Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1525

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1498 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 265. 1923. GM 8- G d ht th' rvice which may be referred to as the cl°sS:°m°1ud°d' senidii dusatgdialmgradi, Sghall include all classes of positions the duties of which are tq direct supeirvitspry engcoffice assisttants, me— h `cs tchmen e evator con uc rs a rers ]an1 ors mesgerlgldrs; avxid other iemployeesengaged in,the_custody, maintenance, and protection of a small bu1ldmg, or to assist in the direction of such gnploywf when eggalged sgmilarldiugies ip a lasge bu1ldi£g,tor to usto 1 wor o equa 1 cu y an responsi 1 1 y. mm P°Y· 'lllie ii§u?il xiiitgs of compensation for positions in this grade shall be $1,860, $1,920, $2,000, $2,100,_$2,200, $2,300, and $2,400. _ g,*£;°,hc,mM_ _ Grade nine m this service, which may be referred to as the frincgial custodial grade, shall mclude all classes of positions the uties o which are to direct supervisory and officeassistants, mechanics, watchmen, elevator conductors, laborers, janitors, messengers, and other employees enigaged m the custody, maintenance, an protection of a large bu ding, or to assist in the direction of such employees when engaged m s1m1lar duties in a group of bu1ld1ngs;_ or to erform other custodial work of equal diiliculty and responsi ility. Ammpay. 'llhe annual rates of comgmnsation for positions in this grade sha 1 be $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, ,400,1$2,500, $2,600, and $2,700. _ glrgslgi, ,_ Grade ten m this service, w ich may be referred to as the_chief custodial grade, shall mclude all classes of positions, the dut1es_ of which are to chrect supervisory and office assistants, mechanics watchmen elevator con uctors, laborers, janitors, messengers, and other employees engaged in the custody, maintenance, and protection of a gfoup of]. buildmgs lpigo perform other custodial wor of equal diilicuty an responsi 'i .

      • 1****** P°Y· The annual rates of compensation for gisitions in this grade shall

be $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, $2,700, $2,800, ,900, and $3,000. ¤ei:ii1°¤¤. °°h°°i°°I cLmuoAL—nmcnAmcAL snuvxcn. ¤£”‘T.°“ ..°‘¤£.$"§£,°Z,}§ The clerical-mechanical service shall include all classes of posi-

  • 1*** ¤* °¤“*¤<=*¤<*¤¤ tions which are not in a recognised trade or craft and which are

` located in the_G0vernment Printing Office, the Bureau of Eng:·av— ing and Printing, the_Mail Equipment shop, the duties of w ich are to perform or to direct manual or machine operations requiring spec1a1 skill or experience, or to perform or direct the counting examiriing, sorting, or other verification of the product of manual or mac me operations. §,’•_gg},m,m,¤,_ Grade one shall include all classes of positions in this service the duties of which are to perform the simp est operations or processes rempiiring special skill and experience. °°""¥’°"’°“°"· he rates of compensation for classes of positions in this grade shall be 45 to 50 cents an hour. . §,,",‘§§,§,,,,m,,,_ Grade two shall include all classes of positions in this service the duties of which are to operate simple machines or to perform operations or processes requiring a higher degree of skill than those 1n Henle one. °°""°"“'“"‘· e rates of compensation for classes f 'ti “ th' d cbs; shall be55to60centsanhour. 0 Pom (mgm lsgma ,;,,,,,·m,,,,,,,_ Grade three shall include all classes of positions in this service the duties of which are to operate machines or to perform operations or requiring the highest degree of skill, or supervise a sm num r o subordinates. ,C°m°°°°u°°‘ sharlgleborzlgesmclfowmpematiim for classes of positions in this grade E2- Grade four shafiniiiclmd (lilllr. 1 ° ` ’ memes:. , _ u e c asses of positions in this service the dugloes of which are to perform supervisory work over a large unit of su rdmateg,