Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/666

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2084 INDEX. Seacoast Artillery, Page. Second Assistant Postmaster Genwal-Con, Page. appropriation for ammunition, etc., for appropriation for star route transportation pmctice ,, . ..,.. 609, 1349 in Alaska .. . .. ,. 579, 1152 for altering, etc 609, 1349 emergency service . 579, 1152 for accommodations for, etc., insular for steamboat, etc., routes ... 579, 1152 possessions . 611,1350 for railroad routes ... 579, 1152 for altering, etc., Panama Canal . 612, 1352 freight train conveyance : .. 579, 1152 for barracks and quarters, Panama contracts for aircraft service author- Canal . . 612, 1352 ized; conditions . . . . . 579, 1152 Seacoast Batteries, for freight_on postal cards, etc.. .: 579, 1152 appropriation for construction, Hawaiian for <§>eration, etc., aircraft service, New and Philippine Islands . 610, 1350 ork to San Francisco ... 579, 1153 Seacoast Cannon, Arm-y, for Railway Mail Service Z ... 579, 1158 appropriation for purchase, manufacture, for electric and cable car serv1ce . 580,1153 etc ,... 609, 1349 for foreign mails . 581, 1153 for ammunition for . 609, 1349 aircra t service . 581, 1153 for purchase, manufacture, etc., insular for balances due foreign countries 581, 1153 posesinns . 610, 1350 for travel and miscellaneous exfor ammunition for . 611, 1350 senses ... 581, 1153 Seacoast Dqfenxes (scc also Fortifications), Second lass Mail Matter, appropriation for barracksand quarters. 610, 1349 provisions for forwarding, or returning unor aviation expenses 1350 deliverable; pledge required, etc.. 360 balances covered m, of appropriations for Second Ixkutenams, Army, supplies .. 613 appointments to be made in grade of. . . .. 774 for contmgnt expenses, fortifications- . . 613 order of selection; cadets ... 774 for barrac and uarters .. 613 warrant officem and enlisted men of Seals, Fur (see Alaska cries Savice). Regular Army . 774 . Seamen, Alien, reserve officers, National Guard, Endiseasedmrrivinginporttobetreatedin _ lmtedReserveCorps,g1aduateso£ hospitals, etc...,. . 1082 technical schools ... . .. 774 retention until cured; enforcement of age limitations .. 774 return. .. _ . 1083 commission for cadets as, in 1920, to be Seamen, Amabuu, after {Fuji; 2 .. . . J .. 786 appropriation for life saving testimonials SMM $¤j¢¢¢_N ·, D- U;. _ · for rescuing shipwrecked. ... 742, 1208 appropriation for grading, Laurel to Wh1t· for relief and protection of, in foreign tier Streets 1.116 countries, etc .,.. 749, 1216 Secret Smgwe Dwiswn, Treasury Department, v deficiency appropriation for relief and Pl'0- ¤PP¥0P¤$·¤0¤ fo!' Chief, ¤¤Si¤l¤¤¤t md dliéf tection of, in fore·i$6c0untries, etc. 43, _ clerk, clerks, etc 651, 1271 62, 64, 66, , 1022, 1160, 1187, 1191 details from, for suigiressiig counterfeit- S¢amcn’s Minion, Rio de Janeiro, ing, etc., forbi den; epautment of appropriation for .. 2 .. 750, 1214 State excepted . 174, 883, 1375 Search Warrants Swretuks, Dnplomzmlc Service, issue, etc., of', in enforcing War Prohibi- appropriation for salaries .. 740, 1206 tion Act .. 306 grades modified and pay increased- . . 740 Constitutional prohibition .. 308 deficnenc appro riation for salaries. $$8,523,1039 issue of, for seizure, etc., of illegally pos- Secretary o_/Agrwugure, . sessed lingers ... 315 appropriation for, Assistant, Solicitor, not allowed r private dwellings; term clerks, etc .. 225, 694, 1315 construed . 315 for employees in mechanical shops and property seized, not subject to replevin, power plant 1315 _ etc .,. 315 for printing and binding annual report Searchisghts, Seacoast Fonijicahbrw, of .,.,..,..., , _,,,.,,,, 229, 942, 1430 appropnation for maintenance, etc 608, 1348 annual report of investigations completed fol' etc .. . . 608, 1348 by the Department during prior for awau and Philégpine Islands. . 610 Year . . 1347 for Philippine Islan .. 1350 of services duplicated by any other deior Panama Canal .. 1351 partment, etc . 1347 Seanray, Frances E., authonzed to advance seed grain to pension .. 1474 farmers in drought stricken areas-. 1347 Secule, Wguii., _ conditions, etc .. 1347 agxcppriationlfor assay officeat ,,___,_, 658, 1276 appropriations for .,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,.. 1347 o ces of register and receiver of public transfer Army tractors to States for cou- _ lands at, consolidated .. 1397 structing Federal aided roads . 1349 preliminary examination, etc., to bemade, made a member of Federal Power Com- 0f Duwauush Waterway, harbor of. . 1013 mission ,_,_,,,,________,_______,,, 1063 Seay, Ifrank H., may purchase land occu ied as experiment Pension-; ··--··-····-----·--·· - .--·.- 1473 Vineyards near gkesno and Oak- Seccmd Aagwqzmc Pmtmmzer Gmemz, vme, Calif _______ _ ________________ 1205 appropriation for,_qhief clerk, superintend- power conferred to control shipp' , etc., _ ents of dufxsions, etc.._. .. 675,1295 plants and plant products%>m or ror railway adyustrnents division 675, 1295 into District of Columbia .. . 726 for foreign d1V1§1OH._..:; 675, 1295 premises of Washington Market Company for railway mail service dnvisron . 675, 1295 when surrendered to vest in; duties, I0! postal service, office of 579, 1152 etc _______________________________ 144]