Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/743

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2288 PROCLAMATIONS, iezz. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have herenmto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Dm at tf: c**y.:f.¥VaS$.m.%0*2@ t$.S.tt2;;g2stt.i¤ts;£;;°';$.a in e e [sian,.] Twent5X·Two and of the, Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Fgpty-Severéth. Annan Haanme By the President: Crmnnms E. Himmcs Secretary of State.

 BY Tm-: PRESIDENT or Tm; Uurrnn STATES or Ammuca.

A PROCLAMATION. '"‘“““g“"“g my- IN the of our coimtry the custom was established m%*¤~¤¤*>i¤· by the devout fathers of observing annuallyba day of Thanksgiving for the and uprotectionl wliilich ivine lgrovidiice hal extended ug out e year. t as come to e per aps the most chkalgsaciteristic of mir national observsgnces, a}nd asu the season approac or its annua reciurence it is ttin orm y to direct glttéention to this ancient institution bf maui people and to call upon m again to unite in its appro riate ce e ration. The year which now aplproacges its end has been marked, in the exper1ence_of our nation _ y a complexity of trials and of triumphs, of ditfhgiiltiesrtand _0f achlievementlsi, whilph wl;. muit rlegzircglirs our 1nev1_a e po ion in suc an epoc as t at t o w c mankind is movmgli As we survey the experience of ligne passing twelvemonth we End that our estate presents very much to justify iz) nattion—§c§a hagndb mos; sincerg testimonyrlgf grlatitude for the _ oun y w c s een estowe upon us. o we ha e li e in the shadow of the hard consequences of great cellriirflict, our hoimiry has been at dpeace and has been able to contribute toward the mainzinance ap perpeguatiin of ppace in the world. We have seen e race o m ma e grat ying progress on the wa to ermagenttpealcge, towarddorder gelsgored ciqngdence in its high diestiny. or e ivme ance w c s en wing f t `t

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yie w c scome_ous rom _ eresourceso our o' n our industiy, we owe our tribute of gratitude, and with it our icknsbwledgmeant (;hf»l1B\(3§i»X and plbhggigion tcggur pwn people and to the unfortuna e, _ e s ering, e tract o other ands. Let u in all humihtyagcknowledge how great is our debt to the Prosvidence which generous y dealt with us, and give devout assurance of unselhsh purpose to play a helpful and ennobling part in human advancement. t is much to be desired that in rende home e for the blessings which have come to us, we should earnreldgy testiiy our contmued and increasmg_ aim to make our own great fortune it mean? of helping and servmg, as best we can, the cause of all umam y. »§-mma., , u¤vem— Now, Therefore, I, WARREN G. HARDING Pr h 5 30 ot gmail United States of America, do designate Thursday; th§Stll(iii·Iiiet)li dia; ‘°““""‘g""“g· of November, as a. day of Thanks€ving, supplication and devotion- I recommend that the people gist er at their family altars and in their houses of worship to ren er thanks to God for the bounties they have en]oyed and to petition that these may be continued in the year before us.