Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1008

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INDEX. "Pdiam, “Dernkk Boat, nge. pmpngvw, Pam owner of, may bring suit for collision ° duty on ...,, , ,,,,,,__,__________,,,,,,_ 882 _ damages .. 1771 Penlwnd, Joseph S., Peynbma Qouniy, N`, Bak., pension ____ _ __________________ _ _ 1620 may bndge_ Red River of the North at Penn, Susan(w·ak1o¤w), ` ` ` ' _ Pembma, . . ..,. _ , . , ,...,,...,_,, , _ , 1173 pension increased ..,______,,_, , ,.,,., 1738 tlme extended for bndging Red River of Pmniman, Va., the North at Pembina, by Kittson deficiency appropriation for transferring _ County, Mmm, and ----.-..-. 19, 1561 ew, or<fnance ¤¢ore¤ from evwuawd Pemlnm, N . Dulc-, depot at .-. 456 budge authouzed across Red River of the Pcnnock, Louisa A. (widow), _ N orth, at ,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,_ 1173 pension , ,,,,,,,,.., 1636 ume extended for bridging Red River of Pennsylvania, the N¤¤h,¤¤- ·-·····-·-..-..---- 19, 1561 appropriation for rcimbursing, for marine Pm and Ink Drawmgs, ¤<=hoo1 expenses --.- 124, 788, 1134 dutY On- ·-----···-·-·······-· · -------·- 920 b01111d9Xy line reestablished by Delaware P¢MlBo~1·¤, and, consented to ,,____ _ ,______ 104 acceptance of Federal bonds or notes as, may bridge Allegheny River, Freeport, Pg, 663 _ §¤1¥h0¤Z¢d -···-· · ·-·-..------ 318 peninsula of Presque Isle reconveyed to, m hou of personal or corporate, etc., for public park purposes ..., 1061 suretxres. ._ ... _ .. 3 18 conditions, etc . 1062 to be depomted with the Treasurer, Pmnsylvamla and Newark Railroad Company, Federal reserve bank, etc . . 318 time extended for bridging Delaware retum when obhgtion performed ... 318 River, Trenton, N. J., y Pennsylto be withheld m contractor for war vamia Railroad Com ysmd .. 393 supplies, etc., to secure subcon- Pennsylvania Earlan §1'8»Cfo1' t .. 318 additional judge authorized fm- ____,______ _ 337 priority of United States not affected. 318 iilling vacancy in restricted 838 inconsistent laws modified accordingly- 318 Pmnrylmnéz Rwilroaxl Company, enforcement regulations to be prescribed. 318 payment to for collision damages . 1771 Pence, Rose A., _ _ _ _ time extended for bridging Delaware River deiicnency nppropnatnon for paying ]udg- Trenton, N. J.,b ennsylvanisand ment, against, District of Columbia- 443 Newark Rai.lmadyCom ny and . 393 Pencils, Pennoylvmria Western Judicial Ehtriot, duty on, lead -.. - .-- 920 ldd1Q1011l1 judge authorized for 838 leads for .. . ..-...--..- 920 611115 vacancy in, restricted 838 mechanical ,,,,,,. 882 Penny, ary A. (widow), slate ..-..- 920 pension ..-.-...-. 1685 Pcnd d’Oreillz River, Pena, _ bridge authorized across, in Bonner duty on, fountsm 882 County, Idaho. .. . 171 gold": .-.. . . ._ ...-. 882 Pmd Orcilla Cowng, Wash., _ metslhc, not specially provided for . 881 construction of ridge across Pond Orexlle etylogrxahic .-.. 882 River by, vahdated; conditions 663 Pensacola, ., _ Pemd Oreille River, appropriation for mvtl sir stetion, bmldconstruction of bdx acres, at Unk, mgs . , . : ... 1% Wneb., vnlida . . 663 title to certain lots nn, rohnquinhed to des- Pmdergast, James S., Egnsted persons ... . - U93 penmon increased ..-.. - . . . . . . 1750 Pgrwian anbinued, Pmgelly, Laura E. (wélow), Domthe V. Hoo er ... 1737 pension ,,_, _ ________,,.. . ... . . . 1810 Pension Bui , D. _C., Pcnholdera, etc., approprxatxon for oporating force and exdu¢yg¤,3udp9[h§,,,, . . .. .. 882 p9n39g__,,,,, ..,._, _ _____ _ ,_,__,_ · _ 1238 combination ..__,,.,... - . . 882 custody, etc, of, transferred to Superm- Pmimular and Oemkimtal Steamship Company, tendent of State, etc., Department refunds of customs fees to ..-.--- , -·-- 1711 _ Bmldmgn. ._ ...-..- 554 Pmitmtiariea, United States (see also Pnsons, Pemum Ojicg, Inunor Depagtwrgent, United States), appropnatrcn for Commmsxoner, deputy, appropriation for maintenance, Leaven- glnef qlerk, ctc . 080, 1202 worth, Kgng _____,__ , ____ , ,,,,. , 617, 1084 for dmbuming clerk for pgymgnt of pgp- Atlanta, Ga . . ... 618, 1085 sions, clerks, etc .. 1-- 580, 1202 MqNgj] Iglgnd, Wash ___________,,_ 619, 1086 f(yrtemp0[§ gmp]o}·gggmggn·g without deficien appropriation for maintenance, leave owanco ., _ .. 580 Amnta, Ga- . - 41, 194, 448, 1054, 1159, 1554 for addmonnl oice supplxe , etc . .; 580 for conguuctign, Atlanta, Ga ________,,_ 194 transfers f;·gm statutory mll vnthem; for construction, Leavenworth, Kaus 194 losing rxglgts, etc. ..-.. 580 for construction, McNeil Inland, Wash. . 194 pay restrxcuon . _. ._ .. _ .. _. . - 581 for maintennnce,Leavenworth,Knns. 354, 1159 for expenses under cvrxl sernce rear? for maintenance, McNeil Inland, Wash . . 448, ment Act . I . . ._ 581, 1202 1160, 1543 for ger dlem, mvespgatxons, etc . 581, 1202 for Atlanta., Ga., warehouse for textile for bor ssvmgxdevrces, etc . 581, 1212 mill ,_,_ , ______,,__,________,,,,.. 1543 for Army md nvy Penman; .,,, - 581, 1212 Joint Congresional Committee created to forjses, etc., exnmrmng surgeons 581, IZB investigate and report on employ- deiicwncy approprmuon for axpenseeunder ment, ew., mr Federal prxmnm in. 1820 Employees Renromonr Aoi -·-···-- 56