Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1095

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,· _ \ ‘ `IGS1 , _TITYLE _83.-—·N.1_VIGATIOM zi} my `imp,.,Lm,m£»¤¢g; in `sccordauca wit!} speuiug »r¤quirement;· x _ , or.;;;3d{?1' general ¤¤th01'i¢3 of ara' tu umm ot the 4 WW1 cost of th8`W01‘¥ ¢<>¤¥¢¤l>¥¤¢€d wd. pwwiy chargeable .3 m gu.-!} contributions, such excess contributions. may, wittx the 1 m;mg1_<»t the S¢¢1?¢*¤¤‘! Gf Wim be returned tv the pi·qper‘ _ mmteaxtatives of the €0¤i1‘ib¤ti¤8 interests, muws tug- provi. ~ Sm; pi law under’W¤i¢¤··-the G0¤¤‘ibuti0H is made xfcguireg that . {gw {·m2ré`contributi9~u be by tue United States.- (31;;-, u 4_ 1:_·2,3, c. 142, { 4, 38 Stat. 10&.) ~ ‘ ~ . . 55), ;Advnuce¤ by §fiV¤¢¢’ patties; #[cp•ymem;t.g-Whenex·er u }·¤·:sl·i¥1Y<>resLs siiall Mer to. advauée funds forlthe progecutiqn ` ti a ixwk of river and harbor imprcvemgnt iuly adopted and ~ `:;sar§mr§x»>d by law thétSecretary;cf War may, in his discre- _ E ;*.m.`m·t·ivé such funds gud qxpeni the éame in the imuggiiiaté ,,Q,,W·u;i<»:n“0f such w<si‘k.t_ The Secretary of War is guthorizeglt mw izimrted to repay without interest, ;_trom appropriation; t,;,;··1; may be prcvided by Congress for- rive1·‘¢ud hs.1•bqr_imy_· '·;,;·§,t »·;Q+»¤t.s, the moneys S0 cctltrfimted and estpenclggz fnpjded, -}*1m no repayment G! funds which may be contributed tg: the

§ur;m<· of rmaetinginy éoidittons of local cooperation imposed

iq- <‘q»n¥;¤·éess, non uxydérl the authority 'of_ the preceding section ' Qtmél be mgde. (Har. 3, 1925, ¢. 467, Q 11, 43 Stat.`1197.) 562. Channel depths dimensions Iciucdt-In thu pmpzu · m1i§m»0f urojects u¤de1·‘River and Harbor gcts, unless other- {»i>·t· e·xp1·¢·ssed, the channel depths referred to shz1Il`bc unterstand to signify the depth at maui l0w'w~ater in tida1‘_watei·s· , mxmmrf to-thi· Atlantic and Gulf c6asts,and at uiean lower lmv wurcr, in tidal wi1tk-rslttibutary to the Paqitig mast sind Nw meeizn depth far a continuous period of fiftem; idays;-ot the !·vw¢—st· wntoxjin the navigation sezison of any year in rivers and mm'i4i:1l channéfé, and the chuzmel 'dinqertsions specified shall _ be u:»a•1m·stood to admit of .such increase the .ei1tmnées,‘ 1¤·m_is, tidings, and,tu.rning places as gnay Be neée$uary to`al1dw uf the- free mofvemeut of bdats, ‘(Mar.. 4, 1915, c. 142, 5 5, 38 Sm!. l€`2§3;*) "_ - `_f " , E ·_ — I 563. Use •f ugiexpcndedsums for preservation, etc.§ of exist- u ting works and for ucv prcjects.—¥·>-Fuhdé appropriated prior tcl ¥S4·;»u~¤¤!»·;r ‘.?Q2,‘1922,· for improvemépt ,0t rivers, and- harbors 5 mpi kvhich ·remai¤ in the Trcasuryé "uuexpcudcd because the - wwk wr projects fdr wbicjh the same were a~p{>¤0‘priatcd_have been {··_>mp1<·ted, ure. hereby __mude aiailable fdr expenditure by aud. ”¤11m!<·1‘ me'dia·ect1cn of the Secretary 0{War aud the `superyi- >~€»»;¤n·¤f the Chief of E!1§i1iL'€!'8,fQl} the preservation and main- ’ z· :4;¤1y·e_¤f any `existiugirivcr and Harbor w01iks; and"fo`r the

·;··»$.···¤ntiun ct'. such projects; ot_ improvement xheretofore
¤·1·»;m·11 `zgnd authorized as' may be most desirable In the in-

- l•·:···<i»= of cbmuwrcc and navigation. `(Sept.~22, 1922, c. AM, $ 43. 42`Stat. 1012.) I , ‘ — ‘, 664. Settlement bf claims for injuries `ta or has of private · px:»Q>qx·t;;.-;——\\fhemgver any vejzssgl belonging to or emiyloycd by

2;.- I':1it¢e—al §tates engaged upon river and harbor works col-

U·*•·js with and damages nnqther véssel, pier, O1'. cthet legal

z:u.·rure h4G01;giu§ to any person or cqrpomtibu, and 'wheu-

¢·xq·1·,Ai:1 the prmtecutibn qt river and harbor wcirks, un acciderrf ·¢ ·”Ne‘s ¢lamurgi*ng°m· déstroying property belonging to lily DBFSOU

 {-¢—;·;¤»rz1ti011,_u!1d whenever personal property of,,e`mplcyeés-·
 uw {mined States, who are pmplbyqd pn or in connection

mn I`i}'(31ji anu harbor w0rks,° izydamaged or destroyed in ·~·E2l1•*(‘¥i{)i1·G`\Vifb the l0ss,_thr¢·g=nténed lmss, ,0: dumugé to -Unitedf*¢!*i¢·>¤ pi·upt~rty, or through eiIm·& to save life Ol' to DI¢Sé1’\’8

 WM} States property, the Chief of Engineers 8h8!I 08118% ¤¤"

=f¤·m<·;\intc examination {0 biz made, phd if. ·i¤.hB! j\1d€¤1€¤C. mt mats and drcxxmstaxices are-·~su<;h as to maké the wholépr

  • ‘•E‘ I gig dgmgegggqgp %ggtru¢tion |. Qropet charge '8.§ui¤S‘t

~ It ntas, the uhie qt Engineers, subject to the upswmi at the Sectctaryut War, shui! "hnvé authority to adjust ¤~1>•1 settle uu` claim; for damagg 01; GNUBGUOB 030596 by · u

vu _NAVIGABLE,WATER8 ; § 567 the , above »desih·nated collisions, accidents, and so forth, ir;. casa `where the damage orexpeuae does not exceed $500, andn pay the same from- the appropriation gzlirectly iavolvegl, and to report such as exceed $500 to (Yougress for its consideration:. a (June 5, 1920, c. 252,.5 9, _41 Stat. 1015.) _ _ ‘ 565. Riverrad harbor.i¤pr$ea1e¤t_ by private or municipal enterprise.—Any person or persons, corporations, municipal or private, who deslre trimprovehny navigable river, or any part thereof, ntltheiror its own expense and risk may do so upon the approval ot, the plans and speciacations ot said proposed ixhprovement by the Secretary of Y/Var and Chief of Engineersot the··Army. _ Theplan of said iiaprovemexxt m`ast·coa£orm with the general plea of the Government improvements, must. not impede navigation, and no toll shallsb be imposed on account thereof, and said improvement shall at all; timm beuader the control and supervision of the Secretary of War am} Chief; ot Engineers. ( June 13, 1902, c. IG7§,‘§ 1, 32 Stat. 311.,) . O _ 566. Improvement by •r ander· authority of State of New Jersey.——Authority is given to»the‘ Stateof New] Jersey, `or, thr•ugh lt, to any cemmissionwiedividual, corporation, or municipality, slhgly or collectively, designated by tlaet legislature ot said state; or by rcommission appointed •r 'authorizneé by said legislature, to improve the channels. on the New _J_ersey seaceast, or any p•rtteh‘ ot __.e said cast, or me waters adjacent thereto, lying betweei thirty-eight d@ees Mt:-slr .'}ItIlt\1f$ aud forty degrees trrenty Quotes north latitudenby dredging, •r by the,constractio¤ of piers, jetties, or breakwateré, orother _ river and harbor work of any description. or nature adapted to attain the ends new pursoeélpy the United States‘Goverament tor the advantage of said coast or the relief of mmraerce: Provided, That such operations. shall qot eacroach upon . those portions —_of said co•1st,··or. the channels adjacent `theretof ·for which the ’U¤ited` States, Government may aadertake similar work according to its oimplans`: And provided, That the plans for said werk_ shallghe placed oh ile, with the Chief of Engineers of the War Department for thirtyeéiays, duria: which? time he js authorized to disapprove said plans and forbid such __werk. if, in his judgement, the improvements wheri completed twill ihterfere with navigation or withuay works-of the United States Government commenced or proposed. tp he made: Pro-, vided Yuri her, That ao tolls or other charges eps; commerce shall be imposed by thoselymaking such improvemehts zi Ana provdied further, That this section shall ao°t be construed as nitecti ing to any ray the jurisdiction amt control ot the Federal Government over , any waters that may be iaiproved -_ia pur? suance ot the- provisions thereof, nor as. exempting such waters from the operation of the laws heretofore or hereafter enacted by Conzrey for the preservation and protection of navigable waters.; The right to alter, unread, or repwl this section is y hereby expressly reseryed: '(Jtme“30, 1966, c. 3923,.§s§ 1. 2, 34 l Stat. 800.) y p ‘ ,— ‘ _ _ c 567[ Navigation had hood contre! improvements, by Minnesota, North Dakota, and Soqth Dakota.-—Coagress hereby comsents that the States ot Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, or any two ot them, may eater into any ugreeineat or _ agreements with each. other to aid ini improving navigation amlto prevent andcontrol hoods oa boandary waters ot said States and the waters tributary thereto. _ And said States, or axiy ’tw`0 `ot them, may `ag`ree with each other anon any l projector projectstor the purpose; of making such improvc·*

 ments, and up0¤’the»~&m0tmt of huoney to be contributed by 'each

¥ to carry out such projects. The Secretaryof War is author- L ized and direcfed· to make s. survey of auy project proposed, as aforesaid, by said States, or any two of them, to determine [the feaéibility and practicability thereof and ·the‘expcnsos of carrying the same into effect and what share of such expeanaos should be horns by the respective States, local interests, or_l_»y