Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/609

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INDEX . Pr.§[.€Wta1‘y-—C0ntinu€d. f Page. Pecans, pagu e cxency appropriation or. . .61 63, 65, 345, 348, ti i ‘ 4; ‘ (1* · g_ 2 _ 522,1039,1041,1044,,1169, 1185,1190 appmpm °° M mw, `gmng `°°°°°° °701 1;,% fm', m1$c€U¤¤€0u¤ -·—------------------· 63, 345, for inves? ting insects affecting ,,,____ , 256 _ _ 522, 1039, 1041, 1044, 1185, 1190 Peck, Robert ., U. S. Army, addxuoua}, tnoflicers from January 1, 1920; 601 restoregnftg place on lincal list of majors of manga —-···-··----·~··---·----··· · . .. . . . . 606 eulistpd meu_; ratings . . 602 Peconic Bay,1gTTyK, cffccqve u11t1I June 30, 1922. . 604 preliminary examination, etc., to be made, claims of officers for commutation of quam- of channel from, to Jamaica Bay 1010 mrs, etc., prior to July 1, 1918, to be Pecuniary Claims between United Slam and _ `d from appropriation for 1918 511 Great Britain, enhstegtinmxg, etinéergcncy rates of pay con- 140 appropriation for expenses, arbitration of u , e 0ut.s¤` , , 746, 1212 readjustmeut of, etc., t»o_be investigated, Pedagoz Blain (son), etc., by special jomt committee of pension .. . ... 1597 Congress ... 604 Pcodee Bridge Cmnmahzsian, Payette National Forest, Idaho, bridge authorized across Peedee River at appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. §0,` Ma.r¤uBluffS Ferryh;hC., byDSouLh , 28 na tate 'V wa. - lands added to . _ ...,.. 3 24 ment, and . ... é 1102 proclamation extending area of .. 1784 Peadgc River, _ . Payne, George E., bridge autbonzod mms, at Mus Bluff claim of, referred to Court of Claims .. 1470 Ferry, S. C . ... 1102 Payne, John Barton, Director General of Rail- Peggs, H. (widow), 1519 roads, genmcu increased., . . proclamation appointing, to terminate Pc lagra, _ _ _ Federal control of railroads 1793 appmpmupn for study of, Public Health as agent of the President in actioumxris- Servxpe .. . ... 176, 885 ing under mum] ... 1794 not available aftgr December 31, 1920. 885 Peace Cammwlssion, American, Pcmbmjtvn, Carolme(1mdo¢w), deficiency apgarogristzion for expenses 328 PODFIDD .. . ..·.·.------·-·.--· 1492 Peace Palace at ague, Pemyma County, N. Dub., _ Papfrggriation for contribution to 747 bndgo§u;th;nze;1 s;r0T)_Red E-lverxgf the ay, o , a _ em IDB, y appropriation for reseiarches in bmwu-rot, 1321 P _ C?vuuByuiMmu., and . .-. 947 CC. I ·-- ~ ··-·· - - · · · · » · » • ·v , Pgake, ];qry,E_ (widqug, bridge authorized scrum Red Rnver of the pension increased .. . . 1576 Pwd S23!}-· --—······--··- · · · 947 P uu! { ou . °’ • €:;pmpriat;iou for diffusing commercial in- coustrucuon of i>nd§§_ authonzed acgoa formation of supplv, market prices, Pend Oremlle wer by Metalme, ,,m_ of _______ __ ____ 265, 724,1342 Liemlinc Falls. and., . 162 pw Bm; D? (]_, may bridge Pond Omillc River, at Unk. . . 276 standanzd dimensions for, established 1222 Pend orci{leu]Vaz¥onal Forént, Ighoxc of 250 P l H bor, Hawaii, appropna on or um o ., · . Tgpmgrmdon for naval station, public _ _ ’ 708, 1328 works, dry dock, etc 144, 821 Pmr{ Orenlle Rwq, for naval ammunition depot ... 822 bndgc guthonzad sqresiv between Maw Q deficiency lappropuztiou for dry dock, ml U klxzzind Momma slls, Wash . 3;% station a a . . . _ . mr gxuvgruction expenditures for dry 11 Pmiten¢{{;:12i1;({Ig%·§mm (eee also Prisons, dock ,,,.. . 5 _ payment to San Francisco Brid Company appropriatmn for worhng capital, Atlanta, in settlement of dry dociecoutmct. . 591 Gs ... : .. 206, 921, 1410 mmfeghof pzzrdt ofPuul0a Rifle Range, au- 821 for conntmctnou, Leavenworth, _ on . . . _ _ » P lR' , ‘ ‘ for construcuou, Mplfexl Islam}, Wah. . 207 cgidgzvsfgthorized acrum, inMari0uO0unty, 391 use for other bmldmgs forbidden. $6 at Meek¤`i5ér}$»Q`nZ1§éé.i.`.`.ZZ[ZZZZZZZZQ2 ZZ 572 for_ma.inwumce._. . i . ;.. 211,9%:1413 time extended for bndgmg, by Pearl R1ver deiicnency sppropnauon for maintenance, Mig d Wa.shmgt0' n Leavenworth, Kaus . - 52, 1033, 1176

Lg ·’__ ag ______________ 354 for Lg3vg¤w0g·t,h, Kgmq Krgdgpgrtxngng 1033

· ’ '``' for maintenance Atlanta Ps. 52, 212, 338, 1188 Pearl Rwa Cmmtg, Hua., _ _ uu . Ireland wid! 52 time eééended or }i)ridgi¤gI;earl gxver by 354 maintenance, cNe1l , uni ashingmu ., an ... _ · Pearson, Anna A. (widow), , for regans, apc., Le:v§1:1::rth,GEans gg pension _ ,. 1491 for m1l1 pguxpmen , _ ?», Pearaoqz, Bgufie E. (wwdvw), 1609 fo!' 8ddti10¤Bl 6*5- M ‘ · » 338 Pcrcigslgzktzgetln A. H . for additjpual pay, gusrd:£A§l;n1;:¤:i.f. 338 pension .. 1506 , for 8dd1U.0l!8l pay, gua , . c. cx s- 338 P¢•y Gordon N. Jr. ! |¤¤d» Wah -··· - ----- _ ·---——-——-—--- méy bridge Wixite,River, Des Arc, Ark..` 436 Y for Iowa Reformstory, renmbursementu 338