Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1156

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§ QQ4 TITLE 34 cheese; ene—l1ult' pint of vinegar or sauce, onevqllarler pint of pickles, 0ne—quarter pint of molassee, aud. one-eighth ounce of spices, three puxmds of sugar, or one aud a halt pounds of condensed _ milk, or one pound bt coifee, or one and a.h:11t pounds of canned fruit, or four pounds of fresh vegelables, or four pounds of flour. · _ ‘ _ _Any article comprised in the Nauy ration may be issued iu excess of the authorized quantity, provided there be an under issue of the‘same value in s0me`0the1·.artic1e or artieles._ (B. S. § 1531; June 29, 1906, c. 3590, 34 St:ut.` 571; Mar. *2, 1907, c. 2512, 34 Stat; 1193; May 3, 1880; e. 73,21 Stat. 86; July 1, 1902, c._ 1368, 32 Stat. 6S0.)`_ ` \ " _ · · . 904. Short allewam:e;——In case of necessity the daily allowance of provisions may be dixuiuished at the discretion bf the senior officer giresegt in command; but payment ®a1l be gnade to the persons whose allowance is thus diminished, ueccrliing to the scale oi prices for whe same established at the time of such diminution. And every commander who makes any diminution or variation shall give to the .payru.aste1·_ writteu orders therefor, specifying particularly the dimiuutionlor Variation which is tgo be made, and shall rep01jt‘t6-his 'commandilig omccr, or to the Navy Department, the-necessity for the same. (R.·S.§1582.)· j ln _. 1 , , -. 1. _ r 9%. Retiens stopped for the sick.1-·—Rations stopped for the sick xm beard vessels; shall remain and be accounted for; by the Imymaster as a part of the provisions of lthe vessels. (R. S. § 1583.) I I ’ , . “ 906.l Extra, allowance to men standing night watches.¢——An extra allowance of cue ounce of comee or cocoa, two ounces ef sugar, four ounces of herd bread or its equivalent, and four' {0HIlQ(?_S of preserved meat of its equivalent shall bé allowed-tu enlisted men ·0f the engineer and dynemonforce who stand _11lgl1t watches betweeu eight 0'cl0c' postmeridiaf1 and eight o’el0<;k zmteuxeridiau, under steam. JJune 29, -1996, c. 3590,.34 Stat. 571.).. l. _ · X5 ‘ J ‘· ` 997..C0mmutation price ofrati0 e.-·—¥Fort§ jcents shall in all · eases be· deemed the Ceminutatiou price of the Navy ratiun; Provided, however, That after January 1, 1918, the epugmuta- ` tieu price shall not exceed the average cost of the ratiqu dur- ` ing the preceding six monthsgnot to exceed 4Q` cents. ·(R. S. 5 1585*;. Oct. 6, 1917, c. 102, 40 Stat. 397.) _ / . t . 908. Money accruing {mm-rations ecmmuted for beneiit of 1 mess; payment to eemmissary 0Bcer.—-—·M0uey accruing from ‘ the rations of enlisted men commubed fc; the beueilt of any mess may be paid on/public bills ’to the coxumissary omcerby the pay officer having their accounts. (.luly,1, 1902; c. 1368, 4 32 sci:. eso.; ~ ·· .- ? we , QUARTERS l 911. Assignment of quayterapr commutation thereof; a¤·» lherity of Secretary of Navy.-—-——The Secretary of the Navy may detegmlne where and when there arejno public qnmrters T available for persons in the Navy and Muxrlpe Corps, or serving therewith, within the meaning ot may Acts or parts- nf Acts relating to the asslgnmeul; of quarters. (July 1,` 1918, c. ,114,. 40 Stat. 718; June 10, 1922, e. 212, ·§ 21, 42 Stgtw . 3 · u 912. Heat ,ox· 'lighf in kind prohibited to persons ecéiving ‘ ullepmuce fe! rental of quai•ter•.—-—N0tl1ing contained in any existing laws, er xjegulatluusl or orders promulgated [lu pur- l . lsuunce of law, shall authorize the lssue of! hea-1t‘ or_ light lug -·k1ud to any person in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, (Beast, Guard, Omst end Geodetic Survey, and Public Health Service { while such persen is receiving au allowance for rental of “ Z quartem under-the provisions oe Title 37, Pw: we Atpcwukcm. {Mer. 2, 1923, c.`_178, Title I, Q Stat. 1§5.)_ j . . ` 913. Rank ¤;·_ precedence ul stat as giving no •ddl~ ° tional right- to qunitem.-—·-·No staff c@mr shall, lu virtue,01" his rank or have any uddmeual right to quarters. (11.8. §1487.)-°_ ’ . u -~ —· ‘

l.—-NAVY 1 · 1142 CLOTHING , ALLOWANCE 916. Outfits oh first enlistment;··—-In order to encoumgg UW enlislmeqt of boys as a.pp£€11ti€€S in thé U¤i'€€d Stat0<&Xw,i;4 the Secretary of the 'bmvy is aptherlzed to {umm; as IQ bounty to each of said apprentices attcr his enlistment, au;} ‘whcn ii1fst_ received on board oya training ship, an mzijit of clothing not to exceed in valugthefsum of $45. (Mau-. 1, 1>1z-§ c; 331, 25 Stat. 781.) _ ’ 1 911. Outfits on seéond Jehlistmmt.-~Th€ Swniétnry ms mp

 Navy isi authorized to issue a lclothlng outfit to all €!lH<l&·{l

lmenl serving in their second enlistment, who failed to z·m·2w

an optiit of the value authorized bylaw on their tirst {·nli».;;-

'ment, or wh0,.having received such putht, were rcquiml Yo hi reiqml its valpe acc0m;t·_0f. discharge prior to expimlm l of enhstmcpt: Promded further, That the met cost to the Gov- ! é1‘I1IIl€DfOf clothing outhis furnished any one enlisted umu ` V shall qot excéed $60. (Mar, 3, 1915, c. 83, 38 Stdt.‘932.). MEDI,CINES° AND MED1QAL ATTENDANCE; FUNRRA1'; 1 __EXPENSES ’ 92.1. Medicines and medial attendance.-Expenses incurml by any officer of. the_=Navy for medicines énd medical altmdantee shall not be izlloivcd unless they were incurred when _ he wusmi duty, and th€—m€(iiC1§1&B could not have been nnlmim from naval supplies, or the attendance ct a. mval medical Uliiuev could ubt have been had. (B. B. 5 1586.) ~_ .· · d » .922. Funeral expenses,-··N0 funeral expands pt a' naval ml}- Q€1"W'h0I(HCS in the United Stgteq not expenses forlruvol to ’ 1 attend tIn`e funeral of gxiofiiccr who dies hem, shall lie allmml; But when-_an officer ori duty dies in a foreign éountryothe vxpensés of his funeral, not exceedlug`his·Sea‘ pdy for one mémzh, shall beg d§fri1yced by the Government, and paid by thé psxyanms. ‘··ter‘ upoxrwhgse books the name of such omcer was boriw mr pay. (R. § 1587.) “R ALLOT1\gENT OF. PAY;` ASSIGNMENT OF WAGES;°1»l1, _· · _ POSITS, OF SAVINGS 931. Allotment of pay by 6$ccrs.-——The Secretary or me Navy fS·quth·0rized to permit 0Hicers of the Navy am} the Mnriné Corps té make allotments. from their pay, Wunder such re:¤u· g Iatiops as hc may presci*ibeQ for fhé éupport of their fumilieg or relatives, for iheir own savings, or fdr olher proper purp¢>.¤•»s,1 during such time as t}1ay'may be absent at sea, on distant duty, or 1 nude; other cjrcumstances warrsmting such action; (June f 10, 1896; c 399, Q 1, 29_ Stat. 361.) .

 932. Aqsignmentpf wages.-—·Evcry assignment of wages: dw

to pprscns enlisted in the zmvdl sexrvice, and 511 powers of · attcrneyf or _0th¢i·. authority po kinaw, receipt mr, os. tgzansfvr the same, shall —·b¤ v0}d,' unless attmtcd by? the 'mmmsmdim: omcer and paymaster. The assignment ot mm must spelify the precise time when they ccpmmmcci (R. S. { 1576.) ‘ 933. Deposits of qavings.- ¥·Any enlisted man or appoigmwl petty officer of the_Nz1vy deposit hiimvmgs, in suung not less than $5, yvith the paymaster upon whose boobs his a‘c<:0m1f. is_ borrie; mid he shall M 'fuxhished with Q deposit book, in which Mtlm said payméster shall note, over hisjiwture, ull.; amount, date, and place ot such deposit. The money so depoaitad shall be accounted {01*.1:1 the same mgmtaer és m1l1¢~:· lpublicfundé, and shall pags·m·tla¤ areal: qt mg appgjoprizitiwi fOr “Bay for The Navy," and shall not be guhjeq¢_tn` tcgfeitulv by sentence of ccuxbmartial, but shall be forfeited by degertion, · and shall- not be permittcil to be péiH‘uxit111§§hI payment on .dischm·ge, or to the lxeim dr repiesenmtlvng at Us deceased gallop, and thet such deposit be exempt {mm liability foij such milofn dcbtsi Brovided, That tm Govemmmt shall be liable t fm! the amémxt dgpomycé to the person gp` dgpasidm the~8&H1¢· (Feb; 0, 1889; c. 119, | 1, % Stat. 657.) ° ‘