Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/681

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INDEX. 2099 Standm-d(.g:But;;1auédDepartnwm of Commerce- pogo, S talc Ho%wsjéorD·i,e:;1bledSoldzkrs a·nd»$'a•Zlors-— rugs. on u . on mus . deficiency appropriation for equipment, provisions for aid to, extended to other war cnemica laboratory. . . 349, 524,10-10, 1188 service, etc ,,,,...,...,.,,,.,,,, . . 399 éor radio research 349, 524 S allpiwance lgnlcéeaseg ... . -ié1 399 or investLrat:ing resisting properties tate, ar, an avg apartment ui 'ngs, of build.r.n¢f materials .. 524 D. C. for testing mac ines ... 524 appropriatkin for assistant to superinfor testing railroad scales ... 524,1188,1192 tendent, clerlgs, engineers, watchfor testing miscellaneous materials .. 1040 men, etc., main buildrng ... 661, 1280 for determination of physical constants. 1043 for fuel, lights, repairs, etc ... 661, 1281 {or standardizing equipment ... 1178 Igor paintangteérterror mtgtal work, etc. . . o standgrdimu n .,,,,,..,. 1188 or new e ec c genera r .. fu; gi; at:ing staniiards of public fpr lggllger-Jo;nsl<;n£\xil{l)ill1;1g., .. . 662;, ' ’ties.· . . 1192 or IDM! ur 0 ce dmzs .-.· , for pggguch _______,__,,__ 1133,1192 for Mall office building. ... , 662,1281 cooperative scientific work, for other estabgi; re§0;¤l 0{ 1116ii A wd B,dU%1111¤1l ¤f Iishmentsautb 6 1302 3 0113 _ _ 6 6¤S0 all 01’¢0N¤ _ funds to be transferred to credit of Bu- ’ Court Buildings. . ., .. _. . 1262 reau . .. 683,1303 for oiHcNe“}>u1ld1ng 1800 Vg;-2 1280 Standing Rock Apency N Dah. v°m'° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ’ “ appropriation or snipport, ebb., of 1948 f°*' meggmwd t°mP°m4'Y °m°° b‘”lgé3 ,,,82 “‘ ··················· ‘ ······ · · · vii }'13fiiidmgs· ````` 15.2.21 if ’ " Standingplikock Indalm Reservation, NZ cmd S. im:;,€w,3 mfusgda eg? ______ _ __·_ _?_ _ 66;; time extended for annual installments due deaucgcpaigpgiggngzgn jlghtzriy, 1167 <>¤ ceded ¤¤¤<4¤ ¤4; 4i¤¤l1·44Y¤>¤¤*-·- 4446 so rommsé nur once bnxungs . 41. 1167 applications for, payment of interest, etc. 1446 for designated tem Ogice build. coulmuliti-on P€l:mitt9d· ··_ ·~~--···--•·· 1446 ings, operating {greg,-1920 ,.,,. . 47 entry, etc., forfeited on failure to make _ for Opemtklg Supplies therefor __________ 48

e.;;nsni ‘‘‘‘ .1;.s ;.;;1.:..;n M ·¤4*;;;gg;;‘§;·°“ md °°*“*°'°‘S"*’°’· 4,,

in Cheyenne River and Standing ammbmn ```` · `°°`` Q ````` f' iiyéipf 48 . Rmk R¤—¢¤*¤44¤¤¤· 4944 in 1408 ~--- 1447 ig; ronmicw guarlk biiaf£i,;§,° insists- "“;.?‘?.;i>’pm**°‘*%“i"c’£‘°”»»t¤¤"“"4’"·”ra»·is”“‘x¤¤ 4s*·s*¤··b$;¥°d,·,·, ········ ······ 4* _ bridge. ¤¤mprir·¤¤°¢ii'¤`i¤ --·-----» 19,424 °’ 19203.2 .. ’ .}Y’ .'}?T’Y’. n Bw, Smh M- (Mw). 1580 for twang mop Avenue NW., 48 014 -----·-·-—-· _ ---······-··-·-·-··-· care , etc. ... . .-- $M»Ji¤!d;111g¤~¤d¤ <w»4<>¤¤>· 150, mi wnksuonhson Building ... gg; pensw creased ···..---.-···- · ·---- · { ss]m‘ , t ___,,,_,_,...,.,... . . &°”i’l°'“. Mmwnal Fq"“t> Calqv Stategiimt of ilspgggpnhtabm, SPPIOPHBUOB fol' IIIBIINSGDSDCO, BtC.. Of. .-:09 applopgiation for [bin} agian ' 1 ]·Xty—6.`“.b V Dg!£Z IDCU B 6X* $V444l¢!{» Ida (d*4'449h¢¢4’)» 1563 uaordinary sgssxon, Sixty-sis¤th Con- W P9!} D ······-··--·--····---·--··· ~ ··-·-- · gress .. . ... L-0 $“Pk¢°'4,_N} YL _ _ for preparing, second session of Sixty- appropnatron for marine hospital, alters- 1368 sixth Congress ____,_,,,,,,.. .. . 938 tions etc ... . .. { Penne, g, third Basion sixty. 8¢¤1>l¤w¤. Sviwb J <d¤¤aM¢r>, °r gain;·s.s . 1-426 pQl'1§i0l\,... ...-.. 1559 Slam, _ S"' R°"“€*· !’°·’”'l S""`l"‘· . appropriation for allotment to, for preven-

  • PP*°I!¤**~‘°¤ f°*' mul "'*“*¤P°'**“°¤ b§’· tion, etc., of venereal diseases .. $$8

in Alaska . . . 579, 1 I 52 fo,. cooperation with, in protecting wager. emergency service .. 579, 1152 sheds of navigable mum, from for inland transportation by, except in font 6,.,,8 __________________ 268, 7%, I34.; _ Al*~‘4k$ ······ ; · ·_ ·····-··- · · · ; - · - 582. 1155 Amendment to the Constitution proridiuz d¢£¤¢4¤}3'B ¤PP¤>P1’¤•*·1°¤ fm ¤P¢¢¤l $547 349 ¤£rfems}e ulfgags,sub;nitted to the. ¤ ····--~----··-····---··-·· ’ te f ti . L` formailtrmsportationby,exoeptAlaskii. , 54, wggenggn ,% ?edQ,(:] $3:6; Cguunijon 65, 525, 1031, 1175, 1189, 1192 with agencies of, in mm, pgwgr Starbuck, Matilda (widow), investigations, etc"., .. Z., 1065 pension . . 1578 cooperation with. for vocau0nal_rehab1I1- _ Starling; Creek, Va., tation ofpersonsdisabledmindustry. 735 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be mu incomplete, etci, sgxdigeuin msuelsh transmade . erred to 'ni es co , may Stames, William S., be perfected by officers t.hereof-:.. 554 pension ,, L ... 1605 investigation of railroad rata, etc., 1m- _ Sw-mtg, Louis M, (um), posed by ..,,.,,.,,,,,,,.. _ ,,.,. 454 pension increased .. . . 1515 rams in favor of intra- _ State College, Pa., state commerce unlawful, .. appropriation for public building . 166 just, etc., rates to be prescribed .. 4-*+1 State Homesfor Disabled Soldiers and Sailors, observance notwithstanding State appropriation for aid to - ..,,.. 193, 906, 1396 laws, etc ..,.. 484