Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1144

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§- 670_ .. mzamz qualify professionally upon oiamination forilfvmction or a vomagront shall lisa Iwrxméxincd so soon as mmf be expedia affér the expixdtion ot one ymr it he io the meantime nga bamooswluo for promotion, grad it hmdocs not in the time again become duoéfor pimotion ho shall bé roexafnim at mach timé anterior xo apiu due, for promotioh 4 may he for the bex. interests ot the service: Prooidgd, Th

 if sny..s¤ch·¥‘omcer ot lem than ton yam" total actiye sergh

·· oxciésive ofservice as midshiiémén or1c¤dot.at_ Unib ‘ Stare; Naval Amdmy or me United Sthtw Military Academ mil; to qrmli§y_profe@lono,l1y~- uw¤ w¢x¤m;¤mo¤° hé bball ` lwrobly dimh$.rg& from the "Marioo with. one yew pay? Provided further, Hat if may such o¤@r of more th: ‘ tw- ywrs’ totai active service, oxzglusive of servloe. as ml shlpomn or cadet at’the_Ui1ited States Naval Academy or . ti United States _Military Acsdmy, fglls to quaIlty;pr0te§siona1 upon mexammatlou, he .§h:1ll` .1101: be diéchargcd from C Ma rim;} Corps on account of such failure, but shall, thereaft heimligltile for proéotion or advancement; am any sxich < Ecer Shall he retired §·lth a perceptuge of the ‘ pay reccivecl 1

 him at tHe date ot) retirémem: edual to 2% per cénlmiiz for ew

year of tm/ul active service Qto bc computed in accordance wi the provisions of Title 37, PAY nm _ALLQWANCES, , not utc e ceeiil 75 per lceotum, iapcn attaining, or ll _ he had previous attained, the agw in thevarious grades mid ranks, as follow Licute1aa:1t‘0olonel,—§fty years; major and company omcc fortjéve years; (Mir. ·1,l1925,’c.f536, § 7, 43 Stht.

  • 676. Advancement iu, numb;r.——-Any officer of the Mari

o. Corm may; by and with the advice and consent of thé Scim be advanced notfoxccedingjhlrtj 1mmbers_in_ rank, for cming and conspicuous conduct in battle or extraordinary heroist (R.S.·§"1605.)_i· ~ ~ ” _ ` _- 871. Pronotion when grade is fulh-—Any_' gmcer who` nominated to :1 higher grade .by· tho provisions of the proce V ing section shall be promoted, notwithstanding the mimber gaid gmglo may be’£ull.‘ (R.- S. $1606.) ·_ _. -_ » A , · 672. Promotion for g‘al|antry.—-Any otlioor of the Mari Corpmmay, by? with the advice and consent of the Sem be advanced,-one grade, if, upon recommendation of the Pre goat by mmm, he rgceives the thanks ot! Congresg for big! distinguished conduct in condiét with the,e1¤1emy, or for"` • traordiuary heroism in the line- of his profewiou. (R. ` _ _ ‘ RETIREMENT 68:1.·-In ge¤cra.l.;—»-The commissioned omcers or Mari Corps shall lic in like cases, in the hamé m§m1er,·§ with the same! relativoconditions, in all respects; as arc. pz C ,Yi for owcers ot the Armyi Prooiéed, flkat in cass of amor got the tho retiring Board shall be select by the Smretarrot Navy, under direction of this Pre dom:. ot rho hmm shall be wlecfedftrom {ho Mo

ca1 Corps ‘o£ the Navy, and tho remainder shall be select

from oEcers 01 tm Marine. Corps; senior lu rank, so tar may Zbe, to the o&cc;· whore disability is··% be inquired \¢<Qu.$. $5*1622,1%.) , ‘ _ ._ - * » · 682, (Mw; who served during Civil Wnr•····Oftit:crs“ ot t Marine Corps with éreditoblol records who sor·vM during t Civil War lshall, whe? retired, M retired in like mmmor a under the same oo¤·dl tom as provided for odimrs of tho Na who served during the civll war. {Apr. 27, 1994, cl _Stat.349.) _ ’ o .~ I ` 688. O§mr•’ below grade of bxi¢$&i¤* general who mv during Ciril ‘W£r.-v--Any omcw ot me Marloc Corps' bell the grade lo! brigadior general who _ withmrodit. an O§£‘¢1' or os an eww man in the !‘%¤l¤l’ or vohmtoér tori during tm·Clvll War prior to April 9,- 1885, than ‘a cadet', gag ihose mma —1s_ borne oh the oEcial register the Marine Corgrejand who has heretofore boon, or may he

, ,3.}.-—-—NAP Y 1130 gg after be, retired- on account of woohoo or disability 1aQi,;,.m at to · me service, or on J account of- asc or after mr·t_,· ,·,,,,,s.c in S€l'Vi€€, IB&y,~ ll} thé €n‘Sc!`€ti{}§} Gt th€' PY@$id¢HlT, by anti \$*iT*h m retiredh list ery, the~.Mariae Corps vgith the- rank Am ,-,.,,,9,, ee my or one grade above that. actmml hold by him at the ,,,,,,3 at' of retirement! P Med, '.Ul3¢_€M¤ Swtloih ®al1 aot apple H,

e,_ any officer- who fgllfctt all QGVRFWB 6f_ Sfltth the elm; nf

ed his., retirement or ho has |'%9i'€d totlm Mamie (3,,,,,,, ly, and placed orrthe retired list by vlriige of the prbvlsiorrg of ,, , be special Ae: or (Joao w. 1966. lc. 35%. 34 stat. ;..#,i_, rfa 684. Retiregrant of certain of w xraak Q; an 'éolooel; my.——Any acmccr of the grade orraak of colonel wh.,,e ld- name is not borzie on one of the cttrreatfellgble. Mata, for gp, nt? as geuerig O! · QE éeP3YlHlé‘lll, hiya shall, it more than ilfty-six` years /of asc, be retired with g he pereeatage of the pay received by him at the dateot retirement ger equal to 2% per centom, to be commited hr with me at- provisions of Title *37, APAY nre Awowaxma, not to exceed by per ceatumj (Mar. 4, 19%, c. 536, S 7. 43 Stat. 1273,) · ch e685.`·Maior”Ge¤el-al we Oh-;··Any ee;- th cer who shall Iberetired the poattim ot Mawr Qcaeral =:x· Gommaodant of . the Marine Corps brruam of iamapcity fer sly active service resultiagyfrom aa lacidcat or the service, w ay ¤s :- reason of- age or length otpervice, shi] have sae raali and rs,} retired pay ot a maiorgeneml; it retired for any other reaeeap Z.) he shall be placed on the retired list of o¤ccrs of the grade te ne which bé belonged at the time of his reti t. {Dec. la, {cj 1913, c. 3, 38 Stat. `241; Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, W. Stat;‘6w.l mt 686. Retirement of hgriae au iurtumaeier m, cler1ts.—-—Marl¤e gtmnérs arid quanermaatera clerks small here the privilegee ot retiremm1t_ot·warr¢¤t cheers ih the Navy. ig {Aug. 29, 1916, c. 417, 39 Stat. 611.) A l' ` ff _ · I ENLISTED FORCE » ~ ’ 691. Alltllbfiiéd émlistcd strength of active Mtv-The are ¤€ pthorizetl enlistedstrength of the active list otthe Marine Corps tc.! is permanently estpablislzed at twentyseven thousnxid {oar hanzsi- tired, distribution in the `variotis grades to be raade ia the ll? same; proportion as provided trader `7 eximaé law, subiwt to %;*` the provisions of, section 176. -4, 16%, c.Y E8, °§ 1, 41 S. stat. seo.) ~··= ·’ `· _  ; ‘ ' - 692. Teri of“ealidment.~Ealist1ueats`la the Marino Corps » may be for terms, of `t€vo;,three,— or fear yum, and aiflaws ao éa plicable to four—year eallatmeats shell gpplyg uaaereueh regtr nd latioas me may be prwcrlmd by the or tha .Ngvr, to ro; ealistmeats lor "a shorter period with ~»· .»-  » mte heaetlts an upon discharge and reealistmeat, (Mar. 8,. 1,901, c. 852, 31 M Stat. 1132;iJtiae‘4, 1926,1:; @,1 7, _·i1_ Stat; $6.) b mg, . 693; Adver§slng {fer mrpitsg-·—-lmitlzority la granted to ém·_ _ di, ploy the services of adyertlaing agencies ia. gdvwtisiag for Bd recruits under such terms and conditions aa are most ad~ as , vantageoua to the Government. (Jttly 1, *1918t, c. 114,‘·t6 Stat. of.7%·)"` ~# . 694. Oath.-—Tlie ohlcers and enlisted mea of the Marine Corps he shall take the- same oaths, 'rmpeetively, whigh are provided he by law for the o@<.ers `aadéenllsted men at the Army. (R. S· nd_§16Q9.) . J , - __ Q; ‘_ _,j g 69§._ Exémptionfrom arreet.j—··-Marines shall be exempt, while 33 enlisted in said _ service, from all personal arreat for debt of ~ ’co¤tmct.° (B. S. { 1610.). ‘ I gg MARINE BAND I aa 761;. Gompodtioa; - (pay and •liovaacoe.饷The band of ·ih*¥’ m United States Marlw shall consist of one leader whose sa pay and-qlownacu he »thm_o1'~a mptain ia the Marine ot one second leader whose pay mil be $209 per mouth re» aad‘ who have th8·8ll0W8l1€% ot a sergmnt major: tw