Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1115

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1101 _ ’ TITLE 84.- ” ·ivl»`o shell be deinomlnetég •· sr the _Heet,’? end shall be l 8{]];*:(*~UI} 'Uf 8• s ‘ ~ / _ · l 1 ‘ " 25. Deities elsmgeon of &e¤t.··gThe WYRW et tim doot I `§}|:·1ll,`i·{l addition toxhis norm ge dngmlp; 1 sxuniinc and approve ·ell requisitions for and hosptml 1 stores for the squadron or acct, And lnespectthelrl quality: I xls- slmlijln dimenlt cases, consult with the q. the at ,,,.m·s1 ships, and he shall mskcynnd tnnmlt to the Navy t psps-msent, records oiitlw character and ot messes;. .t ` g,,;1ll—'s<;n1s<lron_`orM¢t· fl!. 8.] 137;) _ ·; . 5. D; . 26[ Detail of medical for Mt! with- Red Cl'0B8`——Th9 1 secretary of the_Ns,vy is nnthltlfbvtl detnll one or more 0E- s ,,.,.§s» of tlge Medical Corps of the United "·St•tes Navy for duty s with me Military Relief·Divi81on the 4n1crlcnn`Nntionnl Red- z {·,—.Iss, (Ang. W, 1916, c.- 417, w Stat. 581.) < ’ nosrrrsn cones , _ —; A A 31. »Establishment.—A Hmitnr Gorps of me United _ States x§y;.·‘;s_hereby established. _(Jnne_.17,. 1898, c. 483, { 1, 30- e Sint. 174:) b s . · I _ - — · _ `. _ if , 32. Relation to Mcécnl Dep•rt¤@t.—'1‘be Hoepltnl Co1:ps_ 1 shall be a constituent mnt ortho Medical nepeninepc of the { y.,.·g,·. wig; 2e, 1916, c. 417, ss`sm,·s1s.) . · . — ,

 33. Subject to laws ud regnlntions for government of ]

Nevye-—Thc Hospltnl Corps be subject. to the lnsvs and ‘i] mgqlstions for government of Navy eréept- as provided E by section 716. _(Jnm·"17,·1828,‘c. 463, § 2, 30 Stat. 475:) . 34. Authorized strenyth; grades rhtings.—The‘anthor- ·| ized strength of the Hospital of the Navy shall eqiml 3% I — per content of the nuthorlzed strength of the Nnvyhnnd { ltnrine ‘C—orps,” and shell be- in additionthereto, andthe Hes? lj pim Corps of 1bc.United States Nngry shall consist of thelfol-° Q __ l<»s‘ing' grades end ratings, subject to the nnthorlty conferred. I ugmn the Secretary of the Navy by section 178;; Chief phnrmns E cl>=t»:,· pharmacists, `nnd enlisted men clnssidétl has chief pharma- ( ‘ ciszs' mates; n_phnrmacists’ nzates, ilrst. class; pharmacists \ ( lll:l!i*S, second class}; pha2’mnclsts’ mates, -tl1t1‘d.c1¤{S;‘ h0Sp1t&I_ 4 _‘ apprentices, ilrst class; and hospital apprentices, second class; q rmi; cinsslscntions in enlisted ratings to correspond respectively as the enlisted ratingsésegxnen .br•.nch, oi, Eliot petty o&cers;· potty nlligers, drstclng; pettyomcers, second class; petty 01llcers. third clnss; seainenndrst class; and seamen, second clnsszi s Pf{)2`1d(’d, That enlisted men of other ratings in `the Nnry and c in the MHf1B¢_C6fli* shell be eligible for t1innsfer‘to·the Hosi- c t - opitsl and men of thet corps to other rntinés in the Navy ( wand the Marine Corps. · (Aug. 29, 1918, c. 417, 39 Sat. 572.) · , < 35. Enlimneentin Hospital .regnlétions.—>·-The -Sec·re— I mr; of snesevy is empowered to enllx orlcsuse to be en- `s !i~tcd_ the nnthorlzed number `of enlisted Amen ns- 'provided g for in section 34, and to 'nnnke such regulations ni msy be z required for their enllstngsnt and lgsvsmmsm. (June 17, 1,898, 1 ··c·. 46.3, stng.474; Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, 39"8tnt. 572.) g

 36. E’nl% men is part of {enlisted force nf , Nary.——-—·¤En-· 1

listccl mens! the Hospital Corps shall be a port of the cn-‘ t listed force provided by law for the Navy. (Aug. 29, 1916, E <‘; 417, 39 Stat, 573.) r . » · I 37, Duties of] eerp•.·-—-Hwltel and Ambulance service with I >~l“¤<·lT1 cotnxnnndg and at wh places as may be prescribed bi I mc Secretary of the Navy shall be performed by members ot c the Hospital (Ang. 29, 1918, c. 417, 89, Stat.! 673.) E j _ . 1~1Unsm_0onrs _ ·. 1 , ‘ _ 41- Esta.Mlehgent.¥·-The plone Corps (female) of the United f $******8 Navy lrlwrebymtabllshed. ·(){sy 13, 1908, c. 166. 85 i Smt.148,} ‘ · · · e · . ·i _ ‘ "

*?•-`C¤¤v¤•=itio¤;   and lrenwynlg qullications; a

d¤¢i§S»··-··Tl§e Nurse Come shed consist ot one superintendent, I to b?‘§[l])01Ill.’Bd·b¥ the secretgry at the Navy, who nhalldbe "

-—-mvy \ '§ 63 L induise dt In hosiaital ttrhining school lmviug as. tcurse of ,

 of   lem_t11sH two ymrs, wlnese. term of 0@c·e_muy ‘

rmtermiuated at his diécxfetieé, and of as masy chief mirsess mum, and reserve ninrses ss may be seeded; Prdvided, That lll, h¤1f§88_ in tm_ NKYI8 shall be appointed lei- femoved by the Qqrgeon G¢§€1’&i, with the spprovsl si the Secretary >£ the Navi, * and that they shall be yadustesn of hospital quam; ’ schools laevis; s course et mstmctien not Jess than'} Ewa yesrs.- The appointment oi stiperintenderit, ehief 1:£urses,’ mtses, and reserve—· {1UI% shall be mbmt to ss examination as to. their ’prqtessional,‘ metal, mais}, mid mysicsl Htuess, and that shall be eligible for _éuty at mvsl hospitals md foil beafd of hospital and ambulance shibs and for such special dutylue may bekleew by the Surgeon }eneral·'_ot the Navy} Jnemrve utgtm may be te active duty when ‘ the necessitiw of the seiviee @@4. (Huy l3,‘1908, c. 166, 35 Stat.·14»6.) ‘ __ -‘ /· . ,

 · \ ‘DEN'1‘AL CORPS _

g 51. 0&eers; irades; erijinsl a§%t¤ents.-—Dmtal sféeers arr the`. Nsvy. in the grades bt assistant Guts.} surgeon, psmed assistant dental 'su;ge<m ind ‘ dents! "shall fceustitége zhe mN:xval° Dental Corba, sad skill be- e part, et meéledical Department of the Navy. ori& appointments- to the Neu} Dental Corps shall be made ip·the,_grn& et smixsnt dental lll1‘g€0Il._I` (July 1, 1918, c. 114, 40'Bwt. 708.) ·. ’· l · .52% Qualiéeitions 6f 'appointee£——AIl appointees. imtherizcd sy the precedipg Sm1'1_·¤e~¤1usm oftm Uuiteé Ststes qetweeu twentymne and thirty-ytwo years of age, and shall be fraduatesef stuudard·_medic·a1-cresde¤ta} f e0I@ 11 the sevegal branches of deétistry, .ssd· beiere appointment, have successfully passed mental, wysicalg and rrofessioxml _€X8mill&t‘i0DS before); medical and . pietessisnsl examining boards appointed by the Secretary · of me Navy, __ rr by his . atithority in accordance with seetisn R3,} and have Jeeu .ree0mmenklegl_ for appointment by such boards _(Har. L, 191'lQ`cQ 180, 39 Stat.`1171;,.'[uly 1, 1918,%:. 114,40 ,Stst. 709.) ¤‘ " l— 3 · SUPPLY CORPS · l — B1. Qunliications for ·o5ee `ef &ti¤t paymasteri-»-;Ne per-

0:; shall be appointed assistant paymaster who is; attthe tlhe

bi sue}; appointment, less than twenty-use cir mote thsmjtwenty- dx; years l of age; nor uqtil his physiesk mental, ~ sud metal; gualisestions ‘ have been examined l and approves} ‘by e wird ‘ rf psymssters appeinted by Secretary of the Navy, or bi V nis`nt1the;·ity in accordance with section w, and aeesreling to auch regulations as he' EAL Péscrlbe; except that chief pay

lerks`n11d·pay clerks · must be between the of tyvesty-one -

md thirty—five years at the time of `appointment as assistant ” paymasters :» ”Pr<w¤>dedQ That this shall not be eohstmed ss giving any pretererice in said appgintment of assistant pay- xmsters to said chief pay clerks and pay clerks except as to me limitation of age. (R. S. I 1379; Mu. 8, 1915, e. 83, 38; Stat. 943; Mar. ,4, 1917, e. 180, &~8fst. 1171.) , _» 62. Acting appvintmwts at sea, en foreign ntatleas, er en Bncihc ce¢st.————`$·Vhen the cmce of mymagter or suistsnt pay- nsster becorpes `vaunt, by death or otherwise, its ships at see, nr on foreign stations, or en the Pnelfle const of the United Bmfes; the senior smcer present may muse as aeting appoint-. seut qt any At person, who shall gpertorm the duties theres! mtll- anetlxer paymaster. or assistant psymaster shall..repox·t er `duty, and shall! be entitled to _ receive the Q-pay of such rrade while so ectiing. IE. S. ·§ 1381.) _ l ” _ .. { 83. ·Payma.stef et the lest.--The President may designate among the psyzsssters in the service, sm! sgipelnt to every loet or squsdrori n ~l1¤5’¤¥§ste1‘;. whs shall be deneminsted ’ waymsster etthe ieet."/‘(R.· 8.`§f1882-l ‘ ’ ·