Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1438

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1 INDEX. Cott¢m—C0ntinued. P¤K°- Cotton Statistics—C0ntinued. Pmappmprigtiou for suppressing pink boll- inconsistent laws repealed 116 worm of, additional, 1925 .. 706 Coltonsecd, deficiency appropriation for suppress- appropriation for interbreeding experiing pink bollworm of .. 55 ments . - ... 441, 831 for census reports on production, etc- 683 Council Blufs, I awa, Catton Districts, terms of court at .. .. 795 appropriation for experiments, etc., in Council, K. C., cattle raising in .._.. 457, 850 and others may dam Waccamaw River Cotton Futures Act, United States, or Lake in North Carolina . 24 appropriation for expenses enforcing- 454, 845 Council of National Defense, sale of cotton unsuitable for stand- deficiency agpropriation for .. 759 ard forms ..__ 454 Counselors of mbassy or Legation, for expenses enforcing, additional, classified as Foreign Service of·Hcers--- 140 192.5 __,_________,.._.. -- 706 any Foreign Service officer may be as- Catten Organizations, etc., Foreign, signed as .. - . 143 appropriation for effectuating agree- Countergfeiting, etc., ments with, for adopting uni- appropriation for expenses in supversa.1 standards of classification, pressing, etc.; restriction ,_.,.. 74, 774 arbitrating disputes, etc ... 845 for expenses suppressing, additional, Cotton Standards Act, 1925 710 appropriation for expenses executing- 454, 845 deiciency appropriation for expenses in agreements for adopting universal suppressing .. 694 standards of classihcation, ar- County Agents, Agricultural Extension bitrating disputes, etc., to be Work, eifectuated with foreign cotton appropriation for .. - . - .. 435, 824 organizations, etc . 845 Czrurt for China (scc United States Court deficiency appropriation for enforcing- 39 for China). Cotton Statistics, Court of Appeals, D. C., amount ginned, manufactured, baled appropnatiou for salaries .-.----. 565, 1240 cotton on hand, spindles in use, reports of decisions --.------- 565, 1240 active spindle hours imports for care, etc., of building .----.. 565, 1240 and exports, to be collected by for miscellaneous expenses under, Director of the Census .--.-.-. 31 where United States is a party-- 566 quantities ginned at designated da.tes-- 31 for printing and binding ..-.---- 566, 1240 limitation for earlier canvasses ---.-. 31 for salaries and expenses, additional, reports of information collected to be 1925 -----..----------.-.---- 712 published each month ----.-.-- 31 for care, etc., of building, additional, details iu, of cotton ginned ---.---.. 31 1925 ---------.-------____,-- 712 distribution of publications .--... --- 31 dehcieucy appropriation for reports of information to be furnished Agricul— opinions -.----.---------,-,.- 679 tural Department for its cotton same jurisdiction in bankruptcy cases, reports .. 31 as in circuit courts of appeals--- 939 strictly confidential and only for sta- Court of Claims, tistica.1 use ... 31 appropriation for judges, clerks, etc- 219, 1028 punishment for unauthorized pub- or pay of custodian .--.----... 219 lication by employees ..---..-- 32 for printing and binding for -..- 219, 1029 information to be furnished by ginners, for auditors, etc ---.-.-.-.- 219, 1029 manufacturers etc ..---..- 32 for contingent expenses ---.-..- 219, 1029 punishment for willful refusal, etc--- 32 for reporting decimons --.--.-..-... 219 compilation of production, consump- for repairs, etc., to building --.---.-. 1029 tion, stocks of cotton, and spin- for salaries, additional, 1925 ---..-. 709 dies in foreign countries, di- for auditors, additional, 1925 .---... 709 rected- ---..--.----..--.-.--. 32 deficiency appropriation for paying abstract to be published with re- judgments of -----.- 54, 696, 758, 1347 ports --..-...-.---.-------.-- 32 for printing and binding .-----..--- 686 to be furnished Agricultural De- reappropriation ...---.----..---- 1332 partment to be published in its for repairs, etc., to building -.---... 686 cotton reports -..---..----...- 32 for salaries and expenses of commisreports of cotton ginned to be issued sioners .---... - .--.-------...- 1332 simultaneously with cotton crop claims of designated tribes of Indians reports ..-... - .-. 32 in Montana, Idaho, and Washdates designated .- 32 ington, for lands, etc., taken, to former Act, etc., repealed --.-...- · 32 be determined by ___-_________ 21 acreage reports of farmers’ intention to Rhode Island for expenses, War plant, discontinued -.- - 115 with Spain, referred to ---_-__- 964

emimonthly reports to be issued of commissioners to be appointed by, to

condition, progress, and probable , take evidence in cases assigncdto production ... 115 them and report the facts to the subject to approval of designated court ._______________________ 964 cro reporting committee .. 115 rocedure for hearings, etc ..,.. 965 qual1t€` cations, etc., of members"- 115 Endings and reports to be filed with dbtes of simultaneous issue with testimony ____________,,__ __-- 965 Census Bureau ginning reports- 115 authority of Court not impaired-, 965