Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/607

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2164 PAN AMERICAN rosran UN1oN-sammea 15, 1921. pariias de Navegacion que tras- comlpanics which transport their portan su correspondencia al ex- mai to foreign countries a retranjero, que rebajen los fletes ac- duction of existing rates, and tuales, y que en ningrin caso that in no case shal such compacobren por el servicio de regreso, nies charge for a ret1u·n service a una suma mayor que la que perci- sum greater than that which they ben en el pais de origen. receive in the count of origin. Queda entendido que la clau- It is understood that the prosula que precede no se reiiere a vision of the preceding paragraph los casos en que por privilegio de does not refer to cases in which, paqueteo de otra naturaleza estén on account of postal or other obhgadas al trasporte gratuito. privilege, the companies are obligated to transport the mail gratuitous y. IV IV. PFM *¤¤S” °h'°°=** Panama deja constancia, de Panama records the fact that A,,,,'p?;5?®pm que no puede aceptar las dispo- she is not able to accept the prosrciones del inc. 2.° del articulo 2 visions of section 2 of article 2 of de la Convencion, relativas a la the Convention relating to gratuigratuidad del transito. tous transit. V V. Sp§_<g{ge$§,‘;g;°g; BQ Ann cuando la Administracion Although the Bolivian Adminme Boliviana no se considera obligada istration does not consider itself AM. r>· 2157- a establecer inmediatamente el obligated to establish immediservicio de valores declarados, ately the service of declared value, atenta a los términos en ue in view of the terms in which esta concebido el articulo 8 (ile] Article 8 of the present Convenpresente Convenio, se reserva su tion is conceived, its execution is ejecucion, por causas fundamen- postponed, on account of fundatales, para mejor oportunidad. mental reasons, to a more opportune time. VI VI. ¤¤¤d!¤e¤¢¤=¤¤¤¤¤· La Ar entina, Brasil, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Chile Guateigliliiiiiégin dmgmm Guatemala Panama, Paraguay mala? Panama, Paraguay, and y Uruguay se reservan el derecho Uru uay reserve the right to de fijar sus tasas en francos oro, en fix gheir rates in gold francs in conformidad con la unidad mo- conformity with the monetary ·*""·P· *987- netaria de la Convencion Postal unit of the Universal Postal Con- Universal de Madrid. vention of Madrid. VH VII. ,,,;§1'jK“°°';l 1"“,g§g*‘g El protocolo permanece abicrto The Protocol remains open in Pdmiwlggiwnvm. en favor dc los parses cuyos regrc- favor of those countries whose sentantes no hayan suscrito oy representatives have not subla Convencion Principal o hayan scribed the Principal Convention firmado solamente un cierto today, or have signed only a mimero de las Convenciones certain number of the Convensancionadas por el Congreso, con tions sanctioned by the Congress,