Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/664

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mncnn rosr CONVENTION—FINLAN`D. 222-1 ' _ Article XIV. XIV Artikla. Artikel XIV. The Postmaster General of the Yhdysvaltain Piiipostitireb Genemlpostdlrektorenl Fiirenta tF¤l!'th6l' régdldtimsa United States and the Postal Ad- tiiori ja Suomen postihnllitus ovat Statemn och Poststyrelsen i Fin- ° °' ministration oi Finlandshallhave oilreutetut yhteisesti antamaan land iiro berittigade att gemenauthority jointly to make such lisiksl jiirjestys- ja yksityiskoh- samt utii‘n·daytterliga.roordni11;;,s· further regulations ot order and taisia miirayksia, jotka eikaa och deta1jbest1i.mme1ser,som efter detailesmaybedeemedneoewy myoten vuivat niyttaytyii tar- hand kunns visa sig vars av tocarry out the convention from peellisiksi t soplmuksen noden for uttorande av donna time to time; and may, further, tiiytintoonpanemista varten, ja konvention, Evensom att, efter by agreement, prescribe condi- voivatheyhteisestasopimuksesta overenskommelse, fiireskriva, pa tions for the admission to the miiriti, milli ehdoilla sallitaan vilkavillkormbperpostforsindss mails of any of the articles pro- postissn 1§.hett§.§. esineitii., joiden ttlremal, som Em iiirbjudnn till hibited by Article II of this kuljetus tiimlin sopimuksen II belordrsn euligt artikel H av Aw, P~ 2216- Convention. artiklan muknan on kielletty. dennn konventlun. Article XV. XV Artikln. Artikel XV. This Convention shall become Tite sopimusta on sovellettave Daum konvmtgon Shu mmm, Emsct and duntim. etlective as of February 26, 1921, helmlkuun%pl5lv§st§i1921a1knen, pgs {rin dm ze rebmm 1921 my and shall continue in force until js tulee sen olla voimsssa siihen vm-; gmmde intill des; den taminated bymutnalagroement; asti, kunnes se molemminpuo- gmqm amgegidig zsvepmskom. but it may be annulled at the de- lisests sopimuksesta kumotasn; meme vgrder upphivd; iikviiknu sire of either Department upon lmitenkin voidnau se jommnn- densnmmn enligt endera post{6r· six month.? previous notice givm kumman toivo- vsltningens onskan treds ur kraft to the other Department. muksesta lmmota 6 kuukautta efter 6 mknader i torvilg hos den edeltipiin toiselle hallinnolle andratowaltniugengiud upp¤iiztehdyn j§.Ikeen. ning. Denein duplicate and signedin Iandittu kxksln lmppsleln in Upprittad 1 tvenne exempls: Si8¤¤W¥"• Washington the 21st day of July, allekirjdtettn Washingtonisse och undertecknad i Washington 1922,andin Helslngtmsthe 12th heinlikuun21p¤v§.nli192‘2jaHel- <len21juli1922o¢:hlHelsln@.f¢u‘$ day ol January, 1922. singlssl tsmmiituun 12 putvinn den lzjeriunrl 1922.. [sem.,] Houma- Won, 1922. [sur.] I. G. Amnncar. · Poumadcr General dike United Stale: of America. The foregoiag Parcel Post Convention between the United _States "P°'°°“' of America an Fmland has been negotiated and concluded withmy advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratiued. In test1mony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto aiiixed. [sun,.] WARREN G Hsnnmo By the President: I Cnsnms E. Huonns Secretary of State. WASHLWGTON, July 26, 1.922.