Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1102

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§‘ 677 TITLE 33.——NAl"IG.41'IO2t 677. Limitation as to qurintity of `débris washed awny.——~A no time shall any more déhris he permitt.c<1 to bc washed, awa from any hydraulic mi/nc or mines situated 011 the trilmtarlc of said rivers` and thefrespective brgaixchcs of ellch. workc under the provisions of this chapter. than (*811 be impouudc within the restfaining works erected. (Mar. 1, 1893, c. ISI 5 17, 27 Stat, 509,), _ I 678, Modification and revocation of permit toimine.-—g—Tt said comn1is5ion·may" at any time, when the·c0udition`_of th navigable rivers or when the capacities of all impounding an settling facilities mine owners or such as_ mayt provided by G0vernn1eut—»*1uthority require same, 1.n0dify' th order` grdnting the privilege to mlueby the hydraulic minin process so aé to reduce amount thereof to I}1€€t/ the capocitic 0f.the"facilities then in use, or if nctually required iujorder protect the navigable rivers .from~ damnge, may revoke sum until the further notice of the commission. .(Mar. 1,-1893,-· 183, §`18, 27 Stat. 509.) _ _ _ _ " ‘ l _ 4 f_ 6792 Violation df permit to mine; penalty.qe—A.n intentions _ violation on the part, of n mi-he owner or owners, company; c -c0rporntlou,_o1• the ngeutn of employeesof either, of the cond tions of the ortler granted pursuant to section 673 of this cho] ter, or such ufodifecations thereof as may have been made by sai commission, shall work Ia `forfeltnrc,0f· the privileges thereb conferred, and upon notice being served by the ordcxnof sai commission upon such owner or owners, .c0mpl1ny,·__or corpora tionyor agent, in charge, work shall immediately cease. Sal commissionshnll take necessary Steps to enforce its orders i case of the failure,. neglect, 01* refusal of auch owner or owner: company, or corporation, oc agents-Qthereof, to comply there with, oy in the event of mnj person of persons, company, or cm poration working l>y_ said process in said territory contrnr to claw. (Mar. 1, 1893, c. 183, 5 19, 27 Stat. 510.) ' 680. Examination of minu; tép0rts.~—Said—com`misoion, or committce 1hei·efrom,· or odilccr of said corps assignedjo out _uude1‘ its ordeks, nlinll, .whe·never_ deemed, necessary, visit sal territory and nli mines operutillg under theprovisgionn ofthl chapter. A repoxjt of such=examinaItiox1_ shall ·be,placod oii.fll< (Mer. 1, 1893, c. {83, 5 20, .27 Stat, 510.) ‘ _Q · h _ 681. Use of public lands a1{d`inater—ials; withdrawal of land required front sale or entry.-—The salt] commission iohereb, granted the right to gse any of the pnblic lnndnof. the Unite Stat&,` or lé;my·roc`k, stone, timbez, trees, brush,.or' mnterin thereon of therein, for any of the purposes of this chapter and the Sécnetdry of The Interior is hereby aixthorized tim requested, after notlcehas been llled with the Commissioner o the General Lund Oillce by said commission., setting foitl what public lands are required by itnngler the authority o this section, that osuch lang or lands shall belwithtlrsiwu fron enle and entry under the-laws of·the'United States, (Marr. ,1 1893, c. 183, §'21,"27 Stat. 511.) A ‘· V A , ° 882, Malicious injury to works; injury to mvignble Water; by hydraulic miniug;_»penalty.-—Any person or persons who will fully or nmliciously injure, dnmnggs, or destroy, or attempt te injure, dnmnge, or destroy, any dam or other woi·k_e1?ected'nncle; the provisions of this chhptcr for restraining, i1npoundiug,_o: settling purposes, or for use in connection therewith,-shall -’b· guilty of n n_;lsdomenno1·, `and upon conviction exjeof shall be lined potlto exceed the smh of $5,00Q ox; be impfisoxaed not te ·exceed ¤VB_Y€8l’8,`01' by- both such Hnc and imprisonment, iz the dioctetionf of the conrt. And any person ox? persons, com , pany orcorpomtion, their agcnts"o1*~c§1plo5}een, nvlio shall mine ’ by the hydraulic yprocess dlrectly or l`ndix·ectly·injnring. the havignble watersyot the. United States, in violation of the pro visions of this chapter shnll be guilty of n misdemeanor, func upon conviction thereof shall. be punished *by_ n Hne not ex ceedlng $5,000, or by imprisonment not exceecllngone ycac, on

9 F AND NAVIGABLE WATERS 1,,,8 ,5 by both suéh time and imp1tls0mncht, in the dlscmmm ,,; {gw .y court. (Mar. 1, 1893, c. 183, § 22, 27 Stat. 511.) ·· d es 683. Tax on gross proceeds of hykhiaulic mlneg; ·<,g,;gI§;_ gd fund"; advanées bygmine 0WH€!‘S·———UDO¤ the Q0llSL1‘l_lg:Q,,;, » ·a the said commission Qf~dllIl1S 01* other works for the {1.,;. ,,,-Nj., 3, of débris from hydqgzullc mines snmlthe issuing of the . provided for by this chabtcr ts auyjndlvkluzxl, ”comp,,,,;_ U,. le corporation to work any {nine of mines by hydraulic ;.,·..,_ _,_ ,6 the individual, company br corporation operating -th;_·;·,¤,;,,g,, ‘ K] working any mine or miués by hydraulic process, the ·g,’.>,,,,< ,e' from which floyvs jntq or is in whqle’0r' in part restraiuml 2.,- ,8 such `dsips or other works érected by said gcmmissiem, ~l::1ll ,g pay s taigof.3 per csntum on the gross protreeds pfhis, 21,.4,-_ as or its ming so w0rksd;`whlch~·tax of 3 'pcr centum shall bb go ascertained and paid in. accordauée -With`· regulations m 1,,, {8 _;;dc£;}ted by the Scéretary §( the Tl-'€88Ul'X,’ and the 'l‘ro:m¤m~ c_ of the _United‘ States is hereby authorised to receive; the Szlxzwg ' All suuis of ,mdney_·pa'ld ihto the Treasury midé: this Y<e·-tisn r 11 shall be ssf slpaxt smlcrcdited @:9 a fund to be known as the H,} Débriq Fimd,,"f spd shall! be expended by said c6m¤{m»i:»., i_` under the supervision 0_f_ the Chief bf hgneersrdnd dim·ai¢·nl" Q_ 0; the Secrgmry at War, in addition to lhs .app;·0p1:iati<ms mms Q1 by law in the _CODSt1'l}(!d0B dud maintenance of sugh rwtmiu-

y sing works sndssettliug reservoirs as ingy be proper and gm ».·· s-

d saryi Prrovidéd, That said commissiqnjs hereby autliorizml .:0 ·_ k___ receive and pay into the Treasury from the owns: or qvm·—rs d Q; 'mlnes_~wqrked by lhs, hydraulic prqwss, whom permimlm E may havin been granted-sq td wqrk qmler the provisions of this B! chaptergb such money advapces ss {day b¢2§>&e1·ét1_to aid in mg ,__ construction 0L_ such fimpoumling dams cir qther·,rest.;:;iuiug·-

_- Wb1lkS,-01; settling_ reservoirs, or sites. théref61·,as;uaybc dc·¤·¤m··l

y hecéssaiy by saig1_commlssion· td `pxtciect the "navigsble qlmn- ngls ot said i·ix*er··systems,_ cm condition that; all moncysfsl advanced `sh~all_ be refunded as the said {ai; psig into the a" said débris fund: And. provided further, That inks. evgnt shawl 3; the Governngcnt of thé U¤itcd·_Stat¢s ‘bé héls liable two r4·a`uml S same except as direcéed by this seqtiong, (Mar. .1; 1®3', C.—1RZ§., { 5*23, 27 Stal:. 511.) _ < -· · , . , ~ _ · ·· . "7 684. Coopératicn by commission with State iuthyities.-— Fo; the pur-pdse of. securing hatmémy of actlem, sud echmmqy 8 in expenditures irftlnc work tube duns by `the United`iSx;em—s Y' aud the Stale bf Califqrnis, respectively, the tormeriuits plans ‘r for lhs improvement axid ·p1·6tecti0¤ pt the navigable streams ll and to pfé%cnt· the depositing of miniihg débris pi githe.: in:m—- ? riuls wwithi;1 the same, and lhs latte;. in its plans authorized by _ dl mw fo; the rgglsmetgoix, dxjwiusge; sud. protectimi ,ct_ its lamls, ` E- 01* xelahihg to tha workiuk of hydxjaulic mines, the mid c0hm1i~·— h sion 'is empowered to—·c0nsult thétegu with »s issioh —<·l` _ f gngihecrs bf ssld State, it suthsriied by mid Stats fsnssill li pufpcsé, the résult: of sngch gcxdersncs to be reported to {hc. ·· Chief of. Engineers of the United States Army, ggd it by him > spproyed shall be {allowed byssld comlssion, '(M¤.i.·. 1, lsm, B c. 183, 5 24,, 27 Ststs,511.) — ·_ · s ~ “ . . ·

 / `685. Cvhstructisn by csmmimion of restrginhig vmrks, elm;

0 usé of débris {sind.--Said commission, in order that; such um-‘ r _ tsyiul as is now dnfmaygematter bélliégigwed m qilmtarlvs r ot. the Sdcrsmexito and San Jcaqlilll Blix resulting ~ B fgjom mihihg operations, nslursl _ ewsion, sr btlwr casses; be shall be ·p1~eva¤tcd from injurlug the mid navigable rivers a or shéh bt the' trlbutsriss of either ssdzzay bay navigable 1 and the land, adjacent theretgy is hereby dimctéd and em- · -· Dvwéred, when spproprlsstlcns. irs mgdgu therefor. ‘by» law, ¤_ or su&·ci<-but mpnsy is deposited tm- that purpm inissids dé·¤¤‘?=* z und,~tc build, at such polnm above the head at navigation ins - Bald riverssnd dn the main gjibutgriep themot,. or hrgnches GY ~ I such tributaries, or an? place sdjsccnt fo the mms, which ln

 the iudment bf ssld ccmmlsslcn, will effec: Jsgid object (UW

r same tp bs of such 'materialj ¤‘ will insugé sstety sud permw-_