Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/116

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§ 181 _. zrzcw 7.+;

 ./Q; _ __ . . l , " ( I

212. Prcecrieiag rata ned__prectlees c to prevent ldgecrlmlaatieu lx .· ~ tween iatraetete and interstate ccmraerce, · · , 213. _Pceve¤§ea of unfair, `diecriminateryi er deceptive practices. 4 iilé. Wlaea ierdem efectiye generally.; — ; ‘ , » c 215. Failure to cbey orders, ge11er¤13y;»m¤iehmenL _, `“ · c 215. Ceurt preceeding: vte enferce oordera;‘inju;1ctie;1. fil?. Preceediags fer suspension, et erdcrs.’ · ~ I

 `CC>M§fGIf{‘ PR(}\¥ISION$ _. o '_
221._.Aec~eant¤, aad records -of\ lxuaiuesa;. puaisbmeat for {allure t·

22*3.. Fedzergl Trade Commission powers adopted. tor. entercement 0 ‘ ·-chapter._ . o- 223. Respeaaibility of principal for act or euiission of agent, 224. Attorney General. te institute { court p1·0c@lr1gs— for exitorce 2253. i1)thez·`dlaw$ unaffected., 2 “V Q- ” ___j E _ /_§i‘€. Pewjera of _IuterBtate?_`Commerce_“ Commlasioa unaffected, E2?. I’ewei*¤ of? Federal Trade C@§¤iS8°i(H1 reatrlcted. l tw c ‘ , , Y _ 228, Genera,} authority .q£_ Secretary as te ru1eé,._regulatio¤a, andfex ~ e peediterea. , E . d ‘ l .. ` -· c ` 22eT Eéect etepartsel xuvnzidity. V ` e· a ;GE NrJaAL, nmixuxtrrousj Qi E } Section .181. ”’ Saertg title dot { chapt;x·.;——Thia= chapter jxlegw lu cited aajthe __" Packers and Sft)(.#k}'8I#(18_AC£." _(A[ug.r·1§, 1921, c ec,-§1,,*c4.2~stee‘ `;$9.) · cg T A of * ; , ga _; 182s *‘—P¢r¤#¤¤";c "jS¤¢r颤rx": _"»me#¢ fwdi, ¤r¤d¤$¢s” “olivestock"’;` ¥‘.liveateck*pr0dgtcta "; d“,coam1erce‘ W; - qeaaeai Wlseaueedaiaithledgzlxsxjittir-——¢__· A e _ “·_ d‘. '_‘' Y e 11)* The tcr¤¤,."·1¤¢f¤<>¤ " i¤¢1¤dééa i¤¤ivi<i¤e1S. partnerships cerporatioaayaad associations} V a4 . ._ cultmtci Th Y • " i · t Y .,. d

 _ (3} 1·~eetem_·· meat reeecopmeects " uieanefall products mic

byproductao of thje slaughtering; and -_ meatgpackiug iudiratryy- tif edible; —g;,  ; _Q -.4 i i _ ‘ d 2 J , »(4,)`? the; term " livestock ""_ mean; ocattle, sheep,. swine d wlimmhcrses, mules, or goat§;$$·hethe1ie _1iv€E1* dead ;· . f (5) The term. " livestock; products Vmeens {all, prodrxcta am , by-iéreducts (other tl1anfmeats,‘erid‘_meat4foed prody.1ct5‘)‘,’.o; o the cslaaghteriag and meat-packiixgf industry derived in ,wh0l1 Oiiiajpart from‘1iye§tpck._;V`ggd_ _ _ 4 _ , ·.;

 .(6)· Theqterm “·‘C0Hli}1BiTC5€-PH .mezm§cgc0mmerce_'betweee eaixrg

State; Te:ritcry,-» or ·})0SSéSHi0l1—,° or the District Yof. Columbia and any place~_,‘outside"_—thereof ;Qor_ between points withiietla gamer Smte,·*`C[‘er;·itorY, cr possession, ao:. tile District dof Colum `bia,. but throggh ot1tside?;thereoft;d og: itvitlrin arg;

 Territor}*_o:.*. peseeeaie11,e·0r` the District ef, SCol¤mbia,,* (Aug
  • 15;1921,‘c..64,§2,>42 Stat;159.) `’h. cd ‘__* ‘ r -. I -.a. `

, 183. wae¤j ¢¤»¤»¤¢zse¤c deemed in commerce; ",State ’?Ae2 '§a£d.——¢-For the ‘p%1§’p0S€ oi -this- chapter .·(but° not in , any a,-wm ·li”m1ti13g_the,¢kHaltioa in the precediageeetion) — traaeaction $1 rwpeet te Yauyvarticie shall be ceneidered tedbe iiaf commerce iu

  • each article ia part of thatcurreet of ¤;emmee¢ec`iau41,1¤ the
 livestock and cmeabpacking industries, whereby livestock, meats

meat products, llvwtock prodects, ~dai1jy products,

 poultry. products, or eggs,. are aeat from time State.   thi

egmgtatiend that they will end their traestt,»aiter » purchaee, lx another, including, in addition to cas@,withtn`»the ahoire general ` dexripticmall cases 'svlzere purchase er sale lateitherifor ship ment, to another State, or ferelaiiglater et llveatock withirthx State add the ·shipment.»outside,,t1$et State Tof ttlie°opro¢1uctet ~_»e me stalling, tram such `alaughter. `Artlclm xéormalli an .”.. such can 1—ent._0fAe0mn1erce·ehall'cn0f_be c0asi’dered cet of each current I;]1_1‘0'lt§}1·T€S9I`t beiagdhad te any meaiisi or device tihteadedw itc remoce’-tmasacdena Ln respect thereto irom the prevweae ei U1i.8,C§8.D_t&l'. a For the of this osectioutlm word-, f‘ Statet c includes Territery,jthe` District ·ot·Ce1ambia,' poaaeesien of th; United States, and tereign.,.uatien. (Ai1gQ 15,—_1921,lc.d64, § z ,42 Stat,159.)d< ‘ E “‘> __ V.

1GI£ICUIgTUR1§ W · Q ¢ · ‘A 10*2 . 7 PAOKER8 GENERALLY e #4 191,) Packe1j»_k1c§1ged.—r—Me1i used i,¤ tms éheptee-. ~

 » °j1‘he term "packei*’? meme any "  rse:1*e:igeged‘1n ghQ_bm; ·_ · .)

jess Q(a)_ .·.ef }§uyi¤g jlivesepek {cr )purpeSeS Og` e )¤‘m*g*‘¥?*‘· » *°’ (W ‘ ¤? .m¤¤¤‘#°*Fe T9? wevefiss e ee ~ mem or

 meat »·foodVp1·0dpets’fqr sule `or.shipQc¤t·;1n cemmel-ce} 0,. (Q)

j °? )‘““““f”~¢*“’*¥*g ‘”`Yp*`?p“"m$ u°°“°°k»P’·`°d*?£¤ f<>r‘se1e¤ei· 6 shipment ip mmmerce, 0;· d) ing 1 mais; meat fem ]

 p¥’<>¢¥i}¢¢Ss ¥iY%£¤*¢k—Pr0d¤¢f¤;`<¥¤$1’!···B¥®¤ct¤.‘ wu1trj, pguggyy

f products; 91* i? F) **“]¤¤Q engggea in sw;

 b¤Si¤€8$e °f m¤¥¥¥¤¥4¢"*m'?¥?3~ GF')  `HY$t6€¥ Diroduete tu.-)

F in su c1:g marketing be eccmldeted a pmm. —u111ess—-·? — ee _ ~ _) e ) . (1<)) Sz1ch~ee1>¤r¤9¤`i¤·)bb§iS¢ ensuzw in any resmea e #*9 i¤»—¤1¤¤S¢j<—¤> er (P) )¤¥>¢v¢·»¤¤-P¤¢¤¤e e“ ~ — i i_ 1 ;~(2) QS1ich personf ocauseer '_e<>¤trok, §`dix*ect1y~or i¤di¤*ect1y,` e T¢1¤¤>¤gh~¤¤¤¢k <>w¤er¤»¤iv ¤¤· <=<>¤=f¤1¤r by m¤ee: e

 *<>1‘; ¢h1?0*1§h·   é&€€¤tS§` ¤¢¤*§¤¢Sf 91*. ¢¤D¤¤?¢¤S; » Mr! `ihtetwt in e
 eiany buai¤ess_refer:ed to —i¤iYc1smaé (ai) me (B) i}$¤ve,)~er)im2ege-4
e Y(3) ~¥A¤y— intzereéteid )¤t;m;¤u1f§etei·i¤g;e; pre. e

¤ - ) marins H¥¢¤f<>¢ke pr<><1¤¢¤,e `_)¢¤§ in bdmee is *

°_ iqw1xédf.0i* cquircucifgéirectii 01'Q *

. owxiershipe or; eouttelpr-_ lb? 6I°_;tht$Egh ;g;Sf

agents;) Servants? <?*?‘·¢¤¤1>1¤y¢¤;»_by me my

. ·jmgi¤essee ereferred_·to)`ir;g_cla¤se; (*3),9if (eblabévegeg miieee

 ‘ A ee  ‘(4 ) Any) pereen-» or_   jeiutly arf éeveraily, directny ez-

L ipdirectiy,e`t1;ro¤gh eeeteckwivnerehip er eemzyelj ue; esgherwige; by f thémseivé A; pr) throiggh e age¤ts,“ `¤Z·va¤ts,— ex? employees . . _0wu* o 1·).eo;1tr01) .1:1 lthe-)ag?gregeté' 20. m91‘¤ of the ~ ‘ vctingmwer or C0Ht1'0I—1l)A°8§1Ch ; _ `et 1§en¤Ia¢turii1g‘¢,rJ e 4 ii; )P‘?°i’?**`iP€— u*’¤*9¢k. P¤*¤¢¤¤?$+ i¤ 9*.) *9 ,¥b1¤Si¤¢SS L f;é¤Q__`_§xis<}.20_ io; moye: bfesuéh éentrel in e _ ~ ;v ,.’ zmyjbziéiheés) referred `?tq‘· ih; jcixmee `(a)`g er°·(b)] ghcyfe. (Aegg ’ e ,, 15,°1$)21e, c.) 64,);§ 2Q1,)42{ Stgt. $@0.), { · — · W e u irjfof any pi1¢l}er—°t9 "Vf§ Y  »` A v_ . _·~. e g e_(ea·) pngage in creeeuseenny uhtaigtxnjdstlye discxgimimtmw, or ee d¢¤¢Dt1vee Di}¤<>¤¢é. or ?devi¢c_i¤),é9mm¢¤¢¤;$¤¥  ; ° * i _ __ (b) ‘Ma'l;e* oigive, in ccrqmeiee, or lhhraeéemable r Q ) ¤;e!ér¢¤<>¤Q ¤¤”¤dv¤»¤¤z¤;;t¤» e¤;_:·§ par¤¤¤¥¤r ’P¢1‘¤€¥¤» er W 1<m1i¤Y Q ,, [Qin gp! ..`wh§§eoeve1·,j prfsxxlgjeetgfin au? B.) e; »pagt1eg¤1a.r perspn_ *1e@Hty its nh! V`\Il}€}\¥§;iQl’ rmrmso¤eb1e e T) .· ptejiidiee or.*"di8&dv@tage· )i¤°)` jany jwhnteaiefer :T mf e K ` r, (g) ‘Se11Vor ¤me¤·w¤e ·zr;¤ete;) to errie1·<;a;e packer, " f. ";_01# b\I!`Q01’i otherwise "xeeeive lfrcml 0:) ,fo:·<y•.§i Ether packer. `

 any iqrtieleymr the     the esecgéot gppqrdepieng

ee ¢1;¤ ¤¤pp1y-*1¤ icqmxpetce any eee: — qixQ];9¤¢¥€i‘S» if §*¤€**’ ée ,¤1>¤¢1?¢i<>¤»m¢¤f ha; <_ the·`tim¥1¢h¤y._ 6: wwf hi) ¢<>r¤= ` ie mercebr)0I)¢1f¢¤ti¤¢?"g )@0x;apbly i¤ tee ) r (de) Sell ¢:»¤therwi¤e Steer ofh¢1"Dé¥S<>¥¤· N yer bri:) ox-`jot1;erwise )x;ece&e 2rQ¤¤¤”)0re !<>r 83: ec¤®€¥

  • . “¢¤¥ _¤1’ticleeY9” )¤¤¤e <>r‘-wi@` —¢¤¤ ww of )”€"°?¥F“’“ ?i“g J

{ or c0ni:rol1ixige prices `inj ecmmerce, ex) ct ere¤Iii1i§_. ¤ ‘m¤¤¤p¤!>‘ Q » l` in the écquisietio¤{ot,e bi1yi!¥K.` ¢~? ény.-`)"¥*’Y?°?°" g e n· ;_i¤‘ c&eree,) eral et; ;. e__~ V * _ ne (q)V‘E¤`k¤§¢ 1¤`e¤r¢em·ee),¤z).e¤¤siee¤» ;e<1@;•¢¤: ¤<>tYf¤¤ we e - epurpese jcre with the of *¤*·” ¢9?*¤‘°m“g e a pricesin orc; 4 mmpMye.1¤_·)tue ¤ cq;nisiti ou _.. - Yo:,;_b;1yi¤g,) fd&1ing. in,) gui séticxe in ‘<m1¤r¤¢=;r<·¤;— Q ,0;**jof commerce; er-) P .; ) ) A [ b . e (I) iQ0;iep1¤e,*—))cémbi¤e, agree,—_er~- arrange »wi§h_ any`) 0the;· . » person “‘e(1;ij:¤ Q ¤PP6#£ic¤` emr1eq¤·y» rq;M~c¤:rg¤e— me \>usi¤€S¤ ; I or (2) t¤“¤.pp0;t1¤¤7 pux·cl1ases‘ my sales of_&¤F *

  • 2 ertielse commerce; k (3))_tc”1;1nnipu1nteeior,‘comr01’12•¤*i¢¤S )-
  • m-e°°@¥?*8!€¢3`9*". .f _ -)‘_ e T .,e, . . f - e

, , K»(g) ecempm, ebmbimeg jrggreee cre _8I#I’3`11gG "wi_tbl imy "other, r person etvjdo, or gid or nbetjtlge dqinig ot; ¤11ye_¤c:_maae; uu-