Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1081

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]f§G7 ‘ TITLE $3.—1YAYIGATION . · _ f { , . ,1;;;: brought ii2t0 8113 `f>01'¢ of the United States if found upon rm high Seas, oi- to be seized. it found in any port or place within sixciiuitcd States, whether the Salma sball have actually ,_,gn-`1'upun ahy piratical Gipéditifm Or not, and pvhcther guy kip; nf piracy shallg havé been committed .o»r_attelnptcd upon (·1V:‘m¤z such vessel 0; uct; and any such vcssicl may be adjubgceel and condemned,. it captxired by a vessel authorized as in the following section mentioned, to yhc use of the United g;_%;{~—¤, and to that of the captdrs; and itscizcd by a collector, ¤m·x·;_wr, pr marshal, than to the.uSe of 'tha {United ‘Stalcs, (nfs. § 4297.) i . M  » · ~ ' $,36. Commissioning priyatc vessels for seizure of piratical w>=»cls.·——Thc‘ President is authorized to Insiruct the ccmmzmd— m-< of the public armed vessels Myths United States; hud to

msh·»rizc thecommzgudcrs of anypther armed vessels sailing

lllliipgf ihé authority `cf any letters of ggarque. and reprisal gmmed bf C<mgressQ,'or`thb commanders of any other suitable wcé-ts, to subdué, seize, takc,_and, lt qu the high seas, tc send imc any port ot the United Statés,. any vessel ofboat built; ynm·h;nsed,.§ttsd 0ut,¤0r held as mentioned in ibciprecéding so<·!€O!l. .(R. ,S. ‘ 4298.) I ‘ J · 337. Duties of chccm V9f_ customs and marshals as tb s¢·imre.;—!-fI‘hc- ccllcctorscf the several ports of entry, the smé x·»y~rs of the several ports of delivery, épdlhe marshals of my- xroveral judicial district? withiu tha. United States, shall- · h.-iw any or.bqat’built, p{u·chased,·tltted out, ornexq as ‘ xuczztinxxxvd in sccflcn 385 of thip- chapter, whlclymqy bc found · wiihjxx their respective parts ox districts, uml tqlcausc the same 1 M pmccedcd‘agair;st and disposed of `ns prcvidcdiby that »e·¤·$i0n. (R. S. { 4299.), M · ` (‘|;;¤{»t¢·r`_8.——SU1NL5iARY, TRIALS FOR CERTAIN · OF- i·‘r.:XSl<3S AGAINST NAVIGATION LAWS; SM . -· /_ I . sam. Summaqy trials authorised. , ,2:. <1»£npl:1iut'axid answer; jury-trial. ~

.1-;:. .\mcn<Imeuts‘o( complaint andjzdjournmcuts.

wx, <‘¥»a}·h·ngeb to jurors. . Lili, Limit of neutcxuco. / . ‘_ _ _

. Izpvovcry of penalties and forfeiture; generally. A l

Section 39t. Summéry trials a¤thorized.·~Wbencw*c_r —a com-

»m‘i¤t Shall bc made éagainét any m
isbcr,_0tllce1·, or seaman of

aw? vcsvel belonging, in 'whole cr in pmjgto any clthen of the I‘»;it4·i1 States, of the commission 0£_ any offense, not, capital or m¤ms·i>=e_iufauious, aminst nn} law of the United States made fw the- pmtccmm ct persons or preperti cxignged ·lu_ commerce or mvignticn, it shall be the duty ct. the district; éttcrncy to ·_ i¤‘·.··"·.=zSgate the same, and tho' gc¤eral_ haturc tbercot, and. ii', EH his opinion, the cage 19/such as should bé summarily tried, Im slnlll repnrt the mma, to the dlsfrict judge, and the judge bimllc {ortlnwéth, or né $0011 as the ordiaarybuslnc-ss bf the court

_ mi permit, proceed to try thecausc, andjtor that purpose may,

if xwccssary, hold n special sessgicn ct qtlxc court, eithér in i·"_¥‘¤i time b€‘vq<·ati0¤, " (1158. S 4300.) · " . — · ’ 392{ Complaint gud mgqer; jury ti·ial.————At lhs Stimmary mul at qménscs against the laws for érotcction of persons M- ;·m;»erty-en1gagcd in commerce or, navigation, lt ghall not bc mq <-wary that the `nccuacd sba,11 have been previously indicted, Wi n,>mycme¤t__pt fgcqgplamf, vegidml by ogtlyln ivrltiug shill ?¤* wcscntckl to me must, xtting cutcthe cdensé lf; Such ;_m§¤¤&l‘ ‘ xw piearly to apprisc the accuscdbf the character dtbthé silence Qrzxxsizaincd mf, gud tc euablefblm to qximvér UIQ ·¤0¥¤¤$¤J¤€· _ me mmplalnt or statcémnt shall be read to me accbscé, who fi lf pvpkeadrto og amwgr the name, at mts I 00¤¤lZE!|¢llZ$1B¤¤f·. im u·inl_sho.l1 thereupon bé procceded..with in nymmmuy l¤··mmz;·, and the cme shall beg decided by the at lac time "tqa·‘ pleading or amwvlng, the accused shall demand _ n Jury; in which caée trial shall bé umm `thl ¤mPlnl¤t nm ‘ i*!<‘*a of gat gui|g;y_ (3 g_ Q gw;) . ‘ —` ·

AND NAYIGABLE WATERS § 396 393. Amendments of complaint land ad§onrnmen1s.—It shall bo lawful for the court to allow tho district attorney to amrml his statement of ooxnplnint at any stage of tho prooeodings, before ·vcrdic,t, if, in the opinion of tho court, $l1(‘h'8Il'l€Il(llllUllt will work no injustice to the acéeugod; null if it appears to the court that the accused is unprepared to meet tho charge ms. amoxldokyand that an adjourninonooi the oauso will promote thoonds of justice, such adjournment shall be made, until 21 further day,·_to be fixed by the court. (R. S. § 42102. ; ' 394. Challenge to jurors.——At tho trial in summary casor, it l _ by jury; the United States and the accused shall each be omirlod ° to three poromptory challenges. Challenges for camo. in- smh casog, shall be tried by the court without the aid of triers. {R. S. 54303.) _ _ ` 395. Limit of‘scntencc.g—It shall not be lnwfnl for the court‘ to sentence any person convicted in su·ch'trial to any greater

 punishment thou imprisonment in jail for ono year; or to il

line exceeding $500, or both, in its discretion, in ’thos=e cases whore- tho, lows of tlgo United_Stateg authorize sufrh imprison- · mentnud fine. (Il. S. §. 4304.) _ * _ ( _‘ · ,396. Recovery of penalties and' forfeitures · gcneraHy.#-All the penalties and forfoituros wbich`mu·y. be incurroslfor ot·~ fcnsos against this chapter and the six' preceding chapters of _ tl1is· title may be sued for, prosecuted, and recovered in such court; and bc disposed of in such manner, as any penalties and forfciluros which mzfy be incurred for offenses against the lows _ rélating to the collection of duties, egzcept wben otherwise ex- ` prossly prescribodo (R. S. _§ 4305% __ 1 ‘ ` Chapter 9.——PROTI•lCTlON· OF NAVIGABLE "WA'1‘ERS` ANL!) OF HARBOR AIYD RIVER I‘MPRO\TEMEN'1`S GEN- _ ‘ERALLY.· I l " - _ I ° IN,'GENF:RA`L ‘ · Soc. ·. · . ·_ ` 401. Construotlgn of__brl<luos, eousoways, dams or dikcs generally} .402.~Constru<·fion of briclgoo, ctr., over Illinoio uml Mi;si§slppioCunol. 403. Obstruction of navigable waters generally; wbarves; piers, ctc.; ’ excavations and flll.1ng!_in. ,» _ = _ . _ _ 404. Establishment of harbor lines; `condltioné to_ grants for ox- _ tension og piers, etc. ‘ A . . " . _ .· ; 405. Establishment {md nnodillcation oI· hurborlinos on Potomac and _ Anacostia Rivers. ~ · . ‘ _ 406. Penalty for wrongful construction of bridges, piers, etc.; remoéal - of structures. _ · _ ` ‘ 407. Deposit of refuse in navigable waters generally. I, 408. Taklugoposscssion ot, use of, or lnjugy to harbor or- river lm- , provexnent . ‘ L __ _ 409. Obstruction of navigable waters by vessels; `Bo¤ting— timber; marking and rennovalot sunken vermin. _ . * u · . 4i0.·Exceptlou ns to Boating loose timber, sack rafts, etc.; violation of l regulations; penalty. _ - . - T ._ . 411. Penalty for wrongful deposit of refuse; use of or injury to ‘ harbor lmprovementsf ono obstructions of navigable waters · · generally. _ ·· ’ ‘ ‘ 412. Liability of Qastern, pilots, etc., and of vessels cnggcd in vlola·_ - Holm. _ - 413. Duty of distrlcbattornoys and other Federal olilcerajin enforcc— . mgmt of provisions; arrest ot ofonclors. ‘ - ‘ 414. Removal by Secretary of sunken wntor crsft goxnémllyj _ 415. Summary removal ot water craft obstructing navigation. 416: Appropriation for removal of sunken qxtor craft. _ _ 417. Expenses ·of ·1uves`tlgations by War 'popartrueut; ° M8. Provisions for protoetion ot Nw York Harbor unaffected. , 419; Regulation by Secretary governing tronsportntion and dumping ` of da-ogigings, refuse, etc., into navigable waters} oyster lands; agipmprtntions. — _ » ‘ — _._. ·£20. Pigrqond cribs on Mississippi and sei Croix Rivers. 421; Mposlt of refuse, etc., An Lake Michigan near Chicago. ‘ 422._.E0dl¤cstion aim! extension of harbor lines at Chicago. · ·.; . 423. Establishment of plorbond and bnlkbead lines ln Wilmington ( lzinborr, Cnllformn. , _ , . _ _ 424. ‘&t•bl1sb¤c¤t of pierbend or bulkhead `llnes in_ Newport Harbor, _‘ . Gnllfornid. · · _ _ .425. Investigations by Bccrctsryot War.aa_to pollution ot ngvignblc