Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/879

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INDEX. 2187 N avigable Streams, etc.-—Continued. 1*1189- N any-—Continued. 12189- deiiciency appropriation for Confer- appropriation for care of lepers, etc., ence on prevention of oil pollu- Guam and Culion ... 184, 863 tion of - - . 1339 for research laboratory .. 184, 863 provisions for preventing oil pollution for Bureau of Navigation, transporby deposits in 604 tation, recruiting, etc 186, 864 surveys, etc., of, for power develop- transporting dependents of officers ment, authorized .. 1190 and enlisted men 186, 865 Navigable Streams, Watersheds of (see · for recreation for enlisted men 186, 865 Qpnservatiogi of Navigable for contingentua ,.. 186, 865 aters, etc. . for gunnery an engineering exer- Navigation cises ____ .. .. 186, 865 penalty for owner failing to extinguish for equipment supplies, instruments, gre anld stopkmotor of automo— etc ,,.,,. - . 186, 822 ile w en ta en on a vessel in gyro compass testing etc .. 187, 8 navigable waters .. 1093 for ocean and lake surweys 4. -- 187, 866 Navigation Bureau, Department of Com- ;or1§aini{n§statiou% meme,. or ava eserve orce . , approprggtion for Cismmissioner, 21239 0 pay, allowances, etc., while traini87 866 0 ce personne , 1 38 mg _ - .. , for admeasurement of vessels 229, 1038 uniforms to Volunteer Naval Refor instruments for counting pas- 229 Nserve . A . N ---1 188 sengers ..-.----..-...-..- aval Militia ma e part of ava for motor bimats, etc. to enforce naxé;9 1038 Resierve Force; benefits, service88 867 gation laws --.-.-.-.-..---. cre its etc ..----..---.----- 1 , for preventing overcrowding of pas- , retainer pay, other than Fleet Resenger vessels, etc ..---- ---- 229, 1038 serve -...----.--.-----.-.-.-. 866 for enforcing wireless communica- for Naval War College ----..---. 188, 867 tion laws ----.-..-..-. - -..- 229, 1039 for Naval Home -.----..---- 188, 867 for shipping commissioners ---.-- 230, 1039 for civilian personnel, Bureau of for clerk hire; contingent expenses 230, 1039 Navigation .-.-.----.--- 189, 868 for enforciinggéiavigation laws, addi- 706 for Béireauf of Elpgineering, repairs,90 69 tions. 1 5 -.--.-..-- e c. o mac inery, etc -----. 1 ,8 for preven’ting overcrowding of pas- equipment supplies- .-..- - ..-.- 190, 869 ' sggger vessels, etc., a ditional, 706 submarine motive power develop- 191 1 -.-..-..- - ---..----.. ment -.---.-.-.----.. for enforcing wireless communica- clerical, etc., services -...--.--- 191, 869 tion laws, additional, 1925 ----.- 706 cargo ships, transports, etc., refor shipping commissioners, addi- striction -------.-..-.-.-- 191 t1°¤&1» 1925 ------——--——-—---— 706 for engineering experiment station, deficiency {appropriation for enforce- 759 Naval Academy ____________ 101 870 men 0 navigation laws ..- - · · ’ for preventing overcrowding of pas- for °lY§;;§°r°°°°°l’ Bureau °f Enigl 870 senger vessels, etc .---.-------. 759 gl 8* ‘‘‘‘‘ ""j ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’ Navigation a-aaa, Navy (aaa Bureau of f<>r Bureau of C¤¤stru¤u<>¤ aud Rc- Navigation, Navy). pair, construction, etc ..-..-. 191, 870 Nmggagion Laws, equipment supplies ------.-... - 191, 870 appropriation for motor boats, etc., to 91Q1'1F9·1» 91% ¤€1`V199¤ -----—-——- 192, 879 enforce ___________________ 229, 1038 for c1v1l1an_ personnel, Bureau of Confor expenses, enforcing, additional, ¤1?¤`“°tl0¤ wd R£P¤·11' —-—----— 192. 871 1925 ________________________ 706 for Bureau of Ordnance, ordnance deficient; appropriation for enforcing, 759 Bc§:é1ls°!£¤:$;§:§§£££fi5hg--- 6 .. , , ··- v Navy (see also Navy Department), 9h€m19¤1» 617% ¤€FV¤96¤ -------- 192, 871 apprapaauaa for Secretary ar Navy, f<>r¤1¤<>k¢i¤¤¤ vuwdsr ------------ 192. 871 Assistant sts _______________ 182, 861 for purchase, etc., of torpedoes, etc. 192, 871 for pay, miscellaneous -----.. 183, 862 for 9XtI;€1`1m°n1•&1 work 111 Prolecmesigg 871 mileageetc ----.-.----.--.. 183 " 9 --------- ‘ —··—·——---—-··— » delegatescto glnternational Re- 862 for gvglian personnel, Bureau cfg 7 search ounc` ..-..---.-- r nance -.--...---.-.-.-.- 1 3, 8 1 collecting information etc -- 184 862 f B f S li A ts g¤&ter¤c;i1g{;s3;1S¢r¤ of Nar .-.---- 122; $32 for 8i§>malg?- iss, 871 ¤1*§8 P -—-——-—---—-—-- _ » or renta a owance _..___._...,_ 193 872 1`€?£3;1°¤ On USB at ¤¤v¤1 d1Si84 862 ger subsiiterg tagowance .-..-.-- 872 —·——--—-—-———·——---——- t ...-.- 1 2 Hmit ¢1¤u¤¤r ¤9=-· ¤<=¤u¤·=¤ at {Z; Ty geniics Sax! Z; asian ’8 f yards an? stations .--.--.-.- SlI;§)B etc {93 872 or oontingen .----.-------..--. , ’ ‘'‘'‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘‘`‘‘ ’ for expenses, government for Virgin f°1` 88-Y und 9·110W9#¤9€¤, N11!96 ranaaas _,.. 184, ses ¤r1>¤ ------ - --------------- 193, 872 for marine schools, New York, Massa- for retainer and active service pay, chusetts, and Pennsylvania--- 184, 863 Fleet Naval Reserve .--. 193, 872