Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/101

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2*1:rLE ·z.-·.4o1s TITLE 7.----AC mm;»m n o no . Sei- o

_ 4;gA;w_ FUTUR53 ·4\¢T~-·¢-e -·--—- 5 --·-- ’ -—-· ·-· —-·—-_--T-—--·-+-_o--—·#-· 1

2 (;0~m;»¤ Suxmms Aco*:..-,;, .,.. n .-..' . 4- »51 ‘ :2; •T;M:x‘ _S*r4_smnns 401* .., ·-;;;n-»-;..,...;---;..:-.;· _ Q J i. N.&vLu. S¤·o&ss” Aw---§.. ·-n-- .;;...~;-,.;-_ 91 - ggmxwsmox or An¤L*rm.u·@ SEB!}S_.A`CT-Q--,-,--. -;, __.._., 1}; U K;. Ixsxorxcxsac Ac? Q. — n1..;-.t.. .;..-, ..., ;L.;.,.._ 121 » T. Ixsscr rxsrs c$zrm4;.mz ..,-»-.._; .. n.-»..`.;;n;.;.i., .. n- 141. {Q_ NlT§%$!RY _!’L.\STS AKB·I’LA!§'1# P~RODw£*C§.‘S---,,-_ 151 A 9_‘A1·,\Zcx»;ns mn nsfrocxu¤:>s--,n-;.--,;-;.-_,._,;n._Q.;--..,-..,-, 131 Cxmptcr l.—f-QGRAQN . . .5 _ mi —. __ I , h 3, mort title of chapict. r A · _ _ o - · . 2,I}1·§¤iii@BS;__. ‘?;contract;fot ¤le" ·j“ per~son»".;_ ** grnln"‘ ; " tutnro ·- Q_ ‘· e1é§iery·’o‘;; ""bon rd of (ride? ; M°°iDtf€lfBt8{& oo#nam~orce.,"n { ’· `.3,`¥\T1¤aa transaction dwéd in_int¢:_rnt4;o‘ commerce; “State "— donned} 4. Lia1>i3i{y_ot‘princ!pal»·for &Ct_¥0£;§g¢l1t. N ’ w _ _ no _.

 Remkntioa ‘dcoln§ng‘ d&_ngerous ·.tenden_qy‘ of desQ1i‘ngs jin fgrayu F

6. Pronibition against do/aiings an ogminY futures-; general exgzeptfops. 7. imigmtion of b0§1‘d_0!,trsde;ns "oontmct- ma:kct*?;* conditions ond · m<;n1re:¤·e¤;as;;-..i ‘_ n ·S, Appiication for.ldesipatio¤ ns ‘?contm<:t !H§!.'k€{Y_°; suspension i or lfCY¥}i:{ti0B» of designation ;‘ com;1osi_tion— of commission: ;` ree · viéw Abyycirpnit court ct‘ippm1s.·; o »_·< f 9. Hxcinsicn @f pemnni i;om,pri?$1cgcn ot "cont mct ,mm·ko¢s'f; px*o= - n = _ coduré for exclusion; -;*eviow_by oircutt conrt of appeals. ` 10. Rovimrby Supreme *Cnm·t ouoentiomrf, · A _ ’ _ .- , . 11. \'n¢i·a¥ion_ on request of designation ins n "contra;ct‘ n:mrkot"_; ‘re- ` ¥i’- ¥¤V€Si$$3ti9¤$ !¤¢_ reporia by--Secretary,»generaHy.» {

 11 ¥i*—'§§~;{0$_$ »§€¤€¤iH Y'.§ filliéi reports; pllil$$hi13£I1t. » f N . n _`

11.4 \'ioiationsV:pi·'!:s*io§ November "1Q 192*2,,nbt punisnablc. r 11 Prjovisiom pt Intr~:*rstatoo‘_Commercé Acfmade appI icnb1e,_ ,_ ‘ __ {VM. ffocpwitiinnn by Secretary ow1§t;,otb¢r! Govéernméntg Stance,. eiczl; _{app~oi=ntmé¤t, oremovii and ocompeosgqoa :ot ohcofso and_ 1 ¤·=¤¤¥¤= `¢¤¤¢##·>¤;l—¢n:>r¤¤ri¤¢i¤¤-onj »— o o`n n = ~ _ · E , E'?. Effect of p¤`ifi1n1 in_vn1idity o!:ch4§ter.‘ ‘ 4 L __ ° ‘ Séfiivg L Shéfi * tif}$__ nf cha9t¢r.—-This _é({h·i1[)t§}i°k' shui}?

 k¤· »\¥¤rbs~¢he‘nshcrtgtitlenot tTh€ Grain »Eutu:es»&¤t.?’  ‘ (Sept;  _

i¥¥·*19‘22; ·¢- · 5.1; 42.S¥#& 998>> = o Q ZA ‘“ ·c¢¤tr§¤¢t fof ”'; ”; __<'“ " f¤*¤¤ Mimi *2 { “o MM ~· vf MM *7: _." inicrmw- m¢!*¢¢{?-—For thepu1=p0ses pt .tlli§ _Ch§§§'.Q? "_¢ontggc§__of mlofo oonmuii ne mm. so i¤€1$¥d€¤$@1€$q.@gr€° t$‘ ¤£ ?¤i*>¢+ M? I nwnts to sell; oTh§oXwor<d ‘? po;·sonn" snail beoconstruedjfo " ’i og ,*h" '°¥ ~=SiI¥S'¤1¤¥. Mid ;_in<31Hd€ associg-5 o

  • i‘?‘?’?*· _LI*m’m€¥$§I9¤,-" ·¢01TI>01’&¥Z$6¤S, Q F_ ”Th& word
   *=·'*”ai”  ’ $1**11   if? Ewan “’h¤$~t» c°m·   #1*9* h~*$'» ’
  • ¥?3·'€, gilt; $86 `8¥£?i‘$h\23§:" f The '?‘ future édéiivoryf ..;gsl_·\1sod 2
 3#*>·¤·¤i%¤; n ¤¤¤¤_ wt  i¤<=i¤¤¢, wv. we ;<>¢    n grain; ism 1d¤¢¢rr¤<1jY

$’**i?m¤§ Q? ¥i¢ii*‘¢1?¥-- n'l`¤¢ w¤r11s`f‘fbomi9;1 of tradefshail hnlci Lo AiI1SCh1{]£,&31d moan any.oxofganngworina~9¢iaLion, .3vl1ethorF i¤<·<>z%z>omted» on unmmwomgd, of pemom who. shaliobef on- ¥‘”‘¥*‘*} 19 th? ¥?¤$i¤P§8-.Qf b\1Yi¤g· OT $9111113 grain 0; -fecehiiugn ibn? $$l!1§€,fol# _S§1l€T A£}I1»{§£9!1§ i§hi!”§€hC. .Tl`l;o wmm·+n1p_ :e;¤;a:e com5 o wvifce AT.’._`§}11iu` be construed, gtc mean; cbmmorcg between any ?‘·¤1i»¤» -T€1§ritQry.. ot ”p0s&cssiun.,°o:’ {ho Distxtictn of- Columbia, - Hm}.: &¤Y(9l1;i%@ ’{>1;£§idc"tlas~zr¢~raf_; or between poiptg wi1;1;1¤_ gm _A V Simi? §_@&§c, fcfrit0r?, or _®wssion,_ oaths Distgiot of Coluna-· iii?} MM ¢h1‘*>ri€h QH?. nlzice 0!1tSm€° t11€·1*e0¢,— for ivitiiimn any ]_VTu1friiory .or j»osga.essio13, or the I)istrict o£—oColumlxia. (Sepf.; J -9% 1922,-@4 363, §{2;V42 7·Stgt. $38.) n n o _' _ ·

    if8i1S8¢¢i¤l1*     fnfcrdnten *¢o¤mexjce;·°

·" Sggte *’ d¢§¤¢d,g-e-For the pm·poses___ot» this ichapter (brit? 2wt in any! wis»e·1ix111iing_oth&evMdefinitimx Qofj ii1t€}I'St3£@.nQiW§}1lX§€*PG€ inn i_ U4? _§i‘®{:e{1ing Inéétiau) aftrnnézixgtion ¤_in[respe4:t to- any articlet Silriil boq’w11:si11¢~ycsl to he ‘—1:1,{c1%s‘£ate· cou11noi·¢,:o·if4osu4f11_ -article~ is imfi of that curroutof commerce usugljn the grain~trad¢

BICUL#Z‘URE ‘ 1-6 ERICULTURE Z €haptext _ ·Ss>c. 10; `WA;u¤H0¤s:g, .. ,-.:.-;,,-...1--, .. .L .. 241 11.VH9Nz¢Ys¤2:s·..Z...··§-y-.~..‘...;;,.§ ..,... .. .;. .. .. 281.,- 12.·:g 02* vmnucsm Qs- Aamxcumvun nwwcws . - 201 13. XGR§,QU§,TUR.§L 5KDi !»~il5€HAxxcAL“ »q0x..:.m·*£s ...~ .,,.-4--.. ...* 301 k 1:}.-AGB¥C·£?;LTEi§A_L`·_EXPl`RiqME2§i'T smuoss .. ‘ ..., .; :361 }.`5.'BURBAU_ or? Amg.q.r{ l3p¤s·rnr__.,.,’, .,,... ;.., ..., ,_,,,___ 3sn» 16. Brqumw mv B.•.1grxsm—;...--..; ..., ..;...--..; ..,,.. ..;..r,.--,, 40l 12. Mxscgmgxzéus ¤.u·1·¤as ,. Q;. ,...,... , _.,,___. __,__,__ lug. wherelqiv griiinhud grai}i1’j§r0fig:¢ts. gnd .byepr0du<Sts fhéreof are . saint from (me Staxé wifhxhc expectation tlx§t’ théy

 transit, after ·putc1;&se, ‘in suotlgef, 'i¤cl@ng ini addftiéxr

-}:04 .ca$és· withi;1.__th¢ _éb6vé.g¢z1é1*n1 ¢&crip$;i0;1, all Puréhase 01··sdlé` Yi§ gither l shipment Staté; br A

  • fur‘ I¥1#I)§1f8C€H[€·»Wi€hiB'.gi§hQY State ._md" · -

the. state. QI ."prQduct$A §\¥¢h &§h¤£¤¢£m*é. Am¤1§s mrnegmxy in s&¢¤» 餤·e¤z; of mu. be; ~ . .¢0n$idé1·é€1.. but ‘_0f;"si1~ék» s. J a¤y?mezu1S..'§r Ydevitre .i¤ié¤dé<1‘ to  » thetéto ·» frorigtthe `prr6v§si¤ n§"0f·; E§Hi.¥t2i*. ”.”` . For the A f of {his »sécti0¤» thé worq f‘ Smt¢'** -Tcf$ftt@ry, the triptbf jfblliiéxbiai ¥ ct the _ Unitéé, °StstQ Sné f¤¥€i@ 1 natioxf.--·(Sépt._21. 2,42 * -,);,.9 __; ``~ — . .

 4. iLisBiIif$*       ‘   @@911,

Ot f8i1H1’€[;`6f. Eby Séiihg fof;&¤I mamauax, ag;¤¢.~zgtx¤¤,. p¤¤;¤e¤sa¤;p, ws:m¤ [ me .sc0;}e_fof;hisi ¢e@;>k<$3#1i1e1xtf¤L1t ug ees, omissiijii, po: iaixumeiot- s;;éh_ f¤¢1im1¤a1,. pixma- ._ jslqp;.cO1ff10rdfi0¤,.*é;‘_'t·r1iS€,·—&S‘.V?¢H"_&$—·éf\iMh € ¥;"&§¢¤i€¤ if . _ 0t1icf.DcrSQ!i.‘ 4 ·(S€I1i€;2¥, €·=`3®;f§» 2; ’§ ‘§ ‘;:  » *

 .—;.. R            

_g;·3a¤f§¤m;eg;e;tr§4¤$aciio¤ graié i¤s*q¤*i¤$`=M.§*®» ‘ for ~§futtu·é- délhfery as ..¤§_¥,_; # i “A . (gl .t!*i¢}®· · had 9 £ugtt1r@ ’S. are ¤§gc@ `wRh a` = . ~ e ig- .t¢r&t_; {hit. such fété .'&B—·{¤ , by the ·pmii:¢.*ge¤grae11i. ¤¤d by gu me .0: buying mm`¤e111¤g~g»¤1¤_L¤¤&; tv& - ? .thém?é0§ f 1 suéh, c¤£¤msm1¤¤.¤ geamuy ..—. Q . zmim r

?¢¤=¤¤¤¤¤g M  .¤¤¤¤¢ mes   .i¤   ·   .

baéié ¤f¤r _ ét¤ rmi¤1¤i:`·¢¤¢ 1>¤i¢¤S tv we me ¤%¢¤—#‘ _¤#¥¤i¢¤‘ ¥ Sfdm 8M-. M ¤e¤¤· *>Y·I¥w€¤¢}¤  ?@¤¤¤°*°é¤d 10, taciutate <tl1e._¤£¤f€¥i}6¤€S  » M i¤€¢i?¤*$¥¢ · 1 that such. tl%&¤S§»€f¤0!lS ate bk. dwkm; €¤li¤i"—¥·¥ · .;¤Li:d ‘bfhér¤;¤¤:&s·&é ih h§M1i¤é· .mi¤- #¤¢» fiié ¤¥¤&¤<-‘€§ *1*** l?5?·¤¤¤d¤i¢¥S.*`f¥¤¢¤¤¤f `i¤ i¤¤¢&¤*¢ I &$ ¤ W V°‘*g* —1.;g‘ Q_ .;5gz¤§e1`·e¤ » agamé possxme F has .c¤mu~g¤ ia priige; tiiat thé ___€1'é.1§i$8¢ti0¤8 and §>i’i€@=¤f `8T&i¤. $3 mh Y0! - tfndé" are susceptible iQ S1i¢¢t1l&f¥é3}g m§¤¥I>\\}&€i0¤; Qmd 0%%* mn, ¢;·m41 ksuddgz; ox? unréasonablé éqétuatiéns. the 1‘>¤‘i·=é¤ thereof ifr€§i}¤ez1i;ly 9¢<t\1E ·8S 8p_¥`€S’¤¥t Q; ‘$¤€h _$P·€*€?\*h7*¥i’*m¥. ¤m* _xiipulgti<mQ dr émxtrolg xvhi¢h ·are <1e:_:1m§¤mx :<> .¢1¤¢‘* m;¤¤uee; , of the .c0nSu1i1@t‘i--#116 t11é>pcrS0¤S h§i1mi¤8jgmi¤·?*¤é.I’¥`€}€}W?$ und¥by·—p1i0dyuct$ tlxeréofj in "inferstzits `¢Q¤miéf€&,», jam! tliiit sgzejif ’ `nucumtiems in prices iu·e.a§1 0b$trrr¢ti€>¤ f.Q4_§.¤d ¤ him-!é¤ ¤iv¢¥¤ » €inte,rs£ate écsmxgzmrcé in grain and the pmductg a§d"by-prcducts — themofyé 11dY_`1;é11d§!*f regulzagicu inipcrativé for the protccticm of " ` lsugzh 'ém;;¤;£et*cg and the‘1tht{¢)x1§1'p\1bl»i<.·.inféré$t“t·héreix1*.._ {Sept. ‘ 21,19*22, G. 369,3 3,`.42~Stat. A ,"¥» 4 ‘ 4 - . .6. Pmhibit‘i¤¤ i ggaixist 'dealizxgs" in grains. futixres.; general; ` 6 exesepticna.-Q-·-·It; Slgu~Il_ bel unimvful fox: V{\]}§’ [i·P£'$’Y0i} {gab ¢lé§_§§x·m* {wr { ttgjsmhigsioxj thrcmg11°§11eFmai1$- dxf iii iméx·s;:xte° c•>¤2§m§¥rc·@ by " Lélegifaph, telcliliauc.; wirglcs;,..qr dhur ixwau.5 of C;>ll1ql¥j}Ql1iL*i1(qi(}i1