Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/920

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2228 mnnx. Plant Industry Bureau, Department of 1’a89· Point of Woods Range Lights, Mich., Paza Agriculture-Continued. exchan e of lands used for, with Robert deficiency appropriation for general Hudson for other lands in f gggeéises-6 .____, 55, 60, 700, 759, 1348 same vicinity ..,., 357 or s istri ution, etc ... 55 · for Pu1'c119·8°» °1·°·» of seeds ------—-- 700 P0:i.;p7i·¢61pl·i€.'t)ilJ(ii;’fldiugipgzses preventing for sugar plant, etc., investigations; Solo oto_ of 447 837 greenhouse,farm, Arlington, Va- 1325 P . pl' t ’N tl' `i F `Q ````' ’ Plums, em, Agricuuumr, oisonoua ton sr a ioéra t_ores s, 446 836 appropriation for investigating diseases appmpna mn or cm we mg ······· ¤ of .. - - - 440, 830 P¤k¤¢¢»_EM» pathological collections ________ 440, 830 Pe1181011 ----—-—--——--— — —-—-———-——--- 1452 plant disease survey ... 440, 830 Pokety Creek, Va., for nutrition, etc., investigations- - 441, 831 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be testing cultures for inoculating made ___________________ _ ____ 1193 1°8‘1m°S1 etc -—————-· — -----—- 441: 831 Polacca Wash Irrigation Project, Ariz., Plamelb J“"° (w'd°w)• 7 appropriation for maintenance, etc., Pl1:$11¤}<>¤B ——---————-————-———-—--——-—- 1436 or ..______________ 400, 1151 ’ " · Poland, p123y]I?,;I;,£',:},(;1`j¤Q,};Q;5]Ql;,:, ‘‘‘’’‘’‘’‘`‘‘ 1572 tpprgpgiaéien fer minister te- {5-- 206, 1015 appropriation for protection, etc-. - 424, 1177 ug tt ltmming may “°°°p °°°m' 1364 or pmteeuen, additional, 1925 . 700 I W'; mm- -£. --—— zh; ---—---——— 1640 Playgrounds, D. C., Pixie p°i °t?l“'§“b;°3 W1 -f ---- Ei- -6- appropriation for salaries . 552, 1229 B8 °m§.n 9 mrfebg Sess °.* isa ° Y for Inajnf,gna¤ce_ _ _ 1__ _________ -552, Ommlssiont ap' f°” °$£€.?§`Z“¤?i R`fY1}?.“f’ff’}’i ;f’}‘."2§2, 1220 aetaoggsgfjgggggggggagérétor -—--—-—-— ggg forsupplies,etcoswimmingpools- 552, 1229 . . . -·-: ·-·-· for purchase of site Thirty-third and Pnm駰'1p“Y°bl° 1P aa¤¤e11¤si¤11- P Strooto northwest ___________ 552 _ $6 P1'0K1`€>3$1V6 1¤€1€9·S6 1111* 720 for purchase of three sites . . 552 l sixty'?°°§§.t.y°:r1 ······· t · · ·1· got, athiug b€?chl;- f - - - I- — _ - _ _ - O 3 I IOD RHIOUH S 8 ·· or expenses o sc oo .. 5 , . ·········· 3 ············ commission constituted for develop- }°,°°%°s2r§t° t° 193%; ¥fh°lt.°?'f?r··£ 721 ment of system for, etc 463 01 rs b vg ¥°°’;r °‘ d°a&g (gw

 Cards,   I B -€ BIT , BD .8 to

stamp tax on 336 principal, bonds to be issued pzmm sm, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Meier: ——-—— . ----——————--———- 721 @,,,,1,,1 tax on users of _______________ 328 paymgn: an United States bends 721 Pleasxemgttign, for relief of seamen, etc- - 328 Police 00:;: 113°C ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ MTG It 8, _ s _ · ·» _ exempt from iucoing tex _____________ 282 appropnation for salaries . 564, 1239 pgeu,·op,,e,,mo,,go’ etcq Animal, two add1tional judges, etc--: . 1239 appropriation for emergency use, eradi- 1°1` °XP°¤S€¤» Witness {99% J¤1`01'S» eating, ete.;sds1u0¤»,1--- 110, 458, 851 eiet ------- ,-, ------------ 564, 1239 payment for animals destroyed; 1°1f1`°P1r11'¤ 19 b¤}1d}¤s¤ -------—- 564. 1239 appraisal of Values ______ 111; 458, 851 deiic1ency appropriation for expenses- - 677, deiiciencg appropriation for arresting, 682 for jurors e --.-.-.---..-. _ —---——---——~———---—---—— Plumas National Forest, cam., fer eentmseni expenses , ...-... 679 exchange otildztnds gtk private owners 2 °°:_11c§$§l?cgf1g<;1;?Jggggaieglépzlntggggt- 1119 ora `tion --..-----.-.-.-- 95 »_ ·» 11 S3 SS ands added to ..-.. ssa saianes-_ -------------- 1 ------ 1 119 Plumbing Inspection, D. C., separate_and simultaneous sessions by appropriation for salaries, etc ------ 540, 1217 _ the J“‘1$°¤ —----·-----— y - — - ; --—- 1 1 19 dc cicucy appropriation for temporary time required; for traffic violations-- 1119 services -__,__-_-,-______ ___ 36, 1318 act of each judge deemed the act of '°'"""i"· MW <w‘*'°w’· term 0?‘Li;%?$%u%”22¤‘5aa‘55eer;a ‘‘‘‘ iii?) P1:;4,n:1:)¢I1?e Edge}; - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - - ~ _ - - - _ 1527 additional depnty ole;-kg and bailiffs to appropriation fer maintenance, e1=c.,ap- _ _ be appeinied; pey -----·------ 1120 graham, stores and custom- additional accommodations, etc., to be ouse, New York City .------- 81, 779 furmshcd f°1' ----——--—-------- 1120 Pneumatic Tubes etc. Postal Service, , trials without a jury unless penalty over . appropriation ttor Nlew York and Brook- $300, or imprisonment over 90 lyn, N. Y -------..------.--- 86, 785 days ------------------------ 1120 deficiency a propriation for New York commitments not to exceed one year and Brooklyn ..------------ 691, 763 in default of payment of Hne- -- 1120 Pogue, Tom, jury service of two weeks; periods for-- 1120 P pénsigg __________,_---.------_----- 1401 names to be drawn by jury commis- 1120 oint kout Md. sion . appropriation for’eare,etc., Confederate prosecutions for violating milk regula- Cemetery .-.--. .--- 512, 927 tion to be in .. 1008 I