Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1128

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.- § *357 ; E _ TITLE 357. Additional pay to persons awarded medals ¤ c .——-Each ‘ enlisted of éx;ro11ed~persou of the naval gpm ice fp whom is awarded srmedal of honor, disthngulsheéservic medal, or £1·Navy cross` shall, for each such awaid, be`,entit1c } ‘t0 additional pay at thé rate pt $2pér inbnth from the dal of `tlig distinguished act°Yor service pn which hthe award _1 'based; and each bill'; or other. suitable eiinblem 01: i¤siguia,»j § lieu of a medal- of honor, distinguished-servicé m&d81,_0f-N&V cross, as h•;·x·¢i11aftcr proviiléd for, shall entitle him to tut `_ · ttherladditioual a‘fthe‘ rate of S2 permonih from thédgt — of the distiuguishedact or service for whi_ch_ the bar is awhfdg and such additional pay` shall continue .thrpg1ghdut._h’Racti\ . Service; whether such service shall O1‘.Sh&’U. got be contiuuou ·_(I<fgb. 4, 1919, c. 14; §`4, `40 Stat. 1056; Jime.1‘Q, 1922, c_. 212 {21,42-Stat.633.),. -. ·. _ · "·_ . ·. -,_ 358. Bars 61* othek insiglnia for additional-acts of valori No more than one `inexlalnf ‘h0no1‘·0r 0nc·distinguishcH—segvi< . medal or one Navy cross shall. bétlssued to aujr due- persém but for each succeeding deedf or lsérvice’suiHcient’·t0__justify tl award of ar medal of houbrfor `n distinguishedaérviée med: " 01·~Navy cross, réspcctively, the P1residei1t=1i;ay &W&1‘d·& Suitqbl 'bar, or cther suitable emblem or iugighig, be wom wit thé dgcbratiogn, and thé corresponding rosette ·0r other idcvic (Félj. 4, 1919, c.- 14,‘§·5, ~10_‘Stat._1056.) ` - I ‘ - 359. Expenditure for medals; cr0§ses; -0l" other déviges _ ‘ replacement of lost, meilals, crushes, or devicés.—=-4The Sécrc

 {ary ohf the Navy 'is authorized tq qxpend from ·the‘appr0pri:

tion` “Pay oflihe Navy " of t}1g'Navy Departmenpwsé much 1 may be necessary to, defray llié cost of the medals ofyhono distinguishcdservice medals, and Navy crosses, and bars, en blems, or insignia herein provided for,. and sci much as may 1 ueccssayyl to replace any medals, crosses, bar§,“ emblems, < insignia asjqrohcrcin or may. heretofore have been provide _ tor: Provided, That such replacement shall be madé only 1 _ those cases whére $119 medal bt honor, distin`gn11shed—servi< -mcdal, or—Navy cross, or bur, emblem, or insignia presents shall have been lbst, destroyed, or rendered uuqt for' use wit] gut fault-or neglect on ti1€*[)§11°t qi the person to vghourit x{·z2 awarded, mid shall be made withefut charge therefor. (Fe 4; 1919, c. 14, 5 6,.4Q Stat. 1056.) _ P , _ V ‘ .

 3w.°Time limit on award bf medals, crassa, or oth:

Qcvicésg statement or report as to acl or` distinzinished [scm icc.-—-—·Except as otherwise prescribed. in tbg next section} 1:1 medal of honor, distinguisheéservige medal; Navy créss, or be or other suitable emblem lor insignia in lieu oi cithef of; sai ——m¢-zdals or ot_said` cross,_ shall be issued to anypersou aft¢ ·~mqre than five years frqm the date ot the argt or service justlf; (ing the dvhxrd thereof, nor unlessak spccidca statement dr repon distinctly Betting forth the Act or distinguished service an suggesting or recommending oilicial recognition thereof sha "» have been made by his na}g1l, supérior through official chmmei gat the time of the act or service or within three years them iafter. 4 (Feb. 4, 1919, c. 14, 5 7, 40 Shut. 1057.) _ ’ ” 361. Exceptions to rule. in .t0 time.-·¥—»·It1 cases .013 persur now lu the naval service jor whom the award. of the medal < honor has been recommended in full compliance with the q existing regulations, but im account of services which, thoug » a iusumcient fully to justify the award df the medal at bono appear to have been such as to jugtity the award of the dl: ` tinguishedQservicc_ uicdal or Navy cross hereinbefblte provide f, for; sixch cqses may be considered and ncteq ugiogr under th

 pagovisions of ·tI1is%¢hapter authorizing- the rnward o£_ the dll

· " ti"nguisbed·servlce medpl and Navy cresé notwithstanding the said services may Baie beer; rendered morél than Ave yea: before said casés shall have béen considered as authorized b this proviso, but all consideration 'cr any action upon any c said cases shall be baud exclusively upon pmcial nw

34.-1l7AVY id 1114 . ri 0n“'il1e·‘in the Navy Departxnent. 4, 1919, c. 14,L§ 8 le v- Stat. 1®7.) . ”. · _’ _‘ ‘ , E

• · 862} Entire subsequent qerviee. must / have " been honor `

ld .•hle;——~N0 medal orcross or bar _0r ether emblem or ins2~m·;

B shall awarded 0l‘_Dl‘€S€mZ€d t0_¤;1Y tndividnial oii to the y&§,ré_

is jentative of any; individual W§1w_¢11tii‘€ Service subsequent to .n the time he distinguished himseli shall not, have been- hehe:. ·y able. (Feb.-4, ,1919, c:_ 1:1, 5 8, 40 Stat. 1057.,) rg @63. Ayuda in can bf; dual-*·I¤ 08.86. 311 in<Iivi<lu;l1 “-hc, be shallrdistinguish hirnself dies befqre the making otfthe mv-a11·<l , to which he· maybe eutilled the award may nevértllelers he

  1. e_' made .and` the medal or crass nr the ·ba1·_ or other em&»l4·¤i·

S__ or`insig1iia;prese¤tBd vvithin ive Years from the date of my 2’_ ‘ 3Qt Of the t award to $110}] }·gim·Q,, sentative of the deceased as. the Pi·eaident_may{elesig1late.° ' .5 _(Feb. 4, 1919, c. 14, ·§ 8, 40 Stat; 1057.) _ _ . _ _ yo . 364;, Delegatian of powcrfqxmakc awards; rules and regu n n;_ Iatitms.-5The President is authorized t0’ delegate; under such ne conditidns, regulations, and limitatlens- as he shall presbril=e, al, to Hag officers wllq are cornmanders-in chief or comnnamling. ley, on important independent duty the power conferred up¤»u`him

h by this chapter to_ award tile
Navy crws; and heis lurllxey °

8, autherized td make Zfrom etime to time any and all rules, regulations, and orders which he shall deem neeeéeary to g; carry jntg eiect the provisions of this ehapier and to exeeute 8. the full `purpose and inteutionlhereot. .· (Feb. -4, 1919, c.`14, aL § 9,.40 Stat: 1057.) _ . " ` is BB5. Medal oflwnor roll. - _ lp, — (a)e Esgnblishmentr; `eenditions fer entry 0n.—There is lma- ¤. by established in the Navy Department, a roll designated as

é_ " the Navy medal of honor r0l1." Upon written applimgmn

yr made to the Secretary _0t the, Navy, and subject to. the c··»n·h- _ gd tions and requiremerlts_h.ereina1‘ter .cqntained,_·the name of ezlehvv _ in `·suzjvlving_perso¤ who has served in the navaligervlcewm the ze United_States in any warn who has attained or shall atfaiu. sd the `"age of sixty-tive years, and who has been awarded a h= medal _0t honoxjfor having in action involving actual cezlxlicé ns with an enemy distinguished himself conspicuously ’by gulb.' lantry- or intrepidity, at the risk ofxhis lite, above and p(·y~ml

 the call of duty, and-who was honorablyi·diqceharged {rem

er service by muster out; resignation,. ·br otherwise, shall be. by y..‘ the Secretaryof the Navy, entered and reeerded en said {ell. no Applications for entry on eald roll shall be made in such form lr and under -`such regulations as` shall be prescribed by me id Navy Department, and proper blank.; glad instructions shell gr be, by_ the Secretary of `the Navy, furnished withqut clmrge yi upon] request made by any person claiming the benefits of rt this. section; (Apr. 27, 1916,2 c.* 88,, Q 1, 89` Stat. 53.) ‘ · ld _ (b) Evidence to be 'considered.; Qeertiieate to be issued:-—It ll shall he the duty ot the Seéretarybf the Navy to carry this ls' section into efect and to deéide whether each applicant, nxmler e- Mthis section is entitled to the benem ut this section. Ii the ` official award bt themedal of honor to me applicant, on- me ns iomcial notice-to him thereof, shall appear to shovv that the at medalot honor was awarded to the applicant for such an av: en as is required by the provisions of this` section, lt shall be

h deemed sumclent fo entitle the applicant to such special penr,’ sion without hfurther inveétlgation. Otherwise all omcialv mrs- resp0ndence.· orders, xeports,"` recbmmendationm requests, and

ed `other evidenee now on illé in any ·i>ublic omce or departmeap ne shall be considered. A certmente ot service and of the act of

- heroism, gallantry, bravery, or intrepidity for which the nmlul

li of honor was awarded, and of enrollment under this secxinn, rs and·0t the right of the special pensioner tb be entitled to uml »y to receive thespecial pension herein granted, shall be tnnrnisllell mt each person whose nameshall be so entered on said roll. The w Secretary of the Navy shall deliver to the Commlssioner of