Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1154

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§ 870 1*11*1.12: 3 navy yard at Mere Island, California, shall be the sea pay. of his grade. ( Mar. 3, 1863, No. 25, 12 Stat. 825.) 870. Pay and allowances of 0&cers advanced in grade aud rank after March 3, 1899.--All officers of the Navy who, since the 3d day of March, 1899, have been advanced or mayihereafter be advanced in grade or rank pursuant to law shall be nlloxyed the pay and allowances of .the_ higher grade or rank from the dates stated in their commissions. (Mar. 4, 1913, c._ 148,. 37 §tat. 892.,) . I .· ` `871. Pay and allowances 0_f oflicer of Navy or Marine Corps ` on leaveiof absence and engaged in service other thanothat of GOV£fRm€Ht.-N0 ofdcer of the Navy or Marine Corps while on leeve of absence engaged in a service other thai that of the '_ Government of the United States, shall be entitled to any pay or allowances for a period in excess of that for which he is entitled to full pay, unless the President otherwise directs. (May 28, 1924, c. 203, 43 Stat. 202; Febf 11, 1925, c. 209,43 Stat. 879.) . _' ‘ ‘ ‘ · , 87 2. {Pay and allowances of oiicers of Navy and Marine Corps while serving on duty in coordination iof business of GovemmeeL—Hemafter no comugissioned 0§eer of the · Navy or Marine Corps shall be deprived of his right to pay and allowances while serving on such duty as the President may direct ix; the coordination of the business of the! Govern-ment, as new being conducted by him under thegeueral supervision ot the Director of the Bureau of the Budget :· ,Pr0v»id`ed, That the number of o@cers detailed me this Sduty shall not at any time exceed twenty-six. (June 7, 1924, c} 291, Title 1,43 Stat. 481; Feb. 12, 1925, c. 225, Title I, 43 Stat. 895.) ,· . l · 873. Pay sind allowances of acting 3chaplains.——Acti¤g chap- i lains provided for 111 section 92 shall have the pay and all0w4 d ancee of lieutenant {junior grade) in the Navy,. (June 30, 191-1, c.130,38Stat[403.)  » ·. e I ·'_’ · 874. Pay and allowances of dental oQcern.··-All dental omcers shalllreceie the same pay and allowauceeas omeers ot corresponding rank and length of service in the Naval Medical Corps up to and 'including the rank of lieutenant commander: Provided, That dental surgeons shall be eligible for advance-' ment in pay and allowances, but not in rank, to and including the pay and allowances ot commander and captain, subject to such examinations as the Secretary ot the Navy may prescribe, except thet the number of "deutal surgeons with the pay and allowances ot captain shall not exceed 4% per oentuxu andthe number of dental surgeons with the pay and _ allowances ot cemmzmder shall not exceed 8 per. centum ot the totql au¥· a thorized number ot dental otllcere: Provided tiurthor, That dental surgeons shall be eligible for edvaneement to the phy and allowances of commander and captain when their total ‘act1ve_ service as dental officers Yin the. Nayy ie euch that it ' rendered as omcers of the‘Naval· Medical Gorpe, it would place ` them in thelietof medical omcers vrith the pay and allowances of commander or captain, as the cose may be: And provided further, That dentel somoers who shall have or lost numbers on the Nevyeliet shall be considered to have gained or lost service accordingly; arid. Que time served by dental odlcere on active duty ae acting aeslsthnt dental surgeons and aesis.tantdentdl surgeons under? .provislous` of law existing prior to July .1, 1918, ehall be reckoned ln- eomputlhg the increemd service pay end service for precedence afnd promotion of dental odlcera herein, authorized or heretofore appolhted. = (Aug. 29, 1916, c._ ·417, 39 Stet. 573; July 1, ‘1918,’c..·114, 40 .Sfat._7Q8.) · _ 875. Adveecu to oG¢:ers ordered to and frem sea or shore duty beyond uae.--Advances of pay not to exceed three. monthef pay in any oiae eeeelmey he made to o&cers ordered to and from-eee duty and- to aed from ebore`duty.beyond· tee sees, tmder'e11ch·reg*dlatidns as the Secretary of tm "Neyy may preeeribe: Provided, That the President of the. United States' may direct such advzmees, as he may deem neceesaryaml proper,

t#···*NAVY \ 1140 to such persons in the Naval Service as may bg €mpl,m_d QH distant stations where the discharge of the pay and oxzmrg. ments to which they are entitled can not be regularly eherted. (R. S. § 1563; Mar. 4, 1917, c. 180, 39 Stat. 1181.) - 876. Pay of persons acting as paymaster when o$ce vacant in ship at Vsga.-—A¤Y Person performing the duties of gmmaster, acting assistant payxnastcr, or assistant paym;m..,—_ Qu a ship. at sea, or on a foreign station, or on the Pacific comm or the United States,. hy appointment of the senior o&cer pr¢»~om, ` in case of vacnncyof such office, in accordance with the provisions of section ,62, and not otherwise, lshall be entitled In ro- —ceive_the pay of such grade while so acting. (R. S, g 1;.;,, ’ 877. Ray, allowances, and bcneétsof electricians and radio electriciansr-—All persons appointed lu the commissioned wm-- rant grades of chief electrician and chief radio electrician. and the warrantgrades of electrician and radio electrician in me United states Navy, shall have the same-pay, allowances, nm] other beneiltls as now are or may hereafter be allowed onlm COII1IIllSSi0H€d'·W3PF8Ht and warrant otiicers in the Navy. (Mar, 4., 1925, c. .536, § 12, 43 Stat. 1274..) I » ’· 878. Pay and allowances of reserve_¤ur•es.—Resex·s·e zm¤·s.·s when assigned to active duty as provided in section 42 shall receive the pay and allowances of nurses. _‘But they shall z·e·~ ceive no compensation except when on active duty. (May 13, 1908, cl 16C}, 35 Stat. 146.) ; “ · ‘b I 879. Longevity pay; credit for, service in Const Guard and ' former Revenue;Cutter— Service.-—For the purposes of computing longevity pay and retirement privileges of omxers and enlisted men of the Navy, all `creditable service in the Const Guard , and roman Revenue-Cutter Service shall be counn·d. (June 4, 1920,:c. 228, °§ 3, 41 Stat. 835.) _ » Z · *880. Constructive service; notto apply toc£cer• appointed after March 4, 1913.-—All oiHce'i·s, - including warrant onigers, who have been or `inay be appointed to the Navy from .c2viz` ite shall, on the date of appointment, be credited, for computing their pay, with. Eve years} service: Provided, That 1hi< shall not apply. `_to any person entering the Navy from and after March 4, 1913. `(Mar. 3, 1899, c. 413, 5 13, "30"Stat.~1UOT; _Ma4·. 4, 1918, c. 148, 37 Stat; 891.) ‘ _ 1 » 881. Furlong}! pay.-—-·Ofilcers on' furlough shall receive only i_one·ha—lf qt the pay `to which they would have been entitled. {11: on leave or absmée. (ia. s. 9 1557.) , . Y 882. Pay. as sEectéd by absence from duty on account of ihslclmess resulting. from mlswnduct.-—No omcer or enlisml l man in the. Navy or Marine Corps in active service who shall

»be absent from duty on account ot lnjgxry, aicknwi, or disease

_res_u1tlng from his own intemperate uae of drugs or ale¤»1n»k2¤· liquors,-or other misconduct, shall reeeiva pay for the period ’of such absence, the time so absent and the cause thereof to be ascertained under such .procedure and regulations as may he preecritbed hy the Secretary or the/Navy; (Aug. 29,, 19l¢i,· c.·417, 39 Stat. 580; July 1, 1918, c. 114, 40 Stat. 117.) ‘ 883. No paymentto be made to oiceri emxoyal by con- ¢mc¢0i’s.—--·N0 paymenfshall be made from appropriations mudé by Congress to any omcer ln the Navy or Marine Corps on the active or retired list' while such omcer is employed by,¢1Hb' person or company furnishing naval supplies or vm: material to the Government; land such employment is hereby manhunlawful. (June 10, 1896, c. 399,-29 Stat. 361.)* ’ 884. Promotion of warrant oEcet• not te reduce pay.·—=No warrant omcer promoted aix years f1‘0D1__d$t6.0f warrantsholl suffer a reduction-in pay which but for auch promotion would. v have wen received by him.` (Mar. 3, 1909, c.`255, 35 §tat. 771i) MILEAGE- AND_ TRAKFEL ALLOWANCE 891. Mileage books or commutation tlék¢t•.—-¤’I‘l1e Bccremry, of the Navy is authorized to continue to purchase such mileage books, commutation tickets, and other slmilar. trnnsportwl _