Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/755

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INDEX. 2063 Department o{ C'ommerce——-Continued. P¤¢¤ Degartment of C'ommerce—Continued. Plot appropr ation for testing large eHciency appropriation for printing scales .. - . 32, 1042 and binding 40, 1327 for cooperative standardization, etc., for Standards Bureau .. - ... 40 of ndustrial devices 232, 1042 55, 61, 697, 759, 1328 for radioactive investigations, etc- 233, 1042 for Lighthouses Bureau 41, for studying internal strains of ropes, 56, 61, 683, 697, 700, 759, 1327 cab es, etc 233 for Coast and Geodetic Survey . 41, for testing automotive engines--- 233, 1043 56, 683, 697, 759, 1328, 1348 cooperative scientiHc investigations for judgments, United States courts, with Departments, etc., payable under ... 53 from their funds 233, 1043 for Steamboat Inspection Service--- 55, for Lighthouses Bureau, office per- 61, 697 sonnel ,... 233, 1043 for Fisheries Bureau .. 56, 61, 697, 759 for designated general expenses-- 233, 1043 for Foreign and Domestic Commerce for lighthouse eepers, etc .. 234, 1044 Bureau 61, 759, 1348 for officers and crews of vessels- - - 234, 1044 for Census Bureau --..--... 683, 759, 1348 for district superintendents, etc- - 234, 1044 for increase of compensation -------- 700 for retired pay -,.-------------- 234, 1044 for commercial attachés -------.-..- 759 for public works and aids to naviga- for Navigation Bureau ------------- 759 tion -------------------- -- 234, 1044 for James C. Woolley, credit in acfor Coast and Geodetic Survey, Held counts .-.- - ------------------ 1327 _ expenses -.-----..----.---. 234, 1044 for Bernard W. Southeate, credit in for physical hydrography researches-- 234, _ accounts ------------.-------- 1328 1045 duties, etc., of employees authorized to for compiling Coast Pilot ---- ---- 235, 1045 enforce Mississippi River, etc., for magnetic observations, etc--- 235, 1045 Refuge Act ---------- - ------- 651 for earthquake regions, surveys, etc- 235, inspectors of hulls grlg of boilers at 1045 ‘ Apalachicola, a., ·and Burlingfor special surveys .-..----.----- 4 235, 1045 ton, Vt., abolished- -. -----.-. { 104 for vessels, repairs, crews, etc ---- 235, 1045 Department of Justice, for pay, etc., of officers --------- 236, 1045 appropriation for Attorney General, designation of assistant director- 236, 1046 Solicitor General, Assistant to, actual traveling expenses allowed- 1046 and office personnel -------- 216, 1025 for office personnel, expenses, etc- 236, 1046 for Solicitors o State, Treasur , Infor Fisheries Bureau, office personnel- 236, terior, Commerce and Labor 1046 Departments, and- of Internal for Held employees; Alaska serv- Revenue --..---------.---- 216, 1025 ice -.----.--------.-------- 237, 1046 for office personnel, Solicitors of for employees at large; car employ— Treasury, Commerce, and Labor ees ----------------------- 237, 1046 Departments ----..-------- 216, 1025 for employees, Hsh cultural stations, for law books, etc ---.--..------ 216, 1025 Hsh rescue, and biological sta- for contiragesnt expenses --------- 216, 1025 tions --------.------------- 237, 1046 for rent, trict of Columbia--- 216, 1026 for vessel employees; Alaska Hsheries for printing and binding for ----- 216, 1026 service -.------ - ----------- 237, 1046 for traveling, etc., expenses --.-.- 216, 1026 for omce expenses ------------- - 237, 1046 for conduct of customs cases, Assistfor propagation of food Hshes---- 237, 1046 ant Attorney General, etc--- 216, 1026 for maintenance of vessels ---- --- 238, 1047 for supplies, etc., customs cases-- 216, 1026 for food Hshes inquiry ---------- 238, 1047 for defending suitsin claims ---.-- 217, 1026 for statistical inquiry ---.------- 238, 1047 for detection and prosecution of for protecting, etc., sponge Hsheries- - 238, crimes, etc ---.-.--.-----.- 217, 1026 1047 protecting the person of the Presifor protecting Alaska seal Hsheries, dent .--------.- - ---.-.---- 217, 1026 etc --------.-------------- 238, 1047 Director, Bureau of Investigation- 217 for u per Mississippi Wild Life and investigating official acts, etc., of Game Refuge ----------------- 1047 court officers, referees, etc- - - 217, 1027 for Solicitor of, and office person- _ special agents, etc ...-...-.--- 217, 1027 nel -.-----.---.-.-.----.-- 216, 1025 criminal identiHcation records exfor Foreign and Domestic Commerce penses --.--..--- , ----.------ 217 Bureau, additional, 1925 ----.-- 706 for enforcing antitrustgsig --.- 217, 1027 for expenses, enforcing China 'I`rade for enforcing Acts to te com- Act, additional, 1925 --.----..- 706 merce -------.--.--...---.- 218, 1027 for Steamboat Inspection Service, , forinvestigating,etc., war frauds- 218, 1027 additional, 1925 -------------- 706 pay restrictions, etc --.--.---- 218, 1027 for Navigation Bureau, additional, for Pueblo Lands Board ----..-- -- - 1028 1925 -----.------.-.-------.- 706 for United States Supreme Court 218, 1028 for Standards Bureau, additional, · for printing and binding for Supreme 1925 ------...-.-----.------- 706 Court --.-------------..--- 218, 1028 for Lighthouses Bureau, additional, for Reporter, etc., Supreme Court 218, 1028 1925 ----------.--.--.---.--. 706 for circuit judges .---- - -.--.---- 218, 1028 for Coast and Geodetic Survey, ad- for district judges -----.-------- 218, 1028 ditional, 1925 ----------------- 706 for retired judges ----.---.----- 218, 1028 for Fisheries Bureau, additional, 1925 706 for national park commissioners - 219, 1028 for Alaska salmon Hsheries ...-. 713 for Court of Customs Appeals- - - 219, 1028