Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1015

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,1001‘ TITLE .·11.¢-ear; . states notes .at ally time outstanding shall remote so llxcd 1 Q lgiw; Am: pé·ovido¢¥»'_1¤¤·‘¢ker,l1‘het_nothleg myers Bagley, ». S .sccli011_429 of this title or sections 90 178 ot Title 12 sus - bc construed as eieptieg the right of toy national bank to ism ` i ·g;}e·th$1‘d in `amoout éfits circulatins notes `ot the deuomm mm- or $5, as isrovlded bi? 1uw.»~ (Mar, 4, 1997; c. 2913,; 2, 1 ` ’ 494. »'Ferther’c•aeel!ation·.or retireneat of legal-tender neg; prollibitcde-elt smll not to ilawful. for Secretary ot tl z1‘}·os~sery 01*0tmr oEcer uederlxlm to- caucd 'or retire el more ot the United Stats Ynotes. And when an zot said noteemrbe redeemed orbs received into the {Erm my under myllawirom any source wlxatever and shall belo; ·,.z¥» the United Statm; theyshell not beoretired canceled or d .srro§cd_, but tieyswll lie relneed `cmtagain end ke in circulatioxi; nothin; shell problbtt H cancellation and @¤c¤o¤-ot notes aed thelw

 or other notes M lies, duomiriaticeln melt need, ss ~provld4

by law., (M¤•y’81•`,l8I8, c; Wm 87.)- ` 4&. Silver esr%ea; . fu-. silver hlhsa.-een holder of silyer Act‘o¢·,·H'sm·¤ary 2 1878,] chaoter _30» pegs -26), meesmo with IB! M dike Ullihi States M wut lnrsumaenot than m ondireeelvc otoths srtcr ln thu era¤:®od. em: deposited io:. .· ropreseotinj m·_hm·s•tter l% shall-1 retained in the for the.p•.im@ ot the measles ”d mend; Said eertheates or. abou 1 receivable for ;¢ ¤»·¤1l-Qui all pmbllc dma, and, wha so received, {I°eb.·%, 1878, dw, l 8, 20Stt 26; Mar. 3, 1887,c.8&,24.8tat. ¤16.‘)·‘ l. ._. — · _ 486. mourmuon of illvcr oertlleates.-—Sllvsr eortiilcat shell be iuusdooly-ot or $ under, exce that not exceeding lu the a te 10 per ceutum of the tot voloiue or sald·o¤·t:l&eats•,~-p hs wustlou ot the Secretary ~ . .the Trcamry,·may.hs iB=%§i@¤QB|·0{ wd, an - $190; and ot§whei‘»deao¤l¤ation than *81 ` except asn hereii shall, 'wheeévei received it. tl ‘-Troasorior redemsd, Bs and needed, amljcsrtldcst or oe»o_»d1¤ o¤ so :10 or mea me mom ` and altar meh mstltetion, lnryhole erin put, { llkevoler ot United Stitsa ot less me {19 M

 timc__to time be   and canceled,     ot. dmcmin

t1oes‘o£‘$10 and epsyord shalt be in substitution ther ·` for, with §§e,qml1ttss‘d¤,d:rest11c¤e1is—as t§o•s·retii·e¢l an canceled; _ (liar. 14, 1900, c. 41, _$ 7, H Stat. 4*}.) ._ \ 407. · of oerre¤cy.——F‘rsction;el ·c¤ rc2wy> presented _§or.‘redempt1,0¤ shell be s red _ s {lr t QJ . moecyo le tm not and, ·whso rede&,·n@hs lidepetil, 1879, c. 84, l. 8,1 1 Stat. 39_:J¤1; E; 17, { 1, 19 Stat. 215.) L , . < God! massive: of Uétsd States notesar Treasury aww; fnotea.¥~—United Stat notes,-nm Trenmri eota the Act of Jmyl 1%) (8 wt. &), when mated. to the Treasury for 1 cdceapdon, shall be in gold eels of the standard ng in section 814 otthla titld sndln order to securolee wom _ ‘ and mrteiu redemption of meh- as - (herein provided, shall bstmdlliy otthe ot the'l7rsas¤ry tosetaps in the s reserve mod of $150,000,000 in me Grin and bullion, ibm toed msu befmsd for ouch rodemptn {purposes only. and whenever em! is otteo as any ot éald not shall ‘bo·mdee¤uid add tmc! lt ahall be me duty of tl Secrets,ry"oft.he to menld notes so __ and maintain such reserve fund- in the manner tollo~ leg, to rwlt:‘l!‘lrst, by exclmegling the ectm so ce e t my gold coin ln tha general mod ol theivoasury; second, I

may um F1NANc·.¤- l §411 by afécexitlng deposits or gold béia af the Tmas¥1ry.0r at any desigor mated depositary in` exchange for the United States notes, sa all redeemed; third, · by ppocuring gdld coin by the psa of said ¤a·‘ notes, gin accordangc with the pkovislopq at section 734 of this as ’ti§Ig.j It the Secretary 01 the Treagury is anime to restore and 34_ -mai¤taia the gold. com in the reserve {uml by tha ·mregoing " methods, and the amount Gt stick; gold coin ·a11d=bulli0¤ in said E; shall at any time falkbelciv $1§)0,000,00G,·then if shall gm bd kia duty to restore {M tcl the maximum sum of

y ${50,0003300 by bdrrowlpg mcméy on `the credit at the United

gy >Sta§¢-za, _ and for the 'debt tlma jmmred to 1:;% and sell coupon Lg, 01'~1'€§iSt€1'€d_b0lldS ot,the United States, in such ·foraa aaahe {gg prescribe, in denominations ir! $50 sr any multlple thereéf, gc- interest at the rate of aww; 3 perxccntum per pg lmlllm, payable' qparlégly, auch bonds tb be payable at the gm pleasure of ·the:U¤it£d ;Statea. after one year' from the date at no y their issue; and to be payable, principal and interest, in gold ad- Nui of W6 P¥$¢ standard value, tndatoibcemmpt from the

   all taxalcr   of tm U¤ltaed—‘Statas,l as well as

my _ fmm in anyjfcrm by, cr under State,§man1cim.l, ar 5, local aqlhority; and thalgbld coin, 1~émlv@?_b.·cm the ala at M aaigbongls shal1i1r¤tb¢¢¢¥q§edi¤§0.tb¢ aIf¤¤d¤fthe ea inxhc ma¤n¤·‘h¤·~¤abei¤repr<>· A vided, tot-ua amount ct the was radcmeé am held for ,,4 and tha ct the Tré•® may, in kia M, dlséreticm asc said notes in exclnngo femgold, cx 1:0 purchasa ba ·0!;radecm`any"bbp&s of thallnltcd States, ar for my augertcl ’I•vif¤i th? B¤b}$¢;`i¤ Qi! 1‘¢Q¤i¤¢. 693* thi!

 sl1all‘m>t·beua¤d to @et ndési¤ th¢¢ t reve-

,1; l nuési United Stata notes when reé@d in acmramce with ng the provisions ot tlziis section shall- ba rai@,- but shall ·ba ” `beld in the reservia (und uml exaauged for g@, ur nérgin 0, priavidcil; a¤d_th¢. gold coin and bulllm in tha 1-eee;-wp pg together the ycécwed nqtea hddlcs me as mvvided in d aection, Bshall at pox tlmaaexclusiye ot thaamuata paid of i¤t9·sald`reservc fund mxdar aactkma M 1672 at Title 12, M; and under m¢£10¤ 9_.9£·the Act dt May,-30. 19B8.‘chapta1y M [Q, (Thlrtyrfltth _·St&t¤l¤¤s, use 55Q), exceed the maximum, mma ha 5Qi $150.000,00% ‘ (Har- 14, l900.`ct 41, {2; 31 Stat. 45.: Dec. es 23,1913, c,'6, { 7,38 Stat. %8; Mar. #19%, c._%3,'Title I. ,,3 { 2, $2 Stat; 1457.); _ E . _- ‘ _ - , M I f Additional nunqafq naintahing parity md stry¤gt1g· m »¤ln¢ gold Tréhmr! wax. i<>f W l tm pariq ctiali f@¤ at mosey ,e_, lmmd gr; cqtmd by tha United _8@tas la accordance vim tm M mjovisiaqsy ct sactmn 814 pt this title, and to itre¤§£¤®. the gold reserve, ·box·mw~ gow an the _®rlty ¤t,\U¤ifad States If; pond; anthorigqd saetlqne 408 - oi; [title, mi fo; ouequr sy `zqlsl nots interest un; n rate ct nat to excagh per an ye: hmmm, og sell sam it necegnry to Qbiain J 21. gold. tm_ funds at the on hand jastity, he » may and retire such mgtstandipg bonds and nolcea. nd ”(De•3.@,1813.;.’6,§2B,~3§Stat._27g1.) » . eg " fekraacu Aeeortntarelatlng to yescrve mud: nec section 146 M, atthistltle. _ V J. f __ i __ Fe- ’ Q4}!.-Treasury notes as légal tmdcr; naficmla bank rmrvc ed l fund.··-·¢Tmasury notes shall be a legal tendw i¤· mymént of all pt debts, pnlillg and pnjlvatga, except ·wh§m» ctherwlsa expressly i it~ stipulated in` the and shall bd-receivable `for custoiuég .rt taxes; and all public dues. Suéh notes, "whea held, by any ld natianabbanklng amoclatlcm, may be `cmmtedas a part of its rm lawful reaarva. (Jply 14p1@0, c.` 708,___§ 2, BQ Stat.`}89; Mary; ea 14, 1900,1:. 41,·|)5,‘81 Stat. 47.) . · l_ _ · be ~ 411. Csuccllathm df 'l‘rus¤ry.m>tea on coinage of silver dalta Jars and inue of silver certi£¢st¢s.e—Treaasury notes whenever vi racalved iiito tha Treasuryk either by' bxclgangeyin accordance or {with tha proviaicms of sectipxx 468 otthia tigla or ip the ordi;·_" by nary course bf »busin&ss, shall be iretired and cancelegl with