Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/505

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SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C1-1. 117. 1922. 477 For investigation of Hre-resistin ro erties of buildin materials Fi¤**¤¤*¤*i¤8 buildand conditions under which they 1§1zi)y liie most efficiently? used, and mg mmdl for the standardization of types of appliances for Hre prevention, iincilludrng pegsonal services in the District of Columbia and in the e , $25,00 . For investigation of the standards of practice and methods of p%%iuqix:slm M measurements of public utilities, such as gas, electric light, electric power, water, telephone, central station heating, and electric railway service, and the solution of the problems which arise in connection with standards in such service, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, $85,000. For testirgg miscellaneous materials, such as varnish materials, 0u'f‘§,f,i{§?,,,,’Q‘i§f;'*°“° soap materi s, inks, and chemicals, including supplies for the Gov- I ernment departments and independent establishments, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, as authorized by law, $30,000. ‘ For investigation and standardization of methods and instruments ,i,§*d*° s‘“d°“““‘ employed in radio communication, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, $30,000. _ To develop color standards and methods of manufacture and of s,,{§*§§,f"3Q_ °°’°' color measurement, with special reference to their industrial use in standardization and specification of colorants such as dyestuifs, inks, and {pigments, and other products, paint, paper, and textiles, in whic color is a pertinent property, including personal services in the District of Columbia and m the Held, $10,000. To study methods of measurement and technical processes used &§§Y‘P'°d“°" P'°°‘ in the manufacture of pottery, brick, tile, terra cotta, and other clay products, and the stu y of the properties of the materials used in that industrgr, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the eld, $25,000. A mm t To develop methods of testing and standardizing machines, motors, ifivedagiii tools, measuringl instruments, and other apparatus and devices used "°"‘· in mechanical, draulic, and aeronautic engineering; for the comarative study oiy types of apparatus and methods o operation, and iior the establishment of stan ards of performance; for the accurate determination of fundamental physical constants involved in the pro er execution of this work; and for the scientiHc experiments andp investigations needed in solving the problems which may arise in connection therewith, especially in response to the requirements of aeronautim and aviation for mformation of a purely scientific nature, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, $15,000. _ I hss For the investigation of the problems involved in the production d,,(§§2Q’ ‘ *"°' of optical glass, including personal services in the District o Columbia and in the Held, $25,000. _ Tum t To investi ate textiles, paper, leather, and rubber in order_to ,a.mmi"§"`“"°"°°" develop standards of quality and methods of measurement, mcludmg personal services in the District of Columbia and in the Held, $25,000. S sm _ For the standardization and design of sugar—test1ng apparatus; aa‘3%"'.,a_ the development of technical speciHcations for the various grades of sugars, with particular reference to urglent problems made pressing by conditions following the war, especra y mvolvrrzg the stan ard1za— tion and manufacture of sugars; for the study of e techn1ca.l(prob— lems incidental to the collection of the revenue on sugar and to etermine the fundamental scientific constants of sugars and other substances; for the standardization and production of rare and unusual t es of sugars required for the medical service of the Government dyeiiartments; and for other technical and scientiHc purposes, including personal services in the District of Columbia an in the Held, $40,000.