Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1726

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(`;XX_XVi INDEX. Hot Springs Army and Navy Hospital, Avjk., Page- House of Be;—Continued: Page. appropriation for construcuon, re§4a.u%s§4 1 appropr;ation for uemgnated speclal em- 2 eu; . , 394 p oyees . . . . .. - for medical supplies . . 87, 7 39; 1399 for special messenger ... 2 for burial in Little Ragzk National Cem-8 for %z/utistligl election expenses, James etery, of patients ying at .. 75 , 1418 ic *e am .. . 3 Hot Springs National Park, Ark., for session emgloyees from close of first appropriation for br;1ainwr;;(;1ce, etc., of. 11591, 1213 f session to €g'1§H1I§g og second .. 325 revenues to cove in as misce 2.- or session paves an te ep one operators, ueous receipts . . .. 590 third session Sixty~seventh Congress. 1061 estimates for protection, etc., to bssub- for clerical, etc., assistance to Clerk of mittcd annually ..,. . . . 591 the House, for designated work . 1271 acceptanggdog j%ri;g1ctiou over tract in, for lfzgisfative clerks to acting minority ce r nsas 847 er . . . . . 1563 Hot Springs, S. Eck., deficiency a§pr0priation for widow of Wilappropgmtiorii for expenses, Volunteer 8%%.3 14 f ligm iggauklkauger . 49 iers’ cme. . . 34 or wi ow o rer . amos 195 Hotel for Qovemment Workers, D. C., , for widow of William E. Mason .. 195 appropnstiou for maintenance, operatioail 12 2 §0I wigow og Salzslug % Taylor 327 etc 3 or wi ow 0 Jo . ston - .. 437 House of .Qetgntim1, D. C., , for widow of Henry D. Flood . . 437 appmpnatlou for expenses. ... 692, 1350 for widow of J . Kubio Kalauianaole ...,. 437 House of Ifegresentatives, > _ for daughter of Samuel M. Brinson .. 768 a.ppropbr1;.tno}1)G{0r ;1:npe1&sst10{xd oft léigm- §or wigow 0; £ucia.n1Vg. 768 rs_ cg: an eu m- or wi ow 0 emue . gett ... 1049 l!}iS10!1€l'B . I 425, 1268 for widow of Charles R. Connell .. . 1155 for mileage, etc- . _ 2 , 425, 1268 for widow of James R. Mmm. · - . 1155 §0r ggukhiirils office; Dngnst of Rules. - gg, gg ger wigow o; Jihn I. Nigag . 1155 or ap .. ...·.. orwi w Serma.11 . urro 1528 for Henry N. Couden, chaplain emeritus. , 425 for widgw of W. Bourke Cockmixlg ... 1528 for Clerk of the House, clerks, etc 425, 1268 for widow of Nestor Montoya .,,,,,,,,,. 1528 for clerks and janitors to committees. 426, 1268 for widow of Hcm‘y Z. Osborne . 1528 service under Clerk of the House, after for folding .,. , ,,__,,,,,_ 49 . close of Congress. . - -: . Z. . z - 426, 1269 for assistapt clerks for Appropriations appougtments and dunes of Jamtors; Cqmmume, 1922 .._ _ ,,,,,,,,,,,_ 4 9 mcs under Doorkospsx after clog? for pohce, House Office Bmlding ... 49, 783 ngross. 1269 for foldip mgterigls ,...,,,,__, _ __,_,,,, 49 for Sergeant at Arms, deputy, etc. : . . 427: 1269 for misceganeous items, and special and for %o11ca force, House Office Buxlding 427, 1270 select committees ..,.. 49, 328, for oorkeeperiasl];0ecia1 employes, etc. 2122;, 1g7g 350, 438, 783, 1049, 1529 messengers, mrs ctc .. , 1 7 for fumitur t ,,_,__________,_,___,_ 49 superintfcndeut, fold1ng mom, etc§.4é7 for contesteg glgction expenses ... 195, 328, 1*8-866 Q -·—- · ····-·-··—~-·--- , 437 768, 1155, 1528 s u gcenuu ten d sn t document 1270 ger ste&1¤gr¤¥11·:L{ersRbo ]§ommi%ees’. 328, 769, 6 -··~-·-·-··-----·---·--·--.. or wi w . . for J 091 Grayson 427; 1270 for reetgmsnt, remedemnetig 328 for mmqnty employees . . ... 427, 1270 for stationary ________________________ 438, 1155 for specml smplotyses, etc ... . - . 427, 1270 for compiling contested election cases. . . 438 ?ppoé;1tme}nt o_ spccgssorig I . ·i27, 1270 for extra clerical, etc., assistance to the 38 oro coo majonty our sr, c er , Clerk ___________ _ _____________ 4 GW -··-----···~-····-- Z- · -; -.-. 428, 1270 for sesion employees, from July 1, 1922, gorclerks, ctc., confoysptc? muéonty. . :28, 1270 f to clqsi;)3 second session _____,_,_,, OT ¤¤€¤6¤8¤1‘¤ 1¤¤J0¤ 811 1¤1¤0¤ Y or automo e for Speaker .. ¢¤¤€\¤¤ ---·····-··-·..~. 428, 1270 for inqreqsed gy 1923, clerk of Approfor Postmaster, asmstaut, etc 428, 1270 gglgugug mmjttgg _______ _ ________ 769 for officml regorters, etc. . 428, 1271 for officers and employees, salaries .. 783 for swnpgxséa ers tp commxttees . 428, 1271 for compiling lgwg, etc ______________,_ 1529 “dU.l'1Dg e sessgou " to mean 118 days 428 for compensation of designated em- "during the session" to mean 211 days 1271 p10ym ____________________________ 1529 for clerks for Members, Delegates, and for BCIRI employees .. 1529 for ggxsngieut Sommmuoners. - . .:-.. :28, 1271 dfolis jauitor, increased pay. - . . 1529 tmge_ n expenses mstsnals or er to embers, etc. designated ere y f¢>1<11¤§, ew. ·--- Z · J -.--..· 428, 1271 to be paid by théClcrk of the House - 1217 for and repmrs 428, 1271 to be placed on roll of employees . _. . 1217 §¤rp¤5c nsboxes: . 428,1271 Membem, etc., elect, entltled to de¤ng~ or mmcellaugqug {mms ,,_,__,_, _ _ _ _ $23, 1271 mw ________________________,_____ 1218 for esuxgnses, specml and select comm;58 1271 removal at my time with or without 1218 for medi ` `[.`.`.ZZ]ff.`.`.ZZ[j§jj§j§`é 429, 1 m.·1,,.g.,°°°°° '``‘`° · `°``'‘'°```‘`````````'` for p¤¤¤z:g¤mps ... . . ,429:1gl pm%“11d:go:;.s,8?m:u:t‘;•?;l`dc?}?gt:1z11·)<(; for *u0Qm°17¤110 fil! Spetkef ---..». 429, 1271 sesion Sixty-seventh W 1061

 i "]‘$2‘·‘ ·0‘;§é;5 ·······-~ *3} 1271 ¤° ¤¤¤¤11>&f eiigiblc to serve on Com- 1446
  • ¤¤P1¤¥¤¤¤ mxssiou ,.. , , , ..

. ···-··-—·· ~ -··-—-··-—· - ~·-·~··~ 714,1558 shxiss of employes f August, 1921, to ivrincreasedpsytotelephonepages 2 bep¢idAugust2?ii . . ... 180