Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1118

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 374. 1925. 1087 Sec. 23. Men who enlist in the re lar Na after the assa e of ”`¤>¤¤¤¤¤= to Fm this Act, except as herein otherwise iliovidedirirnay be trarigferrgd to iixgi nm 20 YM, the Fleet Naval Reserve only upon the completion of at least twenty years’ naval service and provided they are then found physically and Li¤¤*¤¤<>¤- otherwise qualified to perform duty in time of war and ap ly for such transfer, and thereafter. except when on active duty, shall be paid at the rate of one-half of the base pay they are receiving at p,,,,,,,,,, the time of transfer: Provided, That in time of peace all enlisted Dev }¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ men so transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve may be re uired to mm rmI°md`- perform not more than two months’ active duty in each 2our—year period and shall be physically examined_ at least once during each our-year period and if upon such examination they are found not physically qualified to erform duty in time of war they shall be ·;—,,,,,,,,,, ,0 Nm., discharged: Provided fiirther, That all enlisted men so transferred ’g§r's°9 Hr ¤“¤r 30 to the Fleet Naval Reserve shall upon completion of thirt years’ Y sem"` service, including naval service and time in the Fleet Naval Reserve, be transferred to the retired list of the regular Na with one-half of the base pay of their ratings plus all permanent zidditions thereto,

 the allowances to which enlisted men of the same ratings are

entitled on retirement after thirty years’ naval service. my 0, ,,,1,,,,,, ,,,,,, Src. 24. All enlisted men who heretofore have been transferred ',£,%;{'°,,¤°d¢*¤m*¤r¤¤r from the regular Navy to the Fleet Naval Reserve established by the °` Act of August 29, 1916, and who by section 1 of this Act are trans- v¤,p.ass. ferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve herein created, sh ll.receive the rate of pay they were legally entitled to receive in the liaval Reserve manu. Force: Provided, That such enlisted men so transferred to the Fleet mP$¥{;$ifi;§f §§l§5 Naval Reserve herein created shall, upon completing thirty years’ Y°°”' °°”*•>°· service, including naval service and time in the Fleet Naval Reserve of the Naval Reserve Force and in the Fleet Naval Reserve herein created, be transferred to the retired list of the regular Navy with the pay they were then legally entitled to receive, plus the allowances to which enlisted men of the regular Navy are entitled on retirement after yB8.rS’ naval service. Be¤g§t5 {0 mm; gg- Srzc. 25. Enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force transferred by §&?m§g@· section 1 of this Act to the Naval Reserve herein created, who had ` enrolled in the Naval Reserve Force within four months from the date of their discharge from the regular Navy, and who hereafter reenlist in the regular Na within three months from the date of their discharge from thevlilaval Reserve herein created, shall be entitled to the same benefits as if they had reenlisted in the regular Navy within three months of their last discharge therefrom. mm Nav;] R,,.m_ Sec. 26. Enlisted men serving in the regular Navy on the date of °¤,"L'gj'°§,¤°{0 Nsgg the approval of this Act, or who, having been discharged therefrom, 1um¤·mva».’ reenlist in the regular Navy within three months from date of discharge, or who are serving in the Naval Reserve Force on the date of this Act in an enrollment entered into within four months from the date of their discharge from the regular Navy and hereafter reenlist in the regular Navy within three months from the date of their discharge from the Naval Reserve, herein created, shall be entitled to be transferred to the Fleet Naval Reserve on the completion 0f Sixteen or more years’ naval service, and when so transferred shall, hy, M except when on active duty, be entitled to receive, if they have had Sixteen but less than twenty years’ naval service, pay at the rate of 0H€—third the base pav they are receiving at the time of transfer, my il vm. ¤r plus all permanent additions thereto, and if they have had twenty ‘ or more years’ naval service, pay at the rate of one-half of the base pay they are receiving at the time of transfer, plus all ppsrmanent rmam. additions thereto: Pro/vided, That the pay authorized in t section ,§',§,f*‘"°“‘ shall be increased 10 per centum for all men who may be credited with extraordinary heroism in the line of duty or whose average 45822°—25"f——71