Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1108

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° 755 TITLE 33.5-··NAVIGATI< to be .sold"to the employem or sam service aim the sm §i?¥8(Si0BS,` reimlmreed; {July L27, 1912; c. 255, A I 2, Smt. %.) — ‘ _ . · _ ‘ / i 755. Polioe powers of manteré of lighthsmho tei1ders.¢——M tors of lighthouse tenders shall have police powers ini matt jaértaiuiag to Qovemmeot p;·operty`nhd- smugling. (June 1%0, e.“%,·21`Stat. 2&.)- ‘ f {_ ‘ · · . . 756. Use of ‘ sppioptiatims for · cooperstiow with For ` Scriiee.4—’1‘he·an;uuh1hppmopriatjoné for the Bumu of Li; A houses, Ligbtho1ise' Serviige, shall available for defmymg `L expenses of rcoopemtipn between the Lighthouse Service 1 the Forest Service in_ the maimgemeut of forestfloqd on Iii house regervatiousl (Mar. 3, 1915, .c. 81, § 6, 38 Stat. 928.) 757. Cooperatim xvithiWar am!] Navi ,&part_me¤ts in ti fof or in preparatioé for war.-»-The Secretary of the Na vy, Secretary -ot- War, andthe Secretary of commerce shgll joir 'p:·est·rilie. regulations éoverniing the duties ·to· be performed the Lighthouse Service in time of wht, hud for the cooperat of that service with the Navy and Wat'-- Departme11ts· in ti of peace in-prep·aration_`ofor‘, its dhties in war, and this 11 ’··iI1CI\1d€ ariaiagements for a:direct lixie ot eommuniéatioh tvveen`_`the o&cers ot bureaiis of the Na·vy'aud` Wgr Departme hud the Bureau of Ligithouses to provide for immediate act A on all c:ommu¤icatio¤s'.fro1i1 these departmenté. ‘ (Mig; 29, 1} @417. 39 Stat, 602.) · " J _ .- _ _ _ ‘° ¥ 758. '1`raméfer of vesselsQ· eouipment; ·etc., to Navy `or Y _ Department in of national ed¤erge¤cy.—'1‘l1e ifresid is authorized, whenevef in his judgment m@._;v_$1.lWf§Ci€HlQ_ll8ti0 emergency exists to transfer to the service land juriqdictiop the Navy Departmoexit, or of the War Department, sdch vess , = equipment, stations, and personnel. of the Lighthouse Service . he may deem to the best interest of; the country and a`ftei·2s1 transfer all expenhes corixiected therewith shall be defrayed · v of the_a;;pi·0priatlo11s (og the department to which transfer made: Provided, ffhat such vessels}equlpme11t,,_-statioi1s, azid { __so1me1 shall b€’I€tl1{’Xi€d· to the .‘Li,ghthouSe Serviee when su national emergency ceaseefin the opinion'0t.,the President, s nothing il1.thi8·,iJl? the preceding seqtiozr shall be construed tl‘&H$f€l’l;iI]g, the_ Lgighthonxse-,vServiice or ·q{1y of its tunptit fiom the it Department of 'COHHBGICB except in time of natto emergency hpdxto the extent herein provided-: Provided fart} ·That may of thepexiéoginel of the Lighthouse Service who B ’ be transferred as hetjein provided shall, while under the jm diction of the Navy mpartmént on War Department, be sub] tol the laws, regulations, and orders for the govéruméut of ” Navy or Army, asthe ease may be, in'so ith; as the mme :1 be applicable to persons whose retention permanently in ‘ military service ot the United States is hot contemplated by lz h (Aiig. @, 1918,`¤c.'417, 39 Stat. 602.); f’ . . . _759. Uzmuthoriied utabliahmexit of lights, etc. ; penalty After the lst day 0»f.J&!11.l&}]', 1907, ithhall he unlawful- fort person, éomptnxnyt corporation, 0:* mtmlcipalltj not under ‘ conttol of the Cohxmlésioneiof Lighthouses, to establish, ere or xhaintaih in the navigable waters of the United States s lighthx hx; aidito navigation, or any othetjhid to uavight similqr to any of those maintained by the United States uhe the control hud direction of the Commissioner of Lighthouse without- first obtainlhg permission `so to do from· the Colm; sionor ot Liglitliouses, io·ht.·cordauee with rules_hmi"reguluti¢ ` to he established by th-e' Secretary of Commerce; Sand hay in ’ `sou violating the patvviéions of this section or any'0! the ru had regulations established by the Qeeretary of Commefce accordance herewith shall be deemed guilty of he mlsdemeai and be subject to a Hue not exceeding the stmt of $100 for et 0¤§Z*!l§€,-1116 each day dufihg which such ylolhtion shall coutim

DN _A1Y D NA VIGABLE WATERS ’ `IM . pro- shall be cqndilered as n pei qilenn. (Jane 20, 1906; c·*_3447W _ 87 58, 84 Smt. %4;`J¤¤p 17, 1919, c. 301, Q 6, w gg; 53% J ’j _’ 769. Failnn to nciatm, light; gg mnamtjr" [ag: A¤Y P€?§9¤» m'¤¤» .?°¤P§¤Y» °'·'i°°*`P°Y§ti°¤,'%¤¥?¢d* by law tg, " mm maintain a Light pr Mgt: any army qygbmments bm. sm, or in any navimbldwaten, ihé f;i1 gz range gc, mam · smh light or lights, sr tv we! ¤¤!·¢!.·tho lawful rules and @5* 'regulatiqns rélsdgzg to the snmaf M dgcmal gqmxy Qt 3 mb xmisdémqnor and sixbiect to 8 flue Bot excming they mlm OE _ the $100 for meh oftensg, and. day duging wmgh? such‘vm§_ and uqn shall continue sh¤l1‘be\€§¤8idcl‘¢<! as a mw oieuse, (my

ht_ 14,1908, c. 168, { 5,.35 Stat. IM) ‘ ’ · _ _ _

`- _ "lft.- Wrmgial interierencc mh Govenncm aids to Ravi. imc 8¤¤§¤;· P¢¤¤#!•—R b°“ ¤¤¥¤‘YY¤! iw ¢¤! Péfwn to ox}. the. argue: mj interfgre- with any aid- tp wtablishgg gs my mamtaipeg in the Lightbmwe Servkve Commigssmmby tgt Lighthouses, or to snchqr 8HY* vwsel in any of the n§v_igg};;€/ jon [wagers of the Uniyxxl States so 88 <>wr¤¢t Of interfere em}; _ {me range “1igh‘ts maintained therein, and ·8.¤!. 1=i0}ating· tm. . provisions of · this secrticn " ahall be' deemed guilty of a `mmg. my meanbr and be subject to a Hmé E0! exéwéix thé sum of $:5;}; b°' » for each odenée, aud gach dgy during h Mr such vi·»1¤;;»;, ms Shan éoutimze Shan be ¢¤¤siae wang, (n1¤y);;*

  • °”» 1908,‘c. 168, s 6, 35,Stat.°1@.)’- ‘ I — _—

)16· » 762Q; Wrongful intéffereffec with piiystc aié to naviggim; ‘ _ péndlty.—4The_ pgr;a1ties.—pr<>w·i5i;:d`_iq the preceding ééctéem my , V8? obstruction, for 0; interference with any sid t¤ maviginticé mainfm? tained by_ the Lighthouse &rvi€:e, shall dpply wth édxm imm nal agd /e1féct·£o any private aid tb navigntién lawfully maintaimi

 GY under the, authority grmtéd the`_Secret§ry at ¤Cam§1e;ce mx

€l$»·_ the Commissioner bt Lighthouses by secti_0¤_7§9 of this clmgnvp, ‘ 83 (Mgr. 3, 1915, cl 81, 5 8; 38 Stat. 9@)“ " °· Rh " -763. Rctirehépt [pr agejof &¢efs {M gmeg (mt. glly.—#A11 omcérs mid empkoyees énmged An _ the Qeld s2:~rvie·¤~ ' 13 O1’.0lf vessels of the Lighthouse Servicqexcw paws continu- ¥€F·- oinslyh employed in district 0§ces or hawk Wh reached the ,886 of Sixty-Hvé'- years, atfer hIVi@`bE`¥hi1’l}* md years in the » active. Seryice of the ®¥¤1‘¤@¤t, mt! at ihvif

  1. 8 option be retired `_fro& further pgrformsnéa pi duty; and ali

[ms such omcers and emlployees who shall hnvéj tamed .15: MI _0f seventy._ years shall be cempélsgrily retited. from urslwr W"- performance of dnity: P%d&, That thennasql pmpemtiwz 181 or persons so retired shall Be •. sum equa1 to cmuortietfn of mé rm iierage annual pay., recehed tot the·—¤€e yar; ai scrsrice ect for each yar ot active seyvicé in the; Seuicé or in , the a demrhment or wbranch c£_ the_ Gosqmmnt Ewing i re&§r¤·- my ment system, not, to exceed in guy caseithiny·to:tiétl;s of such th? average innuab pay- reqéived: Provided i¤¤·tAq·,_ That meh rw W'- tifémem; psy sh&11.not‘iucludé.·apy gmoging on ggcemnt of s}¤¥» ‘ siétance mj when- allowancgz Pmvim furthe, 'mat the rv- _ .—-—· iimnient provisions skid phy shall mt applym in tlw my- iie1d_service of the Lighthoagsq Service whecsi dnitig cm mn the require substantialljjall theirfime. (June @,.1913, c. 103,. §_ fi act, 40 Stat. 608; Npv. 4; 1918; c. 291, { 1, 40 Stat. IQQJ ‘ my -764. Privilege to employe te eqminue senke ¢Iter·1·~etir¢· ibn ment a¢¢;-——-The prwision 61 the pfécqding action shall mndet dpply £0’au employee of the Lighthouse Servke if wfthin sixtf iéé. d¤YB·§fté1‘·§f8.l'€h 4, 1921; *0: not leg thanjmrty days bcfwé Us-` the°_arriva1 of ascii empécgee at thé `age of éeééiity, the Secwma tafy, pt. Cpmmarca gba}! cextifé as a matte: pt public F’£*(‘€!{°¢i »er·` that by " reason of his emcicm; and williuguéss to remain m IQ 'the} Lighthemu Seryieé ptghe Unttgdfgzggég me" eo¤;inum¤<:~‘ in ot such eindoyée therein wbuld be advantageous to·.tHe putme mr service. In -that event such employee may be retafxied for n _ néh term not excwding tw:} years, and at the end of two yeeirs; M5 émch employee @@7 by simile: certincatmu, pe eontizmed WF _