fowem between August 1, New Jersey Shipbuilding and Dredgmg 1914, an April 6, 1917 . 594 Company, _ _ _ readmission prohibited .. . ... 594 payment to, for colhsmu damages with Neutrality Act, naval vessel. .. 1461 appropriation for Zgenses under; balance New London, Conn., _ resppropria ..1 ... . ... 742.1208 approprmuox for opemung, ctc., Govern- 223 Nevada, ment ouse at ... . appropriation for surveyor gencml, clerks, for submarine base .. . - 822 etc .. .  : 673, 1293 New Merino, for support, etc.,_of1udmns in.. . . 17, 422, 1238 appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, defici¤nc¥ appropnauon for support, etc. gm _.,.,...,... 673, 1293 of nduns . . 345, 523, 1186 for support, etc., of Indians in. 9, 422, 1238 desert land entries restriction to residents, deficiency appropriation for support of not apphcuble to .. 1086 Indians m . . ... 66, 1042, 1186, 1191 gold, iwddmxnmigmsu a1lc;::ld 121 Coreonf National Forest, exchange of lands 1364 0 Wl Wn mm 0 or __,, , .. . Indian reservations in _ . 31 Datil National Forest, area modified .. 1816 Humboldt National Forest, area modxhpd. 1752 exchanges rmitted of lands in San Juan, Inyo National Forest, Calif. and, diminmh- Mclgenloy and Valencia counties, ed .. . . 1744 to consolidate holdings in solid areas 1239 prospecting permits allowed for_devolop- Gila National Forest, area modiiied .. . 1815 ing underground water for irrigation gold, etc., mining leases allowed of unal- 111 . · -; --·--·-·---·-·-·-··---. 293 lotted withdrawn minerallands of landg to pe designated . 294 Indian reservations in . 31 apphcauon Y9¢s11!€m€¤1`8 . - 294 Gum Quivim Nations.! Monument, area conditions for evelopment operations- - 294 extended ____ , ,____________________ 1778 area allowed on discovery and develop- Lincoln National Forest, area. enlarged 1779 _ ment ... : ... _. . . . L . .: 294 paymentofurtherest and bonds of demgnated dmposal of remnuder within hmxts of counties etc., authorized from pro- Pqfmlt- ---------- _ ··---··..------.. 294 ceeds of iand grant . ... 947 receipts to reclamatxon fund. . 295 Santa. Fe National Forest, area modified. . 1806 reservation of mineral desposits. 295 sums for allotting lands, etc. not to be used disposal of _ ... : ._ .. 295 for Indians in, not residing on public prospectgxng nghts, etc.; conditions. . . 295 domain prior to June 30, 1914. . 3, 408, 1225 occupigxoxl of surface for development 29 _ New Mambo Judécial District, el wor , e c . 5 com °tion; istrict court; to be h d at disposal of surface land; tg bg rgggrved t PTN.; c3Pit3[_ _ ______________________ 1361 in nrmeml patents , . _ .. 295 { attached to exghth circuit 1361 Tnhoe_Naucmn1 Forest, Cahf. and, dimin· Q judge, attorney, and marshal 1361

  • ¤h6d --··—·-·--··-—--------·----- 1755 § clerk to keep office at the capital . 1362