Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/279

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1626 EXTRADITION TREATY—COSTA RICA. NOVEMBER 10, 1922. his extradition may be deferred· mismo, la extradicion podra deuntil such proceedmgs be deter- morarse hasta tanto que terminen mined, and, until he shall have las actuaciones y el criminal sea been set at liberty in due course guesto en libertad con arreglo a of law. erecho. ARTICLE VII ARTICULO VII Pusms ¤¤¤¤¤¤<1 by II a fugitive criminal claimed Si el criminal fugado reclamado °`°°"°°`mm°°` by one of the parties hereto, shall por una de las Partes Contratanbe also claimed by one or more tes fuera reclamado a la vezdpor powers pursuant to treaty provi- uno 0 mas gobiernos, en virtu de sions, on account of crimes com- lo dispuesto en tratados, por mitted within their jurisdiction, crimenes cometidos dentro de sus such criminal shall be delivered to rospectivas jurisdicciones, dicho that State whose demand is iirst dehncuente sera entregado con received. preferencia al que primero haya presentado la demanda. ARTICLE VIII ARTICULO VIII Neither country Under the stipulations of this Nin a de las Partes Contra- ¢n°°`:`gei3s?mv” its Convention, neither of the Con- tantesgalqlui citadas estaré obligatracting Parties shall be bound to da a entregar a sus propios ciu a- deliver up its own citizens or sub- danos en virtud de las estipulajects. In each Republic, accord- - ciones de este Convenio. En ing to their respective laws, shall cada Repniblica se caliiicara, de the citizenship of the delinquent acuerdo con sus respectivas leyes, be determine . la ciudadania del delincuente. ARTICLE IX ARTICULO IX E‘P“"°“· The expense of the arrest, de- Los gastos de captura, detentention, examination and` trans- ci6n, interrogacién y transporte portation of the accused shall be del acusado, seran abonados porel paid by the Government which Gobierno ue haya presentado la as preferred the demand for ex- demanda do extradicién. tradition. ARTICLE X ARTICULO X mv ,,°,,‘,s"‘f,,, °‘°° Eve thing found in the os- Todo lo ue se encuentre enpvumdéli sessionriif the fugitive criminall at der del criiiiinal fugado al tiempo the time of his arrest, whether de su captura, ya sea producto being the, proceeds of the crime del delito 0 que pueda servir de or o ense, or which may be ma- prueba del mismo, sera, en cuanto terial as evidence in making proof sea posible, con arreglo a las leyes of the crime, shall, so far as prac- de cualquiera de las Partes Conticable, according to the laws of tratantes, entregado con el reo either of the Contracting Parties, tiempo de su extradicién. _S111 be delivered up with his person embar 0, se respetaran debidaat the time of the surrender. mentedos derechos de tercero con Nevertheless, the rights of a third res ecto a los objetos menc10— party with re ard to the articles nadbs. aforesaid, shall be duly respected. ARTICLE XI ARTICULO XI "`“""°"‘“°"‘°"· The stipulations of this Con- Las estipulaciones de este COD- vention shall be applicable to all venio seran aplicables a todos 106