Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1122

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§ 232 www ,:7 vided, That nothing ih this mation shall be so vzonstrued as to authorize any change i11_th€·d8.t9S· of ccmmimion or in_ the telstive rank of. such, -0$C€1'S1 further, That nothing harem pcntained shallibe so construed éé to give any hdditional pay to any such oiiiéer during the time of his service `in the Q Jlcluuteer Army or Navy. (Mar. 3, 1883, c. 97, 5 1,l 22 Stat. 473) · · _ .. _ 7 _‘ . . 23} O$¢ers · reappoiintledgj cigdit far, service in ;diKc;·¢:¤t c0;·psh-····A11 0§cers-who have been qr rhqy be appoiutedvtq any corps of the Navy or to the Marine Corps after servige in Ia diferept of Navy or ot the Marine Corps shall have hh the benefits of their previoué seivice in the same —mannei· as if said appointments were sl reéntry”into the Navyor into the Marine Cofpq. (June 10, 1896,1: 399, 5 1}%- Stat. 361,) ‘, 233. Exaniméqn on fareign stating of {pr apwimmwt. Dm¤¤¢i<>n,‘;¤d lretiremgnt.-é'1‘he Secretary of the Navy may authorize the senici oQccr present, cY other cogn- E{l!1éi11g_9$éE1', OH, a fpreign stationftp order ét medical eiumimzrs, examining bgigrhs, and retiriig. · boards fp1·- the gi- `amimiion of such fof ¢pp0intme¤t;.pr0mo(i0h, and retirement ‘in_ the Navy _•,1;d Marine Corps ais may he serving in such c®cer’s C0mm¤f1d·8.!1€I"_di1:ected_to appearbefore _ any S\1§}}_·b0§1'd. (Ma:. 4, 1Q17, c. 180, _39 Stat. 1171.) _· Bhgptér 4_.—-RANK AND PRECEDENQE. V » 241. Relative rank of Navy gud Army dQcexé» l 242. Datcsbf commissions- as determining {anla ;. line omcers. l 243. 0E<·:crs of stzm corps. - ·"_‘ · W 244. Preécdence between omccrs ·0t line and atm. 245. Estfmhtiug length ct ¤ervi¢c géuerally. ~ 246. Prececlenqe accorded commanding-cmcan ot veqsels and stqions. .247, Aid or executive ot commanding omccrh! vessel or staltion. 245. Stall nilcfexs, when to communlcatc directly with. commandlng owccr. · » . ·` ‘ ’ ‘ 249. Precodgnu lin procession, courts; and bbardsp ` 250. -Eusig¤s_ as steerage cwcers. _ ‘ .. - — 25}. Rhhk of certain lpwer grade sha! officers. J _"` 252, Rank of professors hot m/znthematics. ‘ K Q 253. Rank given q¤l¢em_ot stat corps confers no authority to command. 254.hRa¤l: and precedence of amstant surgeons- {_ 255, Bahia and precedehcopi o§cers of Dqnta1_C0rpsQ ~ 256. Rghk and prchedchcc ot officers at Corps of Civil Engineers. 257. Bank ot Ch3§I8:ifi·S’· and acting chaplains. 258. Rank of grpduntes ot Nnva1__Aeademy; { . 259. Bank of cognmiaaicned warmmt npd warrant 0Qcers. 260, Commishioncg warrant 0¤cer¤; ’qua.;·tcrs and command. ` 261. Ihscriptign Koi njauk OQ hmuuments, tablet;. of- other memorials: _Secti¤ 241. Belativg 7 rink of Navy md Army ¤Bécrg.-»- The relative rank between bmccra of the Navy, whether on the activg 'cr retired llst, and 0@ers of the A1‘“m!»* shall Q bd as $61- laws, uw! rank only bé1ng`c011sidered:_ ·" _~ l · Viqe admirdls shall rank with lieutenant generals. ` BQ: ·a.dmh·a1s‘_with major gehgrals. T Commodores with ‘brigadim· gjeherhis. ‘ X Captains with colcmls. » J L ~ » Commanders with lieut»euant· colbnelh. h é Liautehant commanders with majérs. 7 Lieut:-naata width _&PC8iI18. · _ _ Lmutehanw (juniar grade) _ with Brat lieutenants. . _ M `· Emzigns with second Liéutenauts. (R. S. 5 1466; Mar. 8, 1883, c. Q7, Q 1, 22 Stat. @72.) _ _ _ · _ · I · ·r ’ 7 242. Dim af camminmni u' determining "" rgnk; 7 line .r ¤§eem.—-—Li¤e smears Shall take muh in each giade according to thddates of their gowissidns. '(B, S. Q M3?.) -. - 24§. Gicein ¤f•ta¢ ¤9!§9······G l*§ ghhll take mgkln emzh stm chips ahcordiug tp the claim of mmiaicu in the sgversl grades; excepting ini apes where they have gained pr lost hum- ‘bern. {gm. 29, 1916. c. 417, §9 SQL 578.} , - _ 244. bdwgcxr {Geer; _•! _ line and rtal'.-——·—The ummm pt the stat! corps ot the Navy shall pkg precedence with omcers ot thé una with whom they hold lrank accoydlng

4.-*-·—NAVY I n to kmgth of sorviée in the Navy! Pmvided,.T}mt an 03;,.,.,.% Q. . gnte}·ing’the Ngvy after March 4, 1913, shalf take preqQ_q,m(,g G. when of the samegrado according to their resiiective datbé of

commission in that grade. (R. S. 5 14855 Mah'}, 1913, Q, ].tQ _

> 37 Stat. 892; Aug. 29, 1916,12. 417, 39 Stat. 578.) · 7 '245. Estimating`lc¤g*th of B¢i‘Vi¢¢ z颤H7.-—`In estimwn.; the lgpgtb . or seryice gndor the preceding Section, the s&=m·;Q; il qm egr,s"o1’- the stat};. éorps shall, respectively, take proven.-y,...s · wit1; those ·oi!1cgr§' of thqliue of fbe"N&VY with whom t}m . bgold ronk who have boon in the naval seriice six years 1m1¤¢;z· > than such odiqérs of snid staff corps havq boon in snf¢Bsm·x·im»; s and omcers `who, have been advanced go: lost mxmbom on.m¢» E Ngvy [Register shall be considqréd as havin; gained or my C length of. service accordingly; Pro , That nothingjn this ·` séofion shall, be so construed as to give to—_any·.om<.··e1*»of the

gum corps ot, or a higherrink thu that ot, lllllther

» sm! omcorin thosumé gracionnd coma, am whose commission t an such gmac corps antodates `th¤t_of-`mch omcor: Pro- - #464 J••r¢m·,_ That magpepmq emu we sway an me 9: ·. L- ontvaring tbo·Navy after March 4, 1813. ,(R. `S. $.1486.; 7 `Mai. 3, 1881,·c. 150, 21 Smt. 510; Har. 9, 1&9, Q 7, 30 Sm;. » ;1000;` Mar. 1918,‘c._148,- Stat. @2} Au;. Q, 1916, ez. 417, .898tat. 578.) - _ ’ { M . 246. acoordod éwnnandhg clean ot veamgi I and at<atim1q.—(}ommanqi¤g. omcersof vmeis of war. ami at n naval. stations shall, take precedence oierj all cmcers placed ` :I1Dd€1’-'théi!,¢Umm&Bd. _(B. S.|14&.)» n " ; _ 247. ofexccutivq of pomnanding elect •f»yesael or _ statioin.;·—'1‘bo"7 Secretary oi. the Navy may, in hié disicretion, detail a line omcor to act as the aid oxzoxecntiro of the com- · mand1¤,o@oe1¤ of n· jesse] of war or naval station, whisky , .oH‘icor'sha11, when not impracti<:ab1s,_be next to ran; to said I' commanding ohcet. Such aid or executive wrhikg execnting the of tholeommanding 'bwcor on board the vessel or at the amtion, take precedence over all "attaclied to the or station. All orders ot knob aid or execndvo shall be regarded as proceeding from the -commandiag” iofticer, and the aid or executive shall have no independent authority in consequcnoe- of auch detail. {B. S. { 1469.) _ ` 248. Sta! o»$¢¢ri, when to coaxnunicate directly with com- . mandiny oQoer.—~Staft ofticeafs, amior to the omcer detailed in ’ accordance with rthé preceding section, snail have the·1*igl.1t m communicate `directly with »tbc commanding omcer. (Ra S. 514*:01 _ · _ _ n 1 7 249, Prooédencer in piocesqiona, oomts, and b••r·ds.-—-—In pm. 1 cesstons on ahore, or .courta·martia1. summary courts, eoorts nf 1 lirgquiry, of Survey, and ag; othexiboirda, lineaud staff _o&ccm shall take proceooxéaccording to rank. (R. 8. §`1489.>

 an deuago oibers.4-Qhstgng shall be neernze

o®cox·s, mmm assigned to ghity as watch_ anddivigtog omcers. _ (R. S; 5 1490.) _ · _, . ‘ 251. Rank of certain love; grade etal clears.;-Omcers of l the lower `gmdes ot tho Modical Gorpa, - EBPINY Oonpa, ‘ nm: Construction Corps, . on the actiye lisfot the Navy, anal! have · rank as £ollow¤:°Medi¢•l Oorpi, snrgeoné, the rank of linutonant commander. or lieutenant; rinsed aéistant snrgeonsg 'tho rank ot iieutenauthor Jieutenant Qjiuiior. grade): amgtnnt sm·goona,_' the rank not lieutenant (junior grjade). · Supply Goins, paymastom, the rank of lieutenant comgandor or lieu- ~ tenant; a&iatant baymastom, the rank ot lieutenant or lioqtonanv (junior grids) ; amount paymastem, the rank of Ileutenant (Junior grade) of enaign] Construction Corps, assistant naval constructors, the rank ot liootonant or Qaumnant I (junior; grade), and, véhcn authorised py operauon of sections A 321_ ° 824,~ the rank of Iioutnnant commander, (R. S·__ H 1474, 1475, 1477_;*~Mar. 8, 1883, .% Stat. 472: Mar.- ,3, 1899. `§§ 7, 10, S0 Stst.1006; Juno 7, 190& c; 859, 81 Stat. 697 ; Arm 29, 1910, cj 417, ® Stat. 577 ;·Ju1y 11, 1919, c. 9, 41 Stat. 147.)