Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1091

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1077X. TITLE 33.-·NAVl’GA§l’ION

 l";g};;}>{}d t§e Séreiiafy Gf War and th0'Chle! of Exsgmegrg Iggy,

_ wm refusal at the P€r$¤ns owning or ccntrolling any sucll image and &€€€$$@f]\W'0!'k9 to c<>m@y with guy lawful mag; Aislued by the Secretmfy of War- cr Ghlel of ‘Engl¤cers lu i··;:u·d thereto, cause the removgl of such bridge ang arccwsory w.·¤·ks at the expén*se" of the perrsgxig owning or ‘ controlling ~sm·h» briilge, and- salt for such expense may be brought ix; the zzzmm af {llQ*Ull$£% States against guch pgxscmé, and;1‘ec0v1~:x·y mi me Such. expense ln any court' of ccmpeteutljurigdiction;

g;;~4] iisé l.`;?HlOV$1_ ct _¤·¤y Brectffd 4Ol' E&iIlt&iI1€d il]

—&»* Aim: of the pzjcvislcus of this ch£pte;·, socllqus 49rto _498, _ gvgi-gkive, or the 6rde1‘·0r directicurcf the Seéretary_ pg Wu or < Libr mf Engineers uyaée tu pursuance thei·e{:•t_m¤y·bé enforced gg}- mjmction, mandamus, mycfher summary process, upén appli- €:~1¥l~{·ll to thedlstrict cmaw in tha district in which such sfruc» ‘ huarewnzxy, in whole 01*.111 part, edd, ¤¤dTF1`°PeI' p1‘l)¢0€dlu§S {his om! may ba instituted unhr the direction of the Attorney

 <;{·m·;·.¤i of thellénited States at tile request °9t the Swretaty

l Gi War; and ixreséo of n¤y_ litlntigm arising {rem any pb ’_ straxgtiou an- allegedt nbsuwctlou ta 'navlgiticnzgmated by the {~{ms}rm·0&ié»n ot any bridge under this chapter, sectiomi 491 to / 4%:5, sxxemsvé the cause or questlcn grlsing may be tl‘i¢d·b8fol‘§ the distriét cmd: of the United "Sutep in my district which any fwrtiw 6f #$41 éfbtldge touches. _(,h{&r, 28, 1906. c. 1130, § 5,434 Stat. S5.) ». ·· “ i. l { 496. Time for qaqnenmnegt nid wppleticn af bridge.; fwhenevér Congress shdll By flaw quthbrlze the cqnstructioh

gr nuycbridge over . or acres; any, of tha psvignbldwntars oi

mulkzited States, wml. mi ti¤e_i'0if’.the and wsq»1€m¤ uziemn www 1¤.¤¤m¢a_1¤ ;¤m_·Ac¢;m me uulkggxxy »$lu·rcby granted shall Abe null mid iam unless the lactudl construction of the bridge iiitlwtizcda in such Agri: be cmxaaugziiced Within imc ygnr qnd c0¤ip1e{;ed_Wil’.llln tl1_gee_yegrs from the dafe;0£`tl1c {Sassqgc ot such Act. (Mar. 23, g1906, 0 c.1l3~G,§6,.34‘Stz1t.`86.) “ _ · '"- 1 ~ _ ‘· —

 ’ 497; “Pew¤us ” de£¤cd.——Thé word “pérs¤—ns "· as_ used in

` pm 4·hapter,r sectluins .491 to 498, inclusive, shall be construed ‘ ru dm;;g¤»;·t bcith thefsingajlar and the."plural,» iS"' the caée dcmaiids, sgml shall lxgclude municipalities, quaél municipal cor- ·=— ,,;m·:;1ions, ~c<.>:·p01’ations, _ companies, arid associations. (Mar.

 iijlélil. p._1130, §.7,” 34 Sta;. 86.) , , · " ll ‘  

{$8. Reservation of right_ ta alter ar i·epeal.-¢-—',I?he right tc zllxvr, amend, » or repeql this `chapter, segtiona 491_ tc 498, lizq§u>:iw, is hereby cxgressly as tb day and gil bridges which may be lbuilt in accordancg" with the provisions Qt the `said seceims of thisi chapter, and the _United~ smug ahgll iww: no liability for the.a1ternt,l011,» amaudmenl, or repeal m·~z·mf· to the owner or owners dr maynother persoué interested m any bridge jwbiclrshall have beéq const1.·ucted_ in accotfliam witlrits provisions.-‘ (Mint,. 23,0190Q, c. 1130, { 8, 34 »'lH{.”g·G.) ” . ’ · __ _ - · V . 499. Regulations far "dt§wh·§dgeg;_ bensltiq ful; vlélnticrh; ` vnfcrccment.-·—It shnil bg the qutypt all pcmmq Owning; 0Der—* mmg, and tendlgg _;tl1g_ dmwbridges blulltjaxiér to ¤A¤g;1st 18, 1 jill, or whlch may thereafter bc built acrws. the navigable m·m=s mul other waicxgs of the United Statm, to, open, or cause to .1;;; opézied, tha draws o£._such bridges undef such ruléa and y{·;;ui;4tions as in the opinion of the bf ·`War the ‘;»u_mic i;1t;m$s,rcquiré to ygpveru the openlng;0£·ldrawbridgé¤ my the passage of lvesicls and other waiter izrgfti; amt such _x·u3_4:·:»; and regulations, when so madé am published, shall hnvé me force of law. » Evaty such person whs} shall willfully tall or refuse to span, or cnusa to bé cpéned, the draw ot my such bridge far the pgmgo of n boat ar bouts, or wlwl éhsll un-

  • `f?3¥<?¤Hbly mdelny (tha opening of mid draw situ' reasonable

.S¤g¤al sligll hav; bee; {hw; u pwélded in such remxlutlnns, S mail be deemed guilty .0t s` mlsdcmanncr, gid on écnvfétléa ¤wmo¢q1;¤11%¤¤ punislaed by g lm ¤: mc mmknnn @000 wir

>AlVl?_ NAYIGABLE WAZYERS I · lessthan $1Q000, or by imprisenment (iu the case of e natrzraf person) fer. not exceedingfkme year, or by beth such due and ‘“imp1‘1s0Dme1;t, in the discretion of the court: Provided, That , the-prpper `action to enforce the provisions of this section may ’ _‘be COIDQIBBCQG before may commiesimzer, judge, er court of I 3 .the United? States, and such c0`mh1,issioner, jjudge, or court » `éhell proceed ip respect thereto he euthbrized bylaw in case a · of crimes agaipst the United Starters: Provided "fwi·tker,'·Thet yhenever, ln the yepiniou cf. the Secretary ef, War, the public . _-interests require it, he may ximke rules edd regulations te ,_ govern the opening ·ef drhwbridges fer the passage of vessels · and other water crafty and e¤ch.rulm and reghletieps; when y so made arid published; shell have the fcfrce-ef lair, ahdeey ·— vlolation thereof shall be pmslshed as eherelebefere provided: · Provided feiither, That any regulatiehs made in pursuance ef I ’this section may be enforced ar provided ih_ section 113 et · chapter 9 et this title, the provisiom whe-reef ere mede ‘appli· · cable to {they said re¢ulhti®s.‘r (Aug., `18,° 1894, c. ¤9, ‘ l · 5, 28 Stat. 3M; Jur1e_1§,¤19d2, e.`_16’¥9,‘ fd, 32 Btet; 374:) hl { L 50OQ · of carrat; liability te evmcm.-J ·, Whenever_·c0rpplalnt shall be made to the Secretary of War » that by rwson etthe pmcing ln any navigable waters bt the y United States of euy bridge ple: er abutment, the current et y sueh waters has been Use dedected from its natural ¢6%¥S%_ as_te·ceu@ by prodhcihg ésvingef bank er ¢ damage fer auger tepreperty, lit Shall `be his tto make irfqhfry, atidiif it shall be aacertaléd that‘·the‘ lai¤t is T `well fdlllld€§X, he shall cease the evmers er pers® §_eperati¤g such bridge to repair such damage •r danger c to property by such menu as he ahhh indicate and within meh `tirde as the mayineme, and in depslt l @et the ewnem er t ‘pea°$0¤s‘ emrating éuch shell che liable in any court ef 'cenipetent jurisdiction to the perseae injured lh a wmdeehle the amount 'of `said· injury: beseéeer,_ {met hething herein. centalxied shell ‘ be ee. as te eiect my rights er action which may have existed prler to August 11, _188§. <(Aug. 11, 1888, e. 860, 5 2,25 Stat,-i%.)` ". · _ 50lL C0!l§€Bt eg bridges ever Msquéketa River, Iowa.-—-The x assent of Congress, ad of July 13, 1868, is giveh to the core ` struction ohbridges acfress the; Mequolreta _ Riser, ivlthin the ~'_State of Iowa, with er without draws, as may be prortded by , the lures otlthet State. (R. S. 5 5250.) ~ · · , . _ 562; A. Criminal libbility for failure te alter bridge ebstmcb Y _ ih; l\lVi§8t’i6%¥—YVYl¢Il6V€P tm·‘ Secretary. et War shell héve

 800d   to believe thehehy railroad or other bridge over

_~ ~ any df the nevigqble waterways of the United · Sutes is in _· um·&eenable·obstruct1e¤_to the free R§ViglU0¤a et mich gaterr _ op {account ot- lmsu§cient height, width et wid, or when- ] wise, or where there is dimculty ~i¤_ passing the draw epehlng

 or the dreiv apap ot such bridgeby -re£te,·‘¤teamhmts, or other

— water craft, tit shell be the duty ot thelseid Secretary, p giving; the parties reesenahle epmrtmxity to be heard} ee give , hotiee to'- the persohe Ver corperntione ewnlhg er·co¤t1•e"llihg _ such bridge to islter the` aime jas to reiderimvigatieq , r through or under 'lt reasonably free, easy, and unobetrdcted ;‘ , and inlgivlug such notice hd shell epmify the changes recom- _ mended by the Chief" of Exrgiheers that are required to be , made, and éliell prescribe in each case a. re¢ ble time iq [ which te [make them, It dt. the end dt such tlmeuthe emera- _ tionhes hot msside, the Secretarg eta War shall terthwitlr { notify the United States district `ettemey for the district in . · which such bridge is situated, to the end that the crirhihal pro? _ ceedfuge,. hereipefter in this eectioh mentioned may be taken. . It the persona, eormratioh, or dissociation; owning or con-

'trollleg any railroad or other bridge shell, after receiving &

, notice to that eEect, es herelhhefere required, from the Secre- 1 tary of War, and within thel time prescribed by htm willfully · fell ·er·ret\l§e te reinore the same or to eomplyfwith the lawful _