Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1570

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clxxxu INDEX. Paper, P*`*K°· Partnerships, Y¤8¤· appropriation for developing standards incomes taxed only on shares of memof quality, etc., of ... -- 231, 1041 bers of ... 275 standards of, for printing and binding, Pass Mcmchac, La., to be Hxed by Joint Committee preliminary examination, etc., of, to be · on Printing ____ - . 1105 made ... - - ... 1195 advertisement by Public Printer for Passage Tickets, Foreign Steamer, sealed proposals, in one news- stamp tax on; Canada and Mexico expaper or trade journal in six cepted ... 335 cities ...,..,. 1105 costing less than $10 exempt _,_,___ 336 samples to applicants ..._.__ ---- 1105 Passport Bureaus, Paper, Distinctice, appropriation for, New York, San appropriation for expense, United Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, New States securities . _ ... 68, 768 Orleans, and Boston 206, 1015 for temporary employees ... 69 Patent Ofice, I ntericr Department, 4 for expenses, additional, 1925 ... 710 appropriation for Commissioner, and dehciency appropriation for expenses, office personnel 415, 1165 United States securities .. 49, 1341 employment of special service of Paraguay, typists ... 415 appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 for temporary employees 415, 1165 Paris, France, for general expenses 415, 1165 dehciency appropriation for acquiring for professional and scieutiic books, embassy building and grounds-- 48 etc ... 415, 1165 Paris, Tex., for producing weekly issue of patents, dehciency appropriation for public drawings, etc .. 415, 1165 building .._. - 759 multigraphing heads of drawings Park Field, Tenn., permitted 1165 sale of abandoned, authorized 383 for investigating prior use of inven- Park Police, D. C., · tions, etc . 415, 1165 appropriation for salaries .. 572, 1246 for furniture, etc ... 415, 1165 for expenses, uniforms, etc ... 572, 1247 for storing models, etc .. 392, 1165 dehciency appropriation for increase of ‘ for printing weekly issue of gatents, compensation . 678 drawing, etc.; Official azette, for motor vehicles . , 678 etc ... 393, 1143 under officer in charge of public build- deficiency appropriation for expenses, ings and grounds .. 175 International Bureau, Berne 56 detail of Army officer for . 175 for scientitic library ._... - . 61 grades of, to correspond with District for printing and binding ... 683 police ... 175 for storage, etc., models, exhibits, etc- 1330 basic salaries established . 175 for expenses of commission on disuniforms, equipment, etc., to be posal of certain models, etc . 1330 furnished 175 exhibit for Seville Exposition to be policemen and tiremen’s relief fund prepared by .. 1257 benefits extended to ... 176 Commissioner designated on commispayments required 176 sion to select models for retenmember to serve on board . 176 tion, etc ._.________,.,... 942 deductions from salaries to be made. 176 retained models to be kept in, or refund of amounts paid to civil National Museum _____,... 942 service retirement fund -,.. 176 Patent Office Models, special policemen without pay, for commission created to select, for reduty in parks, etc., authorized-- 176 tention, etc _______,_.,... 942 duties, etc., restricted .. 176 of value, etc., to be ke t in Patent Park River, Conn., Office or National Kfluseum . 942 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be remainder to be disposed of by sale, made . - .. 1192 gift, destruction, etc ... ---- 942 Park-Wood Lumber Company, expenses authorized for handling, etc-- 943 may bridge United States Canal, con- appropriation authorized for 943 necting Apalacbicola River and 4 report to Congress by commission _ 943 Saint Andrews Bay, Fla ... 22 Patents and Trade Marks, Parking Commission, D. C. (see also 0[tHce mistakes in registration of, to be Trees and Parking, D. C.), rectified __________,_______,__ 1268 deficiencg appropriation for repairs---- 679 sealed certificate of fact, etc., to be P411'kS, D. ., issued and recorded ._. 1268 commission constituted for develop- given same legal effect as original-, 1269 ment, etc., of, system .. 463 previous certificates validated .. 1269 Parks, D. C.,_SmaIl, copies of records, etc., authenticated appropriation for condemning lands by office seal, certified by Comfor .. - . ---- .. 548, 1226 missioner or designated officer, Parks, M zlilary (see National Military accepted as evidence . - 1369 _Parks). to be issued on payment of fee .. 1369 Parlatm·uz_Dqte Scale, trade mark registration certihcates to appropriation for emergency expenses, be issued under office seal _ eradicating . 459, 848 signed by Commissioner and at- Parns stand, S. C., tested by an assistant, etc .. 1369 deficiency appropriation for monument issue to assignee on recording of to mark site of Charles Fort ou,- 690 assignment ______ _ _____ _ ______ 1369