Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1028

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§ 591 Tzama 81.·--»1(0N 591. Estimatesgfoi sa1aries.—~———All estimates for the compel sation of omcera authorized by law to be employed shall I founded upon the expfess provisions of law, and not upon tl: ,, authority of executive distribution. (R. S. ‘§ 3662.) , . ‘ 592. Reports in estimates of number and salaries of ix emcient empioyecs.·—-·It_ shall be the duty of the heads ot tk seyeral exeéutive departments of the Government to repm

 . to Congress each Uyeap in the annual estimates the, number e

employees in each bureau and office and the salaries Q01 eac who/are below oa fair standard of eiilciency. (July. 11, 189 c,,667, § 2, 26 Stat; 268 ;- June 10, 1921, c; 18, § 204, 42 Stat. 21. 593. Statements in estimates of condition of business i departments.-There shall be submitted to-Congress,_annua11; in the estimates, a_ statement aa to the condition ofbusines iu each department oriothef Government establishment, show ing. whether any part of the same ig in arrears, and, if s in wl:lat divisions of the respective bureaus and offices of lx department or- other Government establishment snch arrem exist, the extent thereof, and the reasons therefor, and als a statement of y they number and compensation ot employee appropriated for int one bureau or oillée who have been d· tailed to another bureau, or oiiiée fo; a period exceeding _ or year; (Mar. 2, 1w5,'¢. 177, M5 7, 28 Stat. 808; June 10, 192 c,·18,§204,42Stat.21.) ’_ ;· — _" 8 — 594., Requisites of estimates for Qllliropriationts for publ works.¢—-Whenever any estimate submitted to the Bureau of tl Budget asks an appropriation foi· any new speclilc expenditur ·'sucl1 as the erection of a public building, or the construction < any public work; requlting a “plan before the building or wo: can o properly completed, such estimate shall beaccompanie by Intl plans and detailed estimates of thecost oi theiyvhoi work. All snbsequcnt estimates for any such__ work shall staw the original. estimated cost, the aggregate amount thefetofm appropriated for the same, and the amount' actually expentle thereupon, as well aé the amount asked for the'cu1*rent‘year fc which suoh estimate. is made, And if the andunt asked isri excess ot the oHglnal·;estimate,' the full reasons for the exccs and the extent ot the anticipated excess, shall be also state (R; S. _§ 3663; Feb. 27, 1877, c. 69, Q 1, 19, Stat. 24o;·Ju¤e‘1 1921, c. 18, S 215, 42 Stat. 23.) _ _ ,_ _ f 595. Statements in estimates of buildingsn rented.-5T1;é1 shall be prepared and submitted to Congress each yeaf, in tl annual estimates, a statement of the buildings rented withi the District of Columbia (or the use ot the Gowjernment; tl Jiurpoma for which rented, the annual rental; o1’_each, the are of each bulldingdin muare feet ot available door space for Go ... ernment uses, the rate paid pei: square toot for auch iloor spac { the assessed Jvaluation ot each building, what proportion, if an; ot the rental paid includes; heathlight, elevator, 01; other servic and the boat of the oare, maintenanoe, and `operation ot eat building per square foot; of Soon space of the·builcllng`oi·; po tion ot `building rented; also o. statement of the number of a other buildings rented by the several executive depaftrnents, tl purposes for wlxigb rented, and tllé annual rental of eacl (Ma-r. 3, 1883, c. 128, S 1., 22 Stat.`652; July 18, 1892, c.·19 A ,`bl 1 L27; May 1, 1913, c. 1, 5 3, 38"Stat; 3 ; _May 20, 192 c. 214, T7, 41 §g_at.`691_; Jq.me_10, 1921, c. 18, § 42 Stat. $1. 596, Estimates} statements ig, 0I·’G1)V¢§¤m£Rt-OWHGJ bulls ings in District of C0lumbia.——#”’L‘8hére ahalLn1_ao·be aubmlttc to Qongrgas annually. in the estimates a atatement giving tc each of the G0yei·nment·owned buildings in otha Distilct e Columbia under the jurisdiction of eaclrdepartmenb and ind pendentestablishment ot? the Government the following late Emation for the preceding decal yeat: The locatlen and valuatlc of men building, the purfiose for purpom`fox·‘ wnlch used, an the cost of care, maintenance, upkeep, and` bpémtion `tlierea z per square toot ot Boon- space. (Juno 8, 19%, c. $5, 5 8, 4 Stat 945; Jane 10, 1921, c. 18,] 204, 42 Stat,. 212) ‘

'EY `AND FINANCE 1014 u- 597. Same; additional expla¤atlo11e.~—V§'henever, in the eewe nual estimates of expenditures required for the coming year {er le any departnxent, the usual itms oi auch estimates vary meterially in amount from the appropriation ordinarily asked for the 1- object named, and wpecially from the approprie.tio;1_zl‘&¤ted for le the same objects for the preceding year, and whenever new rt items not theretofore usual are introduced into auch estimates at for eny year, the estimates shall be accompanied bi minute and zh full explanations of all such variations and new itemi, showing 0, lthe reasons and grounda upon which the amounts are required, .)_ and the diierent items udded. ” (R. S, § 3664.) -1 in. . 598: Same; amount of putstendiug appropriations deeig. y, »nated;-·¢Es_timates· oi expenditures required in any department ss during the year then approaching, shall deainete not only the v- amount c required to bal appropriated for the -next.¤sca1,·yeer, o, ·but also the amount ot the outstanding apmoprlatleu, lt there is be any, which will probably be requirm for each particular rs item of expenditure] (B. S. O 3665.) ‘ 1 ° ’

o 599. Same; statement of persons enmyedyat md

as assay 0Qces.-=Tl1e number of persona { employed, other than e4 workmen and adjustere, `and the compenmtlmn paid te web, ne `atyeach mint and assay omce, out of appropriations mede for 1, wages of~ workmen, adjusters, and. other- employees shall be -_ reported to Congress each ymr in the annual estimates. (Feb., lc_ 3, 1905,c._297,·§ 1,33 Stat.651) _ · e w 4 , _ _ le 600. Same;. for Coast Guard.-jeléstlmatesl {or the Coest Q. Guard shall be submitted, in detail, showing aeparutely, the ¤f muount required for pay of .oEcersl, rations for omers, pay ot Pk- crews, rations ofcrews, fuel, repairs and outéts, ahip chaudlery, ad end` for traveling and contingent expenses. .Tl1$‘8 shall also 1e` be lzicluded in ·the‘unnual Budget a` stetemwt showing the fe authorized number of oillcersjund cadets in the Coast Guard, Fe their rank and p1iy;_also-the number of men constituting the rd crews of- vessels in said service; (Har. 2, ,1%, el Q10, `S 1, >1‘ ‘25 Stat. 907 {Jan.! 28, 1815, e. Z) S 1, 38~.Stet1 800; Juue 10, iu 1921, c. 18,5 ¤)4,·42 Stat, 21.) ", - __· ‘ ‘ lsv 601. Same; reports eiperaoua employed oa public buildings G- and expenditures for repair;.-—There shall be reported te ‘C0u·· O`, grees in the emmuel estimates the number et persons employed outside of the District of Columbia, ee superintendents, clerk§ re watchmen and etherwise, and paid from eppreprlatione fer the 1e ·e¤¤¤¤·uc110¤‘_e1 public buildlrige showing yrlgere. 'mid germs. in are employed, ‘ln_ what capacity, the length oftime ned at what 1e rate of compensation, and a etatennent et the expenditure et- Sa __the appropriation fer ·" repalre and preservation of public vé buildings " _ which shall show the expended on each le, public building and the numberjo! us employed and paid ` y, salaries from such aapprepriatio¤.` {Mar. 8, 1&7,’ c. SM, 2d e, `Sm. 512; ¤A\1g.·30, 1ae0, e. 837,} 1, 26"Stat. 2*:4.) . c rh 602. Same; ippreprlatioas te' refund illegally `auesscdr er r- collected- revenue taxea.-—··The Secretary of the Treasury shall ell eubmit aenuanny au! estimate ot appropriations to refund, and , gc pay back duties er taxes errciueouuly or illegally aeeemd or _` h. collected under the internebreveuue laws, and. to pay 'j`udg· 6.~ ments, including, interest and costs, reudered for tum or pen· 0,_ alties erroneously or tllxally assemed or collected underthe “ .) luternalgrevenue laws. (Nov. 23, 1921, 136, [1317, 42 Stat. 1- 314.) · · ;' ‘ . ‘ , ’ ed '” W3. Same;. fer Foreign Service.-—-Except ea, hereinafter Jr `ezeeewaee provided, estimates ter the annual expen<mures ot at the expenses ei the Foreign Service ehall etete the 1» entire e· lamouut required for its support, lucludlui all commercial r- agents hud other ewcers, whether mid: by tees, er etlrerwiee, m specifying the cempeuntleu te be allowed or deemd advisable nd in · each individual mm, mt estimsees for rent et_ consular at emces, and, under" the amount required l1 annually to be at amen fer purpw within · ` 'th•dt•¤·@n¤ttb•¢leparm1¤••a‘re¢at•d and web-