Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/649

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618 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1924. _D*¤>¤¤i¤ ¤¤¤¤v¤¤¤·· Sec. 202. That if disabilit results from the injury—— °“·i·lS¤1.¤a¤¤¤p°m:y. (1) If and while the disability is rated as total and temporary, “,"°l·*‘·°·“”·°m°“d' the monthly compensation shall be the following amounts, payab e iwonrhly ma. month] or semimonthly as the director may prescribe: _ _ P°{"°"“l' (a) Il, the disabled person has neither wife nor child living, $80. WM °°°°°d°°°' (b) If he has a wife but no child living, $90. ‘ adgc) Iféielhdag a wife and one child living, $95, and $5 for each ition c . gd) Ifalieiisgno wife and one child living, $90, with $5 for each ad 'tion c . (e) If he has a mother or father, either or both dependent on him for support, then, in addition to the above amounts, $10 for each parent so dgpendent. _ _ ,,§{'“‘“ ‘“‘° °°“"’°‘ (2) If an while the disability is rated as partial and temporary, rmeaags basis or the monthly compensation shall be a percentage of the compensation """~ _ that would be payable for his total and temporary disability, equal to the dgree of the reduction in earning capacilay resulting from the disability, but no compensation shall be payab e for a reduction in _ earning capacity rated at less than 10 per centum. ug f"‘“*°" That any ex—service man shown to ave had a tubercular disease of compensable degree, and who has been hospitalized for a pleriod of one year, and who in the judgment of the director has reac ed a condition of complete arrest o his disease, and who shall be disch ed from further hospitalization, shall be rated as temporarily texi disabled, and suc rating shall not be decreased within a period, of six months. ,,,§,`§{"“ °"° "°"“°` (3)`If and while the disability is rawd as total Lildupermanent, §**°·€&>;· mabmm the rate of compensation shall be $100 per month: P ed, hmvevjir, »¤£i°¤a. That the permanent loss of the use of both feet or both hands, or of both e es, or of one foot and one hand, or of one foot and one eye, or oiy one hand and one eye, or the loss of hearing of both ears, or becoming permanently helpless or permanently bedridden, shall ,,,,j,‘,,‘}‘§§f"‘“ '°'bu“d` be deemed to e total, permanent disability: Provided, further, That the compensation for the loss of the use of both e es shall be $150 per month, and that compensation for the loss ofy the use of both Double mm my eyes and one or more limbs shall be $200 per month: Provikied, ability. further, That for double total, permanent disability the rate of com- _ pensation shall be $200 per month. m{f,*'{,§,‘“§,s,,,{§; ,§‘§2§{j That any ex-service man shown to have a tuberculous disease of wcggv tgralaigggépggg cornpensab e degpee, and who has been hospitalized for a period of i¤m'mspmi mem: one year, and w o in the judgment of the irector will not reach a g',‘{§,‘§}f’” °' ”“"““ condition of arrest by further hospitalization, and whose discharge from hospitalization will not be prejudicial to the beneficiary or his family, and who is not, in the judgment of the director, feasible for training, shall, upon his request, be discharged from hospitalization F [ and rated as temporarily totally disabled, said rating to continue nigazrtipamaaena for the period of t ree years: Provided, however, that nothing in this "‘°""'°"°¥· subdivision shall deny the beneficiary the right, upon presentation of glgtisggztpjtyd evidence, to be adjudged to be permanently and tot y a . mgiiml md mum, (4) If and while the disabil.ity is rated as partial and permanent, dgr*;e*{*¤¤*°*‘°¤ °‘ the monthly compensation shall be a percentage of the com ensation that would be payable for his total and permanent disability equal to the deigree of the reduction in earning capacity resultin from the disab` ity, but no compensation shall be payable for a redzuction Sc,wdu,e O, mmm in earning capacity rated at less than 10 per centum. rei injuries it be A schedule of ratings of reductions earning capacity from injuries mggig on impaired or combinations of injuries shall be adopted and applied by the earning capacity. bureau. Ratings may be as as 100 per centum. The ratings shall be based, as far as practicable, upon the average impairments