Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1136

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,§ 520 ,. TITLE .24. Soc. _ ~ t _ »~·\.. N l 540. Sale of Army ordnance property. 1 5gl1. Supplies and treueportation to naval and marine detaclments cooperotiug with lanrtl troops. " l 5-12. Protit on sales of stores. · 1 3 543. §elo of coudenmod: supplies, stores, and materials. , 544. Use or sale ot old material. I , 545. Sole of, armament; sentimental reasons. - 546. Loon or gift of condemned ordnance. 547. Useless papers ln {files-of 'naval vessels. , l . I _ _: M8. Uselossdpapors in files of navy yards and naval stations. 1 @491 issue of articles requiredfor instruction and prnctlce by organiza- l ’ , tions foruied by Red Cross, . " · eg.- _, 550. Regulationsfor r<.=·turn~ of? such articles. _ ' · _ ” 551. Iseue of notional Hag Tree of cost 'undcr certain circumstances. ~¤ · _ _ `CONTRACTS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES ‘ 561. Supplies to be lfumiehedl by` contract by lowest' bidder when A time will permit; advertisements; security. ” ' ' 5432. Guarantee of bid; delinquent bidder; new contract: * 562;. Record ot bid; liability of delinquent contractor and suretles. · 3 564. ctdgrraaea check in lieu- of guaranty and bond. . . 1 565. Material for steam boilers. V. t 566..Gue steel orarmor. ‘ t 567. Projegtiles. ` I 568. Emorxzeixcy purchases abroad, . 5439. Purchases without adirertisemeut. 1 570. Purclmse of tobaccof ~ · 571. Fixed open market purchases without contract or bond are au? ‘ llzorized, · ‘ · _ __ • / , W 572. Rejectlou of bids; contractor must lyernxauufacturer or regular j - dealer; right of bidders ‘to`i¤sphet:t· bids. y 573. Contrqqts for foreign supplies. · " · , 574. Rejection of excessive hide. ` 575. Awarde bydtoms. i · ‘ · ‘ 576. Hemp. j D ~ _ ] 5’¢’7.·- Preserved meats; pickles; buttertund dosiccoted vegetables. 1 578. Flour and bread. · ’ 1 579. Booting. · , , _ . 580. Artiolesof home growth; production, and maoufacture preferred, ‘ otborthings being equal; 'diseriinlnation ds to fuel, j 581. Rell¤qulehme:1fof reservations on deliveries. · V · 582. Partial pay¤¤é¤te‘¥¤u¤·s¤g ytork. ‘ _ » _ ` 5e3; blame of contractor to appear on supplies. * x GENERAL PROVISIONS ¢AS '1`O ACQUISITION, USE, AND _ ` · »DISPOSIfI‘ION, · . Section 520. Prerequisites to exbentliture of public inoney V on site purchased for navy yard or buildingse-——No public money', j ehall be expended upon any site or la-ud purchased by the 4 United States for the purpoeesrof erecting thereon any armory, _· ,. or_eenel,, fort, fortiileatlou, navy yard, cuetomhouee, liglrtlnouse, 1 or other ubllobuildiug, of any kind Wll·8,t€\"€I‘,·\1D[il the writ- o' . P _ _ ten opinion of the Attorney ·Genere·l shall be had in farorlof “' the validity of the title, dor until. the consent of the legislature ’ of »th`e State ln.wlai<:l; the lond`o`r_ site may be, to‘euch purchase, * lxosfbeen given. The district attorneys of the United States, l upon the oppllcotiouot the Attorney General, shall furnish t any assistance or information fo their power in relation to the titlee of the public property lyiugdwithlu their respective dis- F triete. And the Sec1jeteri@‘ot the departments, upon the afi- .= ‘ ploieatioe of the Attorney ueral, ehollprocure any additional ` evidence of title which he meyoeem necessary, and which may · not be in the possession of the omcere ot Tthe Government, and · the expense of `proeuring it shall be pold out ot the approprle-s · ti<r.1;e· mode for the contingencies of the departments, respec— W tively. (R. Sl. § .355.)- ¤ ». " 4 · _=~ - ‘ 521. Leased of water-from property from State or nmmici-4

 Q I M `

( pal1ty.::——'I‘*lxe·Secretery of the Navy le authorized in leasing. .l , water-front property from any Statepr mohiélpollty where the · State low or, ol1$ter, of the municipality requires that the Y _ improvements ple d upon leased leeds slmll at the terminatlog 1 of the leeee become the property of the·,_State-or municipality, the provide, as a part orall of the comzideretlou theretor,.tbat i improvements placed thereon by the United States shall beoome I the [}l‘t){}L%l°t,}'_—0f the leeeor upop the explretloxrof the lease or. ·1 . any renewal thereof. ‘ (July _1,_1918, c. 11:4, 40 Stat. }

————NAVY I » WM22 ,522. Lease A of property of URRM States not required eg public_use.—>-The Seeretaryof the Navy is authorized, =.xh<a»n ?? his discretion it will be, for the public good, to lease for ;>ex·iess3i not exceeding five years and revocable et nuy time, eneh ,;.>r·o; erty of the United States under his control as may not for the time being be required for public use and for the lensieg es which there is no authority under existing law, end s11<·lx’le:1sQ·e shall be reported annually to`C0ngress. The authority lwrein granted shall wt be held to applyto oil, mineral. or phesphete lands. All mo: eys received fronrsuch leases shall be e¤>m·edi lnto the ·'1‘reasury as miscellaneous `reéelpts, (Ang. 29, 1916 e. 417,‘39' Stat. 559.) · ll ¥ e Q _ Q 523. Site for radio·station ‘0r other naval pnrpeseseineh land.of.the_ Ilnitecl States under the controlof a Dui·ti¢ul:u·` department or other branch of the G0vermnent_ that has been my may hereafter be mutually `selected as ‘a’ sitelfor a Hgm; rndio station xnay, by direction of the P_reeidenf—, be tra1l.e£em»,; mq amrplaeed queer the epncrox and jurisdiction of the x;,—,·;,» Department for use as, a naval radio) station or other lguvzll purposes. _(Aug._29, 1916, c. 417,, '39 Stat. 606.) ° . _524. Naval petroleum. reserves} 'Sccrethry. ef,. Navy to take; ` possession of, conserve, develop, use, eperste, or lense; gighgg uf elaimants; r0yhlties.+——The. Secretary of the Navy is ¢lil‘eeled to take possession of all properties within the navel petroleual reserves as are or may become subject to the control and use by the United States jornaval purposes, and, on which there are- no `pending claims oi applications for permits or lenses under the provisions of sections, 223~229’0f Tltle`30, Mxmzlm. LAN¤s Ann Mlnmu, or pendlnglapplleations-for United Sums patent under any law; to conservie,» develop, `use, and op<>rew ` the same in hiswdisciretion, directly orby co,ntreet,__le:1¤e, or 0t,herWiSe. and' to use, store, eXehange,‘_orZsell· the oil and ees ‘ ie products thereof, and those from all royalty oil from .l:znd# :. in the noyal reserves, for the benefit of the United States: And provided further, That the `rlghtsof any claimant under seetigps 223-229 of Title.30 are not_affeeted_ adversely llvlt‘l'£;l`l}’.· (June 4, 1920, c.‘228, § 1, 41 Stat. 813.) _ _ F · 525. Transfer of accumulated supplies.--··For the purpose of ‘ a utiliziug" accumulated nuyal supplies, the transfer is euthorized, after · requl»sitiou~upon the Puyruaster General of me Nahvy, of any supplies belonging to one bureau and arailuhle . for theuse of another- without reimbursement therefor by the bureau receiving the supplies so trnnsferredz Preeided,\f1‘hot supplies obtained fora specltle object and still needed therefer. and supplies bought within the fiscal ‘yeur·in whileh`theare<]1.1_isi— tion is made, and provisions, clothing, and small stores shell not be subject to transfer without charge under thejerme of this section. (Mar. 2, 1889; c.‘371, % Stat. 818.) ' 526. Experiments for private shipbnilders at model tnnk,¢·~· { Upon the nuthorleation of the Seeretary of the Navy oxpe:·i~ ments, may be made at the model tank atwthe navy !ym‘d` at Washington, District of C0l‘l.l§llbl&, etonprlvnte ·shipbuiI{le~rs,_ who shall defray the cost of *l}l&f€Pl&l.HI1d_0f labor of mrkliem employees for such experiments: Provided, That the results of such private experiments shell be regarded as eonhelentiol and shall not be dlvulged without the consent of the ehillt builder for whom they may be made. ‘ (June 10, 18%, c. ;»l:l2l,e § 1,, 29 Stat. 3,7:2.) A _ , . . - { A .,527. Heat and light for Young Men? C!lriatian`Aesocietio¤ , bui1dings.—-Tl1e.Secx·etnry of the Navy is authorized, in his discretion, to furnish without éharge, heatend light for the Yonmas Mexfs Christian Ass0cietlo_n_bulldines in navy yardseand emtions. ;(Mar.. 51. 1911,`c. %9, 36 Stat. 1274,) . . __

  • 528.; Transportation of eupplies.———~V’es,sels I of the United

States, or belonging to the {Inited States, and no others, shell be elnployedv in the xtrensportation by sea of eoal,` provisions, fodder, ‘or· supplies of any description, purchased pursuant to Lew, for the use ptthe Navy unless the President shall Bud