Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1162

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§, 1042 I` TITLE a4.- 1 from `auy Smte,. district, qr Territory`. that can mt *,52 mléd {by ‘ nomination as herein ghtovided, the sung may be Qlled gs soon s ihermfter ang betnre the Ami enttgncel pxnmimgtion my the 1 year as thet8ecreta;·y ct the Névy Thecaudi- ·£ dhtes allqwed for the ’Di$t_1‘lct l at Golumbid sind all the ca¤di·. dates appointed ht large, togetheir with qltemates t}'}&!'€f§}1',» shall, 1 { bé.'selecl:ed_ by me President within the peribd @9 l {om ngminatixid qt other {candidates,. (June Q, 1906, c, 3590, s

24st¤¢.s1a.»a_. _A V _- ;- · i

_ Appuiutmmts fgom e¤listed_me11.—Thc appoihtmyxts " allowed from enlisted men of the Natyfshall be made by·~ the 1 Secictary of the Navy from énlistcd men of the Navy who ls am; citiséngf of the United Stétas . ari;} who shall have served 1 not less than one year as enlisted mén _0u the date of éntranixev 1 Sixch appointments Shall be made in the otdep of - merit from Q1 .cm;didates` who have, in competition with each other,. passed 1 the mental éxgmirmtion how ·0r —héreatter 'by` _1qw~ for · Y; mtréuce to the Naval Academy; uid who pissed the `phbsical { texnmizaatiém bctofe e:1tmnce_·11¤der existing- laws. `.(M8.1°. _ 4, _ ( °1917,€c. IW, 39 Stat.1182; May 14;`19i8, c._.'73, 40 Stat. 550; ‘s `»Feb.’28. 1925, c. .3721, 58, 43 Stét. 1082.)-_ .l ’· .» ° ; IN3. Exnmimsfin of c•¤didate;.—A11 camlidateq for ailmis-‘ .5 sion. into the academy shall be examined accérqiug to mch `1 megulations had at such stated times as the. Secretary of Navi may 2 mmidates rejected at puck examination " shall mt have the‘p;·ivi1ége of Another examination tor. nd- ‘ mlmculto the @11:0 clnx, pnlw recommended Hy the board ‘, ctnexnminersa (R. S. .§ 1515.) - ‘ · . ° . P 1 W- 1644. S !’000BMiEld§ti0§l—-—wh¢I1. any caqdidaief who` _; has gpm: lthexecommeudatlcu of a· Membér oy. , miegue or the Home- 6: Repmsenmtivu is (qua, ’ upon ex- ( aminaticn, to be physically or mentnEy for ad-. g mission, the Member 01: Delegate shall be notihed ,tp i·ec0m· g mend! amtlaer candiddté, who shall be _ éximined J according to ; the provisions at the preceding mctioxg. `_ (B. B: { 1516.) “T 1845. Q¤p,li£¢sti¤ms.—Candidatés allowed U fdr c<mgi·esésl0ua1_ I ._ diaricts, for Territéries, and · for the District of Colhmbin- ML " must be acthal msidwts 0t_\tl;edlstricts or iliesritcrlu, , tively, Item lwhiml; they arg nominated. 3 Am1'j¤1l clmdidatu `j tcxj admissiga to the Nqval Acidemg. must be nqt léss than ‘1 sixteen yeaajs ot age DQI; more- tluux twenty `ywrq. of dge bn 1 April 1 ct the calendar year in which they enter the academy, I , and must he physically sound, well termed, and of Hrqbpst ‘ cqnxitutioa.- (B. S. { 1517; Mgr. 2;.1889, 6.396, I 2, 25 Stat. ( 879; Mar. 3, 1903, c. 1010, &lStat» 1198; Hay L15 1918, c. .73, I .40Stat.5§6.)y ’» ‘ - ’° __ .. ,

 ,1946, Anmprihtiaasg hav applied.--—N0* mqlney npprpyiriated ',

for the sigipqrt of the` Naval Acngemy be appliéd to_ tbé i mp—¤rt of any midshipmuu appointed otherwisq than in striét t cdutcrmgnco with the ‘i>r<>visip¤s dt this .clmpte1·.. (R. S. I [1518.) ‘ . · · · A ’ PAI AND ALL—QVy'ANC.ES;' STQDIES_;‘GBADUA§TIQN : '1%1. Pay of mid&pm¤§.——-The pay/of midshlpmeu shall be I $780 per amzmm. (July I1, -19193:. 9, 41 Stat. 148.) · l 1852. Initial imnci creilit.-+-Each new { mldship ·· l shall, · upon aduimcu tc the Naval Académyt lqe"‘t‘§ci·cdlted with thé ._} mm of @50 to gave! the cqét bt his jhitial clothing and eduip-· E ment,. imag, to- be Qcdugtcd mzbsequéntlj {pom his pay. (July < » 12, 1921-, c. 44, i 1, 42 Statl 131.) j ’ .· " · _ 1953t Mi@ipm¢a found de6¢ient.—Midshlpmen found dgll· 8 _ cient at any éxhmination shall-not be cuntixmed at the ·aca.d·-» _¤ amy or in the qervlm unless upon the mcqmmendatjon of the .11 'academic ward. ·(R. S. § 1519; #$1g. 5, 18%, cQ"`S91,= 22 Stat. ¤ 285; July 1, 1902, c. 1w&"32 Stat; 686;_0;:t. 22,"`1921§`c. ;l1,3,` d ‘§1,428tat,%7.)__l  » _ ‘ lv · 1654. Ixwh of course.-~The céurx ¤at the Naval Academy { shall be Your yea;·s..·» (R. S.- {1520; Mar. 7; 1912; c. 53, 37, ‘ · smc.1$.>_ » · ~ "J

-··NAV¥ ., 1148 a ms._1spea•1 mem;-—-»rn¤ mmm at me Navy mm-1 ~ mribe a special www of Rudy RM if home or' zfi»£,:; ?m·__a,ny midshipmau. - (A.¤s..5. 1®, ¢. $1. $*1, 22 sm; gg;. Iuly 1, 1902, c. 1368; 82 Stat )- · `. . ’,_- ’ 1056. 'Sjcudigs on S@day.·w—-'Dm S ry of the Nair shall ’ RITKUKB course at ¢&' 01’d£1Y_0f !€Cit8,tiOUS at pho Naval `Academy so that the students ii: mid itnstitmm

hgll_n0t be reggire;1 twpursue their atuéies on Suhdéy. ( 1; g

10571 Commission .011 grad¤atm.—Midshipmé¤ cm` grzuizw tion sha1I' be commissioned in thé Navy, or may; be}! ag:. dped by the Secretary pfthé New w @ Mwnciés in mg · Lowest cgmmissioned grgdegr of njhc Mafjme or Smit Dorpq of the Navy. The? md! GHBQUVQ frm iafe. df grarluxiou. shali take rank a¢¤>1t饤£ to their p{·0¤¢iency· as shown by the order of-itk}: merifat date of · Q. graduation: Pr0vid¢d,·1'h&t if·th6m·be 1* *1 G! giddizmeg, ‘ zegmicate ot graduaiiori; honqrable d , am 0ué,y¤·m·’s sea pay. (R. S. a§ 1521; Aug; 5, 1®, c. $1, l 1, E Stat.‘2$3.; Iuly 1,/ 1902; ci 1368, 32 Stai. 686; Mar. 7, 1912, é. 53, 37·Smt. I3 1; July 9, 1913, c. 5,`38}S]:at. 103; July 1Q 1918; c.·114Q’40 Sw}; f16.).·`· " f, . v · · · 1 GOVERNMENT __ ,' 1 1061,1 Génerhl poinrté-martial.—The_ Secwgary at the Navy shall haée ‘ p0we1·_ to convene igeneml , for the trialpf ;pidshipmen,‘-subjéct to the mms aéd £·{;;utiti0i1s_ now existing as to either g@e¤¤1;;m¤·t¤·mm¤1, and to xpprbvq the proceedings and eiceqhtg of smgh zouris, 'ezicépt `the genterices at sumgnsibn and dwmmnl, wixich, after having been appmvecf pr the dupuwtméwt, shall mt ae carried intb effect until by the (Karl {1896, c. 186, 28 Stat. Julyl, HM, c. @68, 32 Stat.'&S6.) ~ IQSZ. Dismissal af! nidahiinqn; heard of hqiirywglt aglmki ,_ be the ddty of the Saperintadent of the U¤it& Smtea Naval Acfdemyi whenever he bball beiievo the ¤¤u¤pea presence dt V my midshipmmn at the said academy to bé c¤n§x·ary tp the bgst Lntcrests of the service, to report in WNUBS mh {act, wiuya Gull statement of the 1'acts-uponivhich ata his reasons lorpuch belie£,- ·tof1 the _Scbrgw;y ci the Navy; if afiegr me cousiderationpf the/said ;1‘BI§°¥t he` shall deem the superin-

éudent’s_ said hehe! reasonable Ind wei! founded, shall éause a

zofzy of the_sa1d ·1·0p0tt fp be scrvéd `upon the said midéhipmmz md iequire `thé said uiidshipmanjto show caux, in writing and with.in_sucllt1me as thé skid `Sécretary Shall deem rmsmmble. why lm shciild §l0t_bQldi8l1l’iSS&d from the mist aeademy; sm<@_` xitéfdixe consideration at any nasa no shown the said Sqcr_e·· zarymny, in his dimreticm, but with tm writtwe appmsal of th; President, dismiss. such migishipmaxi the laid acsdemi and the truth pt may issué ct Mgt w mts¤d,‘excep§ upon the rec· >rd‘ of dcmerit, shall be determined By a, boafd pt inquiry com reused by the Secreiary ot fheiNavy wider and rvgvs ations for thq gqyernment of the. Navy. (Ap:. 9, ·1906,»¢. 1370, · 51,34Stat.10·§.) ·-' F . "_ — , . _ 1063. Rules ttiypreventn ha¤n¢.—-——'1*kg¢ Superintendent of the Naval Academy shall make such rules, to be approved by the _ Secretary bf the ·Navy‘, `aslwill mectualy preveist {be pi·¤€•fi·:€ at hazing. (Har. 3, 1903, c._1010, M Stat. 1198.) _ _ V ‘ 1064. ,Ha2ing $§l\£§•·······ThQ aqguse at _ •* hum;-" shall cwrlsfepf. any xmutlim:ized assumption of aufhcripy by cry? mi} ,‘ mipman oiret ‘a.uother‘ mncsmmp wkiwcby me `}ast·menti0xw<1 uidshipman shall or mai `_oi· tm exposed to s~¤¤er any erueltl?. indign"iry,·.humiliati0xx,. hardéhip, or appmecwn, or the leprimtl<;pn.¤;· abridgmem of any right, privilege, or advgntagg o which. he aha}! be legally entttléd. ,. (Apr. 9, 1906, c. 1370, M4, 34,8t at.10¤.) A `· -_ · ·_. _· { - .  ; 1965. Haéng- immhable _ as `clegae ·° agaiast1‘&adplis§e.·~—-· _ The 0¤€IiS§ known as "hazi¤g" may! be proceeded as¤i¤S*· ‘ _'