Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/772

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Anenam Bagtlc llomunems Commission- Pun- American Historical Association-—Gontiuuod. Pan- Contmucd. _ deficiency appropriation for printing and mgmbgrg to serve wrthout compensation; binding annual report of ...,.., , , , , 50 allowed ¤·¢t\1¤1 €XP811B® --·---.. 1509 American Legion, personnel of dcgmenw, etc., to assist. . 1509 loans ofA1my tents, etc., fcrcouvcntion of, further, pay employed by tho com- 1509 A _ at New Orluréclén E . 826 mxssm _ .. : . menam Legum, e ou oar o plans for, and eroci:1011 of, memormls to sale authorized §0&ontrea.1 lightlétacommemorate servxces of American tion to, for public park and mvulid forces m Europe under dxrectiou of. 1509 home, at Bessemer, Mich . 1377 worvlof srt, etc., mdmencan cemeteries American Natumal Red Gross, GN --·······--·-·--··-·----- 1509 a ro tion for auditors on war account; plmtpgnpbq of bgttle Eeldg when units of pp pg? ,,,_,,,__,,,,_,,,,,.. . . 726, 1386 A¤l6'1’1¢¤·¤ fo!¢6¤ WGYG actively 0Il· deiicziency appropriation for supplies and gagcd to b¢&!0¢\l1’0d by ... 1509 equipment claims or ,,_,_.,,___,_,, 1551 tnmmnttod for ar Department perma- may continue use of temporary bujldjpgg _ ¤§¤¥ HOB- ; ···---···--··---·---... 1509 on grounds of Memorial to Women of mbmrmon of demgns, etc., for approval of the Civil War, Washington, D. G. . . 1218 Cvmmiliop of Fine AWB ·----.. 1510 removal, ctc., by December 31, 1924 1218 sumgumonts with countries concerned Ammban Nzlzgam Railroad Corporation requested to be made by the PI`$i· may bridge Nia?.n River near [Ions- • dent .. 1510 wands, N. , ,,,,, 1323 acceptance of funds from Stats, etc., au- construction, eu; - ..,,,.,.,,,,, 1323 thorized .. 1510 consent of Canada. to be obtained . . 1323 constructions of models, memorials, ctc., at American Printi House for the Blind, ame1ul¤,m.vy yn.rd¤,etc.,sutborized. 1510 appmpriationngxr providing books, cbc., use 06 mptured war materials, for; limi- b ... - ... 388, 1109 tat&m . ik. .f;r. 1510 American ¥’rodu;::, dc., d of mphc¤a' memo' , etc., may · proceedmg¤’ r consiering protests , uiahodatcoetby ... - . 1510 that imports similar to their prodcooperation by, with citizens, Sizatm, etc., ucts are appraised too low ... .. 970 ’ in erecting war memorials m Europe. 1510 American Products, approval of plans, etc .. 1510 Pruident to proclaim changes in c1ani£· nsmtenmce of emcted memorials; notice cation or duties on imports to equaloflocation . 1510 iza diiacrences of costs of production apprsgriations authorized for expenses- 2 . . 1510 _ with similar . 2 . . . 941 moo etc., of, to be deposited with 1f not equalized b , dunes to be baged on Secretary of Wm . . . 1510 Amerimn seling PIIICG valusuou- .. 942 American Citizens, Amerium Relief Adminictratwn, deiiciencgappmpriatiou for relief, etc., of, provisions for converting, etc., World War in urope ..,,...,,,,..,,... 343 obligations of formgn Governments balances of appropriations for transports- _ hold by.-, . . ..--.--.. 363 tion of refugee, from Mexico, cov- Ammwn Republws, Bureau of (su Pm ered in. , ,,_...,, , ,,,..,.. 755 American Union). Amcnhan Educatims Week, American Scenes, etc., proclamation recommending observance of duty on views of, on cardboard or paper. . . 912 December 3-9, 1922, as. - .. 2290 American Seqmen, _ _ urging the States in set apart December appmprizmoq for rel1ef_ and pmtectxon of, _ 4-9, 1921, 3.5 _,_,___ - _.,. . 2258 in formgn countnesx etc, : . , 603, 1072 Ame:-wm Ephmwria, Nautical Almomac and, for tesumomsls for rescuing shrpwrecked, appropriation for preparing. .. . 796, 1140 etc . _. .: Z ... 604, 1073 American E¢Imolo¥y, deficiency appropnstmn for rehef and gnosppmpristion or continuing researches tection of . 35, 54, 58, 19 , 343, 347, to _____ _ _________,,,,,_ f ,B643, 1235 A _ 7835 1066, 1161, 1166, 1169, 1547, 1554 r nut' in etc.,rep0rts0 u- mernum e mg y _ das PIESIEIE, ... . M4 considerations dcterminmg, of any do- 950 cien a m riatiou for rintiug an mcstig e. _ bgdiz? pim? Bureau of. . .. 50 rates of duties on coal tar products based Amcnam Forces, _ ou . - 1 ... _ , . 861, 862 duty on automobiles, etc., exported for use Ammmn Soldwr, Umdentzjiqd, of, atc., when sold to foreign Gov- expenses attq1xd.|.n$;>]unzg.l of, at Arlington Gmments and reimported ... . . . 948 Memorml phntyegter Amcrbcn Expedol Forces, FiratDiv1hims, frorn Army appropmmon for memorial to dead og, permitted on public _ mtgon of remams of officers, etc . 207 grounds, District of Columbia . . 349 mcludmijntroops, etc., to and from A¤M·ic¤m Falls, Idaho, Was _ gwn ... . .. 207 appropriation for purchase of land, etc., to agnount lumted ... . .. 207 replacetown of,f1ooded by Reclsma- hohday declared for Novenrber 11, 1921, tion Service reservoir, Minidoka. 585, 1206 m honor of, to be bpned at Arlmg- Amcrkan Food Pmdugu, f A _ tog;1 gemonal A.mph1theater 211 aa. m riati xamm' mg' orei tests, · merwan 0 M8, _ pp pe1;c_,%l;_i0Tj ___________,, ?1___ 522, 1306 joint, Congressional committee authonzed Amuimn Hmorie?1 Association, d b g,l:;tten§ ffxxeral of overseas, at Ho- 1808 ¤· ro risti or rimiu an indmg' en, . ...-----·-- pp pannu:.1¤rep0rtp0f. . . .. 644 at New York, N. Y ...- 1813