Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1082

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§ 491 ylzrm 33.——X.r1l’IG.lY’I‘ON' OIL- POIlI.UfI`lON OF CO.\S'l`.»xI.. W.\'I`lCRS Sec. _ V » ` 431. Short title “Oil Pollution Act." _ p { = 432. lietinitxons : " oi/i " ; /" person " ; " coastal navhxzible waters " " Secrelar_y." ~ " 433.. l‘rohil»iilon`against iiischalgegc of oil generzilly. éfll. l‘··:mlzies for Violations; liallility of vessel. _ . 4352 Itovoriilion or suspension of license of oliicers of offending ves 436. I’»·rs.»nnel for enforcem:>nt ot provisions; arrest of offenders ani r pl‘<_¤(‘* iillf9. - ‘ ' `43’i'.eOtl~ier statutes for_preser·v:l_tion and protection of navigable water; I; unalfecte<i.. ( ° · `I ‘ - NEW YORK IIARBOR AND ADJ.iC’ISNT _W.\fI`ERS 441. Deposit ot refuse in New York Harbor and adjacent waters pro hihited; penalty. · ” . . . ~ . _ 442. Liability of ·»ilieers»·of/ towing vessel. ‘ `, · 4i3. Herinit for dumping.; penalty for taking or towing boat or scov _` without permit. V r · . 7 444. Dumping at other place than designated dumping grounds.; pen alty; person liable;”ex_cuses for deviation. `_ 445. Equipment and marking of boats or scows. _ ` 445.* lnspectofsz appointment. powers, and duties.“ 447. Bribery of inspector; penalty. . (. . _ 448. ileturn of permit; penalty for failnije toi return. - · f 449. llisposition of dredgedmatter; persons liable; penalty. 450.*Liability of vessel. · ’ __ ·’ ‘ 45l. Supervisor of harbor; appointment and duties. _ · 452.. Taking shellfish or otherwise interfering with navigation in Nev York Harbor channels; penalty"; arrest and pr0cedu’re._ · . .~

 Regulations for navigation of Ambrose- Channel; exclusion 0

toivs and sailing vessels. · l ‘ . · _ 454. `Consent of Congress. to obstruction ot waters by _New.Yo_rk City IlO'I‘OMA(j RIVER AND TRIBIl'I‘.~\RIl<lS IN DlS'I‘IiIC'I‘ Oil? ·. ° I » . pj COLUMBIA ‘ I 461. Delllsit in_rlver, etc., ot niatcrials generally. · 462. Deposit of odfal. · _ _- Y · 463. Penalty for‘vi·»laAtion of preceding sections. .464.‘Iinproven1ents under supervision of 1·‘ederal Governinent ex ("cepted. ., · _ _ _ ‘ ‘ "` IN GENERAL • _ Section 401. Constructioxyof bridges, causeways, dams 01 dikes generally.-—·lt shall notbe lawful to construct or com `nie‘nce.the constrn<·tion*<gf any bridge, dam, dike, or causeway over or in any port, roadstead, haven, harbor, canal, navigabll river, in- other navigable §EiLl€l`_()f the United States `until the .» consent of Congress to the _];>uili.ling` oE` ’SlLl`ll(.*{lll`€ii shall have

 been olrainell and .lllllll`[il(§ plan? for the samesliall have been

f@UlJilliliL·‘ll toidaml appltoved hy the Chief of Engineers and by thi Secrezzirgv of War: I’ror»ided, That such structures may bl built under authogity of the legislature of a State across river. and other wvatcrways the navigable po3.·tions` of- which iii wholly w`ithin‘the limits of a single State, provided the loca tion and plans thereof are submitted to and approved by th· Chief of Engineers and by the Secretary of War before cop str.acl.ioa~ is coannonced: And provided j_urthez·, '1`hat whe1 plains for any bridge or other StI’·llCt\1~1'(3 have, been approved bj the Chief of Engiineers and by the Secretary of ·War, it. shal awt he lairfill to deviate from such plans either before or afte completion of the §Sti’llClU1l€_l111lt?téS the modification of sale plans has previously been submitted to and received the an proval of ths,Chief of E_nglnwrs ·‘and of the Secretary of Wax (Mar. 3, 1899,*c. 425,_§ 9, 30 Stat. 1151;) _ . 402. fonstruction of bridges, etc.; over I`lli~n0is and Missiq sipepi Cana`!.-···~Ti1e ptfovisions of the fhljegoillg sectioll. are here by marie applicable lallke to rthe completed and uncompleteg portionsi of the illinois and Mississippi Canal. .`W'heneve the Seeretary of, War shell approrie plans for a brldgot V the built. across said canal he may, hi his discretion,‘_ ani » suipject to ,su<·h terms and conditions as ln~his judgment an p equitable, expedient, and jas: to the public, grant to the per _ ‘_ son or corpo`ration» building and owning such bridge s rightfo; way across the lands of the United States on either side of am

AND NAVlG.·l1$LlJ Wllfl’I·JIcS 1QGS Q z14_Ej;lce11t_ to the said canal; ul:s<>·the privilege of ec»eulpy1,;g gg, muah of said lands as may be necessary for the piers, ,,;,,,,__ J mg1;ts,·zlud‘0llle1‘ portions of the bridge Sktmicture sm} ,,,,_ { preaelles. (June 13, 1002, cj. 10TQ. ~§ 10, 32 Stat. 374,) H ` " 403. Obstruction of navigable waters generally; »wvi§;_m~,.,,Z _ piers, `etc.; excavations and iilliiig i¤.—'I‘he}creatVi0n of -;e;;

  • •9l);é$,l‘llCllUl] BOE 21llll`ll]&l[l\`€ly 2IUt·l.I(l}I`lZ£’d by C:O1lgl`€**SS, fu {hg

_1 · u;,vig;l1>1e capacity `of amy of the waiters of~.the United .5;;,;,., V lis hereby prohibited; and it slmll not be lzjdvful me iszi§el‘ S or commence the huiltllllgfif 2111)* Wl1&1‘f,-]_4l0I‘, d0lphiu, l¤_.4,,,,, Weir, breakwateij, bulkhead, jetty,, or other struclures i1l-m`;=,; p0;·t,_zjuudstei1d, lmyén, hax‘b0l‘,” l‘uH&l, Hiwigtlble 1‘i,\'e1‘, or mi,,»·;·

 waiter `ofltlne United States, outside established harbor 1in,·>._

or where no l1_£ll'll01’ lines has°e° been} established, except mi films; re¢0mn1ended by the Chief of Engineers and authorized l>;,·‘lhe Y Seéretaijy of War; and itshall not be lawfuli:0 exezmisle er _Q still, or inhny nmimera-td 'alter- or modify the course, lm,. tiein, conditi011’,·0r capacity of, any port, Qlroedstedd, lumen, h$;i·b0g·, causi1,·lake, harbor ;0£r refuge, et inclcsuire within llitéa limits of any lireakwateg, -0r of the channel of any eavignille yvater of the United S_taitg$,- unless the work hasbeen seem,. mended by the Chiefjof Engineers and authorized hy the Sé~ex·e- · tary of l\}"sr, prior to l)€giH1llD§_ the same. `(Mer. 3, 18%, C, V ~125,_§_ 10, 30 Stat;1151.) f `,;_ _ h` _ _ `1 ` 404. Establishment of barber lines; tanditions te grants fer t [extension `cf piers, etc.¥—Whet·e it is made manifest to the sec- _ "reteu; Of W zu? that the establishment of `Yharbor lines is r' essentiall to _ the preservation sind. protection lot harbors he

 may, and is hereby], &\ltll0l`lZ€d to pause sixch lines to whe

» established, beyond lwhieh no piers, wharves, bulklleeds, of other works shall be_extended»0r deposits gmde, extcept umler V such regulations asmay bee”p1;es;;x*ibed· from time to timeby " him: Provided, That whenever the Sectetary of Wm- grants

 to any person or persons permission to éxt@1d {Hers, whmcves, `

bulkhezlds, pr other works, er to make deposits in my tidal . l1a?bur or river of the`United States beyond any harbor lines l` established under autboritjr of the United Sgatm, he shell esuse ‘ to be ascertained the amount of tielewuter displaced 'by may »‘ msuch structure or.'hy any such deposits, and lle_sl1a’ll,,.if he B lleem it necessary, require the parties no whom the permlssien _, 2 is given to make compensation {oi such displacement either: · 9 by exe:·1v—ating in some part of the harliq;, including tidewzller . 1 •.·lw.u_neis between high`l0w water mark, to such an extent B Q as to create ll basin for as much 'tilieweter as may be_disptz.m·d Q by such strpcture such ·dep¢>sits, or- in any other mule ` s that may be satisfactory to him. (Mer. 3, 1899, c. '$ 11. éf 30 Stat. 1151.) . . .· ~ , % .- ’· 405. Establishment and mcdihcatien of barber lines ez; c Putennscs and `Anscestia Rivers.---'1‘he preyislerislof is theefeze ·- geging section are made. Rppliceble to the Potemac end Ane- Fl ·¢,·`c»stia Riverspsmd afterlliuly 25, 1912, his-liu; lines in the ills- Y ,1 trict of Columbia, or elsewhere gm said rivers, shs,ll be esl=ll¢· I lished 01"Hl()llill€*fl'8.S thex·ein`;1:0€·l¢le;l. (July 25, 1912,1:. 253, 1* §1,..37 Stat. 206.) l 0 · _ _ _ · 1. 406. Penalty { for wrengful camstmetiexf of bridges, piers, , V etc.; .remeva.l of str¤ctnl_res.·~¥—Every person and every corpem-I

 tiolrthst shell violate any ¢;>t·the.pz·0visl01s1s of sections »-ltlii

.-403 end 404 et this chalpter mrgany rule ei reglilhtiep made . ~" by the Se<·retary`0f Y\<"ar in putsuguee of the previsiens of {lll? l· said sections, shell be deemed guilty er s misdeiiieéncr, sud 011. J convicticm thereof sllslll he punished by q. .£l$)et· excwlfi ing $2,500 net less then $5w, errlry imp;·i~semuem; l(l11`lLh8.C&$€’ 0 "of a. natural persem) not exheedihg one year, or byboth smh il %u¤iishments, ln. the dis_<;·x.·@tldn of the- eeurt. BAA:} further, the _ B removal of shy strtiétures pr parts ot structures erected in ‘ ·— violation ez lZh8`Q1"0V1Sl0E$·0f the seidesectiexis may be enforced if by the injunction of e.¤y‘ district ceux·t_ exercising jurisdiethm il in any district ih. which such structmtes may exist, and l>1‘0l>€*' .