Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1140

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574 / ’ 1*11*1,12: sv paymasters for the Navy on foreign stations., shall reugier, “ nwherr practicable, with their accounts, an omcial cer£i¤cate_ {rem the resideng éousul, or consular agent ot the United States, if there .bé one, IS0 be furnished gratuitously, `vouchjng §;hat all pm?chase’s and expenditures made by the paymasters were made at the ruling market prices et the place at the time of purl, chase er expenditure. _(§. S. § 3723; Apr. 5, c. 1386, § 3,`34.Stat. 106.) j `. 1 . · ‘ . ‘ ` P 574. Reje¢fia` of qc@vc bids.-—Where articlx are advertised and bid for in classes, and in the —jtidgmen°t bf the Secretary of the Navy `any `oue or more articles appear to- be bid' tqrat ericessiveor unreasonable prices, exgeedi£g·.1Q per centupr shave t§eir fair market value, he shall- be authorized to reject suph bidi (Re}!. $3724.) - · fj *

    • 575. Awards by items.-All awards iof contracts, for pro-j

visions for the Navy shall be made by_ individual items; the Q contract for each iu-3mw·b€i§1g`&W&!d\Ed to the lowest respqm · sible bidder. ·, (Mar.`4, 1913, c. -148, 37 Stat. 904.) _ ‘ " 576; Hemp.—All_ hemp, or preparations of hemp, used for naval purposes by_ the Government of the United` States, shall be of _ Amerimn growth ·or` mgmuiacture, wherrfthe _S8}1€ Car; _ be obtained cies quality and at as low i1 priceas foreigrf hemp._`(R.S,§_3725Q)~ · , · ‘ ·. ·` _ _‘ 577. .Prese1¤vqd meats; pickles; butter, and deéiecated vegq-. 't•Ne•.—Tl;e Secretary ~0f the Navy is` authorized .t0 procure- · the preserved meats,. pickles, b1it,te1·, 'aiuf desfecated vegetables, , in such manner and under such restrictions wud gumutees is ” in hié opinion bestcinsure the good quality of paid articles. un S. §m26:> * ~-¤ r —~ ’ _ r ‘ _*. 4· 578. Fliurlmd bread.—4The»·~Secretary of the I Navy · is uiut§0rized' tcp purchase, in` . such iuanner as_ he shall deem. most advnutaigeoqs `to fthe Government, . the \¤qur required for naval use; `aixgl to have the breadtqr the Navy__bg1ked._trbm this Hour bygpecial contract under ua,val°i1;sbectipu.. (R. S. § 3'Z27.)· _ 579. 'B¤¤ti¤g.-—-The Sec1‘&¢¤1‘¥ 0t_ the Navy may enter mm .eo¤trgc¢,_ tu »opeu market, torl hunting ot American manutacy ·tm¤e, sq the naval service requires, for a period nbt exceeding one year, arid at a priee act exceeding xhpt at which aq .81ft,i(;l6 of-equal quality can-be’imp0rted.‘ (R. _S.· §. 3729.)" G · _;

 Articletofv heme gmwth, prod_m¢i•n,_ uid manufacture

prdarel, thing béng equal: éscriniuitieq gs `tq ‘ Secretary of the Navy, in making eontracts and

 et hrticleg for Mya} purpqsehj shall give the prefer-

‘ ence; gil other thiegé, including price and quality, beingb equal, to artlcies of the growth, production, and mgnutactinre of the United States; . ;¤·pu1~e1m¤1w.:ue1 jet Navy, or Iter navél . mtiem and `yardey the Secretary _0f the Névy shall have power-4 "to and purchase, in such manner sj he deem ·- props, {hat kind of tum which i‘s· heist adapted to the purp0$ tor_which‘it is to he (RL B,} $7*28.)] i _ ‘ ·_ ~%1.· R&¤;i•hnmt of ruervntiing 'qm_ ddiverig¤.—-—’.[‘he 8ecretary*ct·.the Navy mj relinquishvgnd pay all reservatioaé dt 10 per &nt¤m upon giaiveries nhade im er contracts with the Navy D¢v§¤mc¤t. where thus réser atioqb have ariune gud the contracts " have beck a1*terwq.i·d'e A aided, . _ "¤r yvhere the ccaitractsl have beeujccmpletm ifterthe time ef ‘ delivery, by and viith, the cement ot the departmeht, or when the emitrscté have been dlmlved by the Luke consent, or have ` been termimted; br an exte¤¤0¤’ I has bun prevented _by.ope1jhti<m of law, vvhere B0,`iIij\il’]‘h58 beep, `sustginedby _the mblic service. (R.·S.§8‘B0.) e -- · l _. f ° 582, mynmts work.-——The Secretary ot the Navy is nutbcriged, in his dimretion, to mgke partial my- `mesntn, frémv ti¤@*t0_time 'durfng the ot thefwork under all` contracts — dude: the Navy ·· Department fdr » puwic bqt·_‘ not `in cing of the vhlue. ·bt work already dom; and the .c0uti·a.cts made prcviqe for a L lien in- favor ct the Government, which lien ie made "purg·

4.-zmvy {1126 mgupé to all oiheiliens, upcii the Mficles or thing egm-med im- on account of all D¤Y1¤€`¤©S 80 madéi Pfovfded, That pm; _tial myments shall ucl; be made under suck` cpntracts éxcep; where` stipulated tor, and islam, only in accordance with uml trgegt provisions. (Aug; 22, 1911, Q. 42, 37 Stat; 32,) . °· 583. Nmc of contractor to appear an supplies.·—Everv per. sou" who shall Ixituigh stippligs any kind to the Navyv shall .be réqulped t0· mark and distigguish the same with the nalm of the c0ntmct01·_ furnishing such supplies, in such manner as the sgcrgtary qt ~ tlgp/Navy may fdifgcti Mid B0 supplies Og. any kind shall  ;¥ebe#lvcd,_ unless; so marked and distinguislxgdl (R. S. § 3731,) Q " ‘ ‘ .- Chapteé 12.-—MI8CELLA1iEf)US .PROVISIONS RELAT. ING T0 THE NAVY. ‘ l · sec. l . · _ * .591. Regulatipus ot. Nqvy; what constitute. · 592.- Qmcers to be pnmlihcd with ¢v¤!·‘ of r¤s¤1¤ti<>¤¤_¤mi genmn Y ‘ _ ~- •¢•ders;qf Navy Department. · - " ` 593. Ointh of allegiance. - . I . 594. uxppolritment pi person; dlwnrsiig Jqcucy bln foreign stations, l 595; Care ofjpsaue; payngneata to howltnb. _ 596. United- Qtgtca Nav; Band. —·": .· 59L Qertltlcates of discharge in truo· names of pergonsruiisiing or 4.. ' _ serving uiider-ass1imcd._néme•. “ . ` 598. Loqt or destroyed ·cer;l¤cntgs of discharge. 599; Claim; for damages occuwned by ieaaels. 600. Claims for damigqs not -0g:cnda¤ed, by yeqiels- " n Section 591Q Regulations of Navy`; c¤¤§iit¤tc.—'1‘he gpders, `regulations; and Zlnstruciidns " by the Secrétary of the Navy prior to July 14, 1862, with such nltérations as be _ may pines have adopted, with the ippmval not- the President, ' shall as the regulations of the Navy, subiecc tb , ultéritipus adoxitéd ui zthe. `@g¤¢ mdxmcr. (B. S; { 15-QTL) _

 592; Qiicers t¤__be furnished With .copy bf regulations and '

general, brders of Navy ’D¢D8ftQ¢Ht•··T1`hQ} S¢cre·tnry“ or the l Navy shall `Eausc each éommlssioned or warrant o$<;cr ot the N avy, bn his entry limi Qthe service, to be tipmlshed with a copy " - ·ot thmrcggulgtions ami general orders of the Nhvy Departmént then ih force, and thereafter with a copy of all such as maybe l issued; r (R.· S. § 1548.) ", · ` — _ ` .` 593. Oath of -nllegiancck-¥Thc· path of ~ allegiance now pmvidcd for the 0Qce1g%·and men of the Army- and Marine Com? - `shall be hdmigilétered hereafter to· the cmceys nad. men ot thé Navy. (Mah 3, 18%, c.l418, { 25, 30 Stat. ww.) _· _ m

 Appointment of pcrsuis éinb¤1‘$U¢ Qcacy on forgign

Zstntiims,-———N0— pcrsqn shall be_ employee} nr pontlnued gbpoad, to I recelvcdnd pqy mbncy for the nge df the naval sgrviée on few- “ ielgn stations, whether under contract of otherwisé, WM IMS · hot been, 01* `shall not bc, qppomted by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; '(B.· { 1550.) _ _ - l `. ' 595.- Cate of ippane; pnynenits te Secretary of the Nayy may cause pérsonmin the mvir service or Marine -_ Corps, who begins `lnsaui while. in the service, ·§¤ be Pi¤€°d hi mich hoapl " for! the Imam ps, ih his cpinhm Wm be hmost `c0nyé‘nien.t hud but ¢¤l¢¤i¤¢¤d; to hDF9¤i—é¤ j·°»Y°9t°”u°“ ofrreason. And hq may pay" tqlany méh·h0épltsl,.¤th€¤‘ than Saint Elizabethi `Hospltdly in 'fhe District of Oqlumbim nw pay which mg! thmtc time be dm to such i®¤¢ Pe" gon, and he mai in nddlti@· ·themto," pay to such ’i¤S¤¢¤$i°“· from the uipun1_-npprqpdaticn intl the Quill @49* tm had df contingent enqmenmd any deiciency lot n re¤$<>¤§b**’ ‘ expcnie, not excoedixg}109 pier annum. t {R. S. |· 1551f July 1.‘1916..I1.& Stat. wm) Y l —· .. 596. United Statgs Navy `B•¤d.——-·Hem¤tte;· the b¤¤¢ ¤Q“’ sgtgggiqngd gt the pjyy ygidg Washington, Dlgtdct _ of CN¤¥¤bm·

 the”Np,vy.Inrd Band, shall be   as

the United States Navi Bnxid, Ys,11d°th0',le¤d0l’ _0f this Shan "riéceivmthe `pny and allowances `of n _1leutejmn§· in the NNY _ Proyldedg _'1‘hnt· sexjvlce las, gu emigted-‘m¤¤ mh the MVK! " 5%