Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1666

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lxxvi INDEX. ‘ Fiscal Yom- 1922, PII!. Act, F 1923, S&7¢d’—COD. P“K9· D °;L¤,m¤d by Geuem Accounting fvr Di¤!=¤‘i¢¢ ¤f¤<21¤e¤·b¤¤ ---~--·----·—-~—··- 1156 Omce ____________ _ __________ _ ______ 457 for Tan& Commms1ox1._ ... 1156 mk, of act ________ _ _______________ _ ____ 455 for Department of Agncultuxe 1156 De · Act, Fiscal Yew- 1922, Third, for Depaytment of Commerce . 1157 gi Oapyiml Power rum .. wv f¤r I¤¤·>¤<>r Depmmw --·-~-·-~~-------- 1157 for Senate _____________ _ __________________ 768 for Department. of J ust1ce 1157 my House gs Representatives . 768 Umwd Sem ¢<>¤¤¤ ·------—--·-—----·- 1158 my Govemmem Printing Office 769 f¤r Navy D¤p¤¥¢m¢¤¢ -·----·-·-·-- — -·----· 1160 pubuc printing and bmding 769 fvr P¤¤¤1 Semce- --~~-- - -·---------·-·~ 1160 rm- Colorado River Commission ... 769 fvr D¤f>¤¤¤1¤¤t of Sim —-—--—·-· ; ~ --·-·--- 1}*** my nssmct of Columbia . . 769 Dag omauc and 0<>¤¤¤1¤r S¤¤¤¢¤ ------- 1 60 sixty per cent from revenues thereof 770 for ry Department -------·---·-·-·- 1162 cm General Acmuuing omce . 770 for War D¤1>¤¢m¤¤¤ ---··-~--------·-·-·· 1162 for Interstate Commerce Commission .. 771 Amy ···-·~—·-·- ; -~·····-·---·-·-·-···· 1162 for Sum, Wm-, md Ngvy Department for ]udgments,_ Umwd States courts . . 1163 Buildings . 771 €¤¤!¢ <>f Cia{1¤¤- ·-·~—-···-----·---· ; - · 1163 for Vcwmuy Bm-can ___________________ _ _ _ 77] for clmms cerufied by General Accountmg for Department of Agriculture 772 _ 0Hic¤. ..--...-..---·---.---·- 1163 for Depamncnt of Commerce . 772 UU? of Act ·-·· ; -··~—··-~·-···-·- _ ·-·-···- 1170 for Interior Department .. 773 Dcficwfwy Ad, Fwwl YW 1923, Third, for Department of Justice ... . 774 fo1‘ SBMTB ·.--· · ·-··-·- 2 --·---·-------·- 1527 for Supreme Court ________________________ 774 for House of Representgcnves . 1528 fg; Ngvy Dgpuhugut __________________,,_ 774 for Arclutect of the Cnplhol ... 1529 Ngvy _________,_,__,_,,,,_,_,,,,,_,,,,, 774 for Botamc Gardeq. . 2 . . . 1529 my Post Qmcg Deputment .,,.,.,.,., . , . . 775 for Govemgnent Prmting Office . - 1530 pmt;] ggyvicc ________________________, 775 for Egecuuve Oice ...,, : .,,,...,_,,,... 1530 for Treamry Department, internal reve- 775 §c•r §116!ioPl'0P?lgY . . . z - :6; Rug ___,_,_,_ , ,,,, ,,_,,,,,_ _____ ,,, Ol' In y06B. 9 P9 I] m]]u§ — Federal Farm Loan Bureau 775 for COK?C0mHH$10D . 1530 for Wag lpepagtmeut, Argny ... 777 for V§t6l:3.HB’ Bureau. _. .. 1530 scqmring mtes for mxlxtary purposes 777 for of Columbm ., : 1530 readjusting river {md harbor contracts. . 778 suth0nx_ vested m supermtegdent of settlement of clmms of foreign govern- W I1 Asylum and Ja.11 . - 1533

neuts supplies to Ameucm 7 8 ;or ggpartxneng 0; éognculture

orces a ... 7 or partmen 0 mmerce ...·- for judgments, United States courts ,.. 779 for Iuperior Department ,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,... 1538 New York eastern district . 779 Indmu Department 1538 Virginia eastern district .. 779 for Department of Justice .,.,,,,. 1541 Massachusetts district 779 United States courts ... 1541 Court of Claims . 779 for Department of Labor .. . . . 1543 for certified by General Accounting fo1iqNavy Department ,,,,. - . .. . . ce .. 780 avy .. title of Act .. 786 scrapping naval vessels, etc .. . 1544 D?$ciency Act, Fiscal Year 1923, Rim, im- Pm Omcg Department ,___,,,_,,. 1545 or Senate .. . . 1048 for Postal Service ..,,,,.,., . . 1545 for House of Representatives . 1049 for Delpartment qi Suze ,,_,,,.. . ,,.,... . . . 1547 for White House Bolice ... 1049 Dip cmatic and Cousulgu Service .-- 1547 for Federal Fuel istribuciou .. 1049 German Mixed Claims Cqmmigipu .. 1547 for Interstate Commerce Commimion .. 1049 for Treasury Department . . ... 1549 for United States Coal Commimiou 1050 for War Department . . - - · 1550 for Department of Agriculture, Grain Fu- Army. . .,.,,.,____,_,_,__,, , ,,,.. 1551 tilms Act . . . . . 1050 Volunteer Sgldig,1-g' Home ,_,,... . . . . 1552 for Degagment of Commerce, China Trade fozbgndgxsgnts, United Sums courts ,,.. . . . . . . 1050 un Claims _________ _ ______,_,.. . . for Iugerior Department .. 1050 for claims certified by General Accounting Iudmu Department. ... 1050 Officg, ,,,_ ,_ __________________,.. 1552 for Degzrgrment of Labor, Second Amigtgpt title of Act .,, , _,_,,,,,.,,,,. . . . . 1557 ctary . 1051 ;;,,,·,,,,,y Umates - for Qefmmrgent of State, Smvms. relief 1051 De mggtung Budget and Ac gg <>¤¤·§£x=;1d(§¤] !¤¤¤1=C¤f<¤2¤¤s» ~·----- {355} provisions regulatixag trmzmnisiou nr, m for Department of Commerce . ,,,,._,, 1052 D `°'`° { '‘'’'‘’'‘'’°‘`' ' ' 21 {"+:,·¤¤*·**¤~·%,¤¢**i¤·; ·--···--·--·-—---- 1062 ?,‘%,’p‘*m“"pr”s.’;t.i'L°Ii’“f.;’£“€.$“";1:.,‘:·’ cooperative l' II 1 °&mg1:?$t1?m?tfE . I Q ff {gg; ¤*=¤dv 0* ¤¤¢b¤·£6<>f ---- · ·~-·-·- 522- 1206 Rqbert L. Owens and smocistes .. 1053 D21 No"! CW-, for clams ceniiied by Genera.! Account. land oiéce at, continued . . ... . 766 _ ing Office . . ,.,,,,,_ 1053 of oghces of register and ret1t{e of Act  : ...,...,.. , ,,____ 1057 cewer authnrmed ,,. . . . 767 De :1ec¢, Fwul YW 1923. Svwnd, 1155 Del Riobegad La»:Vaau• Bridggomypaqy, f¤¤ H¤¤¤¤.¤fG{*_$g·¤=¤¤¤¤v¤ ·-·-- usa my ucgg . EZ f? 813

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