Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1401

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INDEX. xni Arizona, F828- Arkansas Western J udidal District—Con. Page appropriation for surveyor general, terms of court, at Texarkana 91, 949 clerks. etc .4.. 394 offices of clerks ,___________________ 91, 949 for support, etc., of Indians, in"- 408, 1159 Arlington Agricultural Experiment Farm, for support, etc., Indians in, addi- . Va., tional, 1925 ... 708 appropriation for continuing improvedeHciency appropriation for support, ments, etc ______,__________ 443, 832 ctc., Indians in ... 56, 698, 759 for continuing improvements, et•;;,, of authority to bridge Colorado River near building for experiments in Amer- Lee Ferry, subject to guaranty ican raw materials ___________ 447, 837 of, to pay half the cost, and to deficiency appropriation for special operate, ctc., the bridge when sugar cane breeding investigabuilt _____,_.. 994 tions _.__,__,.,,_.,..__., 1325 sums for allotting lands, etc., not to be Arlington Building, D. C'. used for Indians in, unless re- appropriation for operating force and siding on public domain prior expenses ..____ 531, 1210 to June 30, 1914 .. 398, 1148 Arlington Memorial Amphitheater and Arkansas, Chapel, Va., may acquire and operate bridge across appropriation for care, etc .. 511, 926 Black River, at Black Rock 889 Arlington Memorial Bridge Commission, tolls allowed for five years-- .. 889 deficiency appropriation for commenc- White River, at Augusta .._.. 1131 ing construction of bridge .. 1316 tolls allowed for five years- 1131 directed to construct bridge across Po- Batesville _...,.. 888 tomac River; location ___._____ 974 tolls allowed for five years . 888 including approaches, landscape fea— Saint Charles, to operate as a free tures, etc .__. 974 bridge . 1000 advisable changes in design, etc., altolls allowed for five years . 1000 lowed ...__._____ 974 may erect buildings, etc., at Camp executive officer of, to have immediate Pike of, State National Guard`- 244 charge of work ..,..._ 974 purchase of lands in, by Sabine Lumber amount authorized to be appropriated- 974 Company, authorized- ------.-. 812 proportion of, from Treasury and Arkansas Avenue N W,. D. C., District revenues ---.,----.--_ 974 appropriation for paving, Georgia Ave- assessments on opening, etc., streets- -- 974 nue to Emerson Street -.-.----- 548 accounting if construction other than by "Arkam=as," Battleship, contract -._, . ---.--.--.-..--- 974 deficiency appropriation for additional employment of engineers, architects, · submarine, etc., protection .--- 1335 and other personnel; compensaalteration of, authorized for protection tion -.--.------.-------.----. 975 against submarine and aircraft details of Army Engineer officers auattack -------.--------.------ 719 thorized --.- - .----.-.._._ 975 ‘ converting to oil burning ------ ---- 719 occupation of Government owned lands, Arkansas Eastern J udicial Dz's!ricl, during construction -..-..- 975 counties constituting eastern division-- 91 transfer to park system, etc., on comnorthern division ---.--.--..---.. -- 91 pletion -..-.--..-.----..- 975 Jonesboro division - ...-.-.- 91 authorized to acquire private lands in western division .-.. - -..-.. 91 Virginia for apgroaches to bridge 975 terms of court, at Batesville, .-.. - - 91 for opening up B treet NW., from Helena, _,__ _ ---.-------- - -.-.- 91 the Capitol to the Potomac -... 975 Jonesboro __---- - .--.---.--.-. 91 condemnation proceedings ... 975 Little Rock ____ _ ._----.----.-----. 91 construction by direct appropriations or offices of clerk __-.------ - -..-..- 91 contracts, or by both, authorized 975 Arkansas Judicial District, limitation on yearly expenditures --.- 975 counties consituting western district di- annual statements of expenditures, etc- 975 visions ___---.-.-,---.---,. __- 948 Arlington National Cemetery, Va., terms of court .---.-.---- - -... 949 appropriation for care of gounds, etc- 511, 926 no chan e in eastern district- .---- ---- 949 for burial of indigent ex·service men, Arkansas Igfiver, District of Columbia, in ----- 571, 1245 bridge authorized across, near Darda— restoration directed of the Lee Mansion nelle, Ark ------ - -------.---.- 1129 in, to its condition prior to the time extended for bridging, Little Civil War _...,.,_ 1356 Rock, Ark . - . 9 Armament, Army, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for gauges, dies, and jigs made ___. - ... 1195 for manufacture of .. 499, 914 Arkansas River, Kans., Okla., and Ark., Armament, Navy, preliminary- examination, etc., author- appropriation for - ..,,_,__ 192, 871 ized for Hood control of 249 deiciency appropriation for expenses, Arkansas Western Judicial Diszrict, scrapping of naval vessels .. 689 counties constituting Texarkana divi· Armament of Fortijications, sion ____.. - . 90, 948 appropriation for ..._.. - ._._,. 499, 914 E1 Dorado division 948 deficiency appropriation for __________ 59, Fort Smith division .. 91, 948 62, 701, 1350, 1352. 1353 Harrison division .._. ---- 91, 948 for Panama Canal ._.. 701 terms of court, at El Dorado . 949 Armored Vehicles, Army, Self-propelled, Fort Smith ____. - 91, 949 appropriation for purchase. etc., of -, 498, 913 Harrison _, - . 91, 949 deficiency appropriation for- . 62