Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1118

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"§ 132 TITLE ing or permanent appointments as chief petty otiicers who hai served at least three years as enlisted men, at least two yea of which service must -have`been on board a cruising vess . of the Navy. Allappointments as acting pay clerks shall I made by the Secretary of ‘the*Navy, and all such appointee in addition to the qualifications. above set forth, must be cit .zens of the United%tates. .511 acting appointments herein pr vided for·shall be made permanent under regulations esta lished by the _Sccretary_ of the Navy. (Mar. /3, 1915, c. 83, .2 Stat. 9-12.) - F ’ _ _ 132. Assignment to duty.#¢>()hief pay clerks, pay clerks, at acting pay clerks shall be assigned to duty with pay oflicez under such rules as lZll0_SBC1'€lC&1`y of the Navy may prescrib (Mar. 3. 1915, c.—S3,"38 Stat. 942.) - _ ‘ 133. Preferencejn appointment of warrant officersielin "tl appoint-ment of warrant officers inj the narval service of tl -United` States, preference shall be given to men who have bee fhonorably discharged upon the expiration of an enlistment . anapprentice orrboy, to serve during minority, and reenli* wvithin three months after-such discharge, to serve duri term of three or more years: Provided, That nothing i th section shall be held to abrogate the provisions of the ne se tion. (R. S. § 1417; June·30, 1876, c. 159, 11) Stat. 66; t ay 1 ‘ 1879, c. 5, 21 Stat. 3.)» · _‘ I V ~—134. Promotion of seamen to warrant officers for`h =_ i » 0ism.e Seamen distinguishing themselves in battle; ,or by extr rdinar heroism in_ the linelof their professiorn may be p oted 1 swarrant officers, upon the recommendation of their commane ing otiicer, approved by the `iiag- officer and Secretary of th Navy. (R. S.’§ 1-107.) » STOREKEEPERS ANI) "PETTY OFFICERS 141. _A`ppointnient of storekeepérs at anavy - yards.--Th .President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate may appoint anaval storekeeper at each `of»the navy yard where such officers may be necessary. (R. S. § 1413.) I " 142. Appointment on foreign stations.-—g·The Secretary C the Navy may appoint citizens who/are not officers of the Nav to be storekeepers, on foreign stations, —when`suitable officer of the Navy can not be,ordered-_on such service, or when, it his opinion, the public interest' will be thereby promoter? rn. s. S 1414.)__ . , ‘ , 143. Bond required of appointee on foi*eigncaution.--Ever, v_ person. whois appointed storekeeper under the provisions o the pr&eding.section‘sliall be retfuired to give a bond., in sucl amount as may benxed by the Secretary of the Navyffo the faithful performanee of his duty. (R. S. G` 1415.) . ‘ 144. ·0§cers ai storekecpers on foreign ,stations.——-'llhe Sec rotary of the, Navy shall order a_ suitable commissioned ol warrant omcer of the YNavy, except in the case provided i1 section 142; to take charge of the naval stores for forelgi squadrons at each of the foreign stations where such store; may bmdeposited, and where;a storekeeper may be necessary (R._S.§1~13g•.8.) ~¢ . . . , c ,» ( 145. Bonds- of omcers acting as storekeepers.#——li•`2very.office1 so acting as storekeeper one a foreign station shall be requiret to give ~a bond, in such amount as may be §xed°by the Secre tary° of the Navy, for the faithful performance of his duty (R. Se.} 1439.) ·` ·— 146. Petty £cers.—·-All omoers not holding commissions o1

 worrantsgor who are not entitled to them, except such as art

temporarily aimolnted-to the duties of a commissioned or war- _ rant officer} and except secretaries and clerks,. shall be deems: petty ohieers, and shall be entitled to obedience, in thei execution of thelroomees, from persons of inferior ratings. (R; S. {1410.) · n` ~ ‘ ·

S-}.-—NAVY ve Chapter 2.-—ENLIS'1‘ED PERSONNEL. $3 NUMBER 81 Sec. . » D0 151. General provisions. ‘ _ ls, `152. ".Authorlzed enlisted Itre¤gth" defined. X; uw 153. Daily average number as test of strength. ‘ 0- . _; EL.lGlBlLITY_ FOR ENLISTMENT b' 161. `inors. 1 _ · `_ a 38 `videuce required ‘i¤ recruiting minqrs. • 1 * Insane or lntoxlcatcd person <»r.d·;·serte1·. ld. · J1 l GRADI§S, RATINGS, AND TRANSFERS rs U l.·Ratings in nrtinccr brunch. _ » W 'c· 72, Changing designation »01"mtlng of ordinary seaman, ~ 173. Changing designation of rgtiug ui coal passer. m °174. Rating mates from enlisted men. ·

 175. Ratings of·pritm=rs. r  
   176. Establishment of grades aud. ratings 'by Secretary of Navy,

F 177. Transfers from mllitliry to uayaliservice. _; " l A \TERM QE ENLISTMENT gl _181. `Length of~tc·m{. 1 · ~ , l is 182. Minority exhlistments. K 1_83.·Tqrm as amzcted by absence tram _,duty‘ on account of $l<‘Y\E1·-`g G' . 1- resulting from misconduct. ` 2, 184.1 Entcusion-Of term. ‘» c- ‘ ‘FURll()UGIlS AND DlSél-IARGNES; DISPOSITION _0F ENI.I§'llZD — ‘ MEN AT l£Xl"lltATlON OF TERM OF I·;NLlSTMl·:N‘1‘"· gy .191. Fuflcmgh without pa§f fu1•_ pnéxplred p;.>rtion· df eulistxnput. ·° 192. Hpnorublé “discharges;_ to whom granted. 1- 193. Fcrur of honorable dlsuharge. · _ '· I lg 194. Ilcport of men entitled tdhonorablc discharge. _ -195. lriscllarge within lhree rnoullgs before gxpiration of tmn. 196. lknrchase of dlscllargv. , » ` 197. _Dlscharge for godd of sex‘vice;· payments. _ - 198. New rating _0r promotion as nut édectlng discharge. ie 199. Temporary llouic for discharged se·.1me.u.’ ` ‘ 300. Refund of b0°urity on discharge. _ ?» LEG! Dlggppsltion of enlisted mma at expiration of term ot enlistuwszl. xg 202. Discharge ot men under twenty-one, ‘ 203. Discharge ot men under eighteen. A •f ‘· ·_ " , NUMBER ‘ ‘ y O M I l O" U _ * • ,8 Scctlqn 151. General ptcvnnlonsp-—Tl1e permanent m1tln·»m:»:l··l D enlisted strength of the active, list of the regular Navy shall I- pe one hundred .and thirty·0né‘tb9usand° {dur, hundred wad ` - eignty·five:- P·r0vided,` T1lRt'th€f·PfBS1d§l1C-18 hereby énxzlnnrizml, whenever ln his judgment a' szrillcignt emergency. exists, M S; increase the authorized enlisted strength ot t.he Navy to me h hundred and nin¢ty··0ne“ thousand men. (July 1, 1918, q. lll. r` Stat. 714; July 11, 1919, c. 9, 41 Stat. 137, 138.) ’ 152.""Authnrized enlisted strength " dcined.-—Tl1e‘plu-use LH " quthotized enlisted strength" as applied touthe personnel of ’ the~Navy, `slmll mean the »t0tal numbezj of enllstgd num JF r the Navy authoplged by law, exclnslve of the Hospital (`m·;»<. . ° apprentice seamen, those sentenced, by court-martial to mslp charge, those detailed for duty with Naval Militia, those fHl{_· S loughed without pag, enlisteelmen or the Flyipg Cogps, and . ‘_ n those under instruction. in trade schools:-Brovtécd furthw, _ That the number of enlisted men io: instruction in tame F schools shall not at any time exceed fourteen theuisand. (May 1 E. 1917, Ci 20, { 2, Stat.84; July 1, 1918,, c, 114, 40 Slut. Til-) ‘ _153· DUH! tvertge Hlllibff as test of numl¤‘l" `· of enlisted menu! the Navy and. Mm-me Corps prqvlded f•·¤‘ shall ba cbustrued td mem: lim daily average' number of r enlisted mgn in the naval service during the nncql yea:. ( June-

_ 30, 1914, 130, S8 Stat. 403
} ‘

[_ u EIQIGIBILITY ‘FOR ENLISTMENT - 161. Minors.--No mlnor_undér¢1;he ggé of fourteen yearsshull . be enlisted in the naval sefvice; and minors between the age ot fourteen and 'elghteen years shall not be mllstcd for ;tne_