Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1166

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§ .1139 mrnn 1 1134, And shall forthwith take the testimony of the vyitnemes Bent lin. separate from each other,. on interrogatories preecribed by the com-t, in the manner usual in-priseeourts; and the witnesses Shell not be ‘permitted· to — eee `the interrogatories. . documents, or or to consult with counsel, or ‘ with nm} ~ persons interested, without Special nuthority from the court; e and withesees who `haye rights of·I1€llt1°&l.$ be hischarged as soon as practicable. The priie commissioners shell also takedepositione de bene esee of the prize crew and others, at the request of the district attorney; on interrogatories- pre—· scribed by the court." They- shall else, ae soon as any prize property comes Within the district for adjudication, examine the mme, and make an inventory thereof, founded oxfnn actual examination, and report to the court wl1ether_ any part of it _ ie in. in condition requiring immedizxte sale for the interests of nl! pnrties, and notify the district attorney thereof;- j and it it. be necessary to He examination or' making of the inveng tory tl1at.the cargo be unlaclen, they shell apply to the court for an order to the, marshal to nnlade the sdine, and shall, _ from time to time; report to the conrt anything .rele.ting·to the condition of the property, or. its custody or dieposal, which may- require any netionby the court, bint the custody of the property shall be- in the marshal onlyZ They "shnll also sea? ` sonably return into court, sealed and. secured ltrom inspece tion, the documents and papern which shall come to .· their _hands,_ duly `scheduled and numbered, and ·the_'other_ preparatory evidence, the evidence `talreu Ae bene esse, and their own inventory of the. prize property;· ,and . if the'. captured vemel, or nny of itecargo or istéres, are such as_ in their judgment may ·be, nsefulito the United/Stntes in wer, they ·`she.1l report the same to the Secretn_ry·0f‘tl1e__Navy. '(R. S. 1139. Duties of Rl8l‘81\8l.-—Th€ marshal shall safely keep all prize property under warrant from the`court,'and'shall_rep01•t » to the court any cargo or other property that he tliinks re- 0 qnires to be nnlnden and _ stored, or to be soldi Hei shall insure prize property, it inhis fiudgment it is for the interest ` of all concerned.- He shall keep in·l1is custody all persons found on board a prize and sent tin ds witnessesyuntil they are ”relensed_ by the prize conmiissioners or the court. 1f,a sale of property is ordered,'al1_ sell the same in the manner required by the court, and collect the .pql·euase_m¤ney, ,and forthwith. deposit the gross. proceeds of the saleewith the {Treasurer of the ·Unite<l States or public depositary neareet_ the place` of sale, gnbject to the order ~of the court' in the particular cause; and each marshal phnll forward to the - Secretary of the Navynwhenever and as often as the Secretary of the Navy may require it," a` full statementof the condition of each prize and of ·the disposal made thereof} " (R. S; -§ 4623; May 29,-1920, §·1, c.;214, 41 Stat. 654.) _ , ° 1140. Appraisal of property taken for Government.~»\\’hen- _ ever any captured vessel, a‘rme,.lxnunitious, or other xnaterial =are taken for the une of the_United Staten before it comes into the custody ot the‘ prize court, it shall be surveyed, appraised, and inventoried, by persons as competent and im-, partial ee cnn be obtained, and the Survey, appralsement, and inventory shall be sentito me court in which proceedings are to be had; and if taken aftergnrd, sumcient notice shall nrst be given to enable the court to have- the property a,pprei’8ed for the protection ot the ~‘righteqo£ the claimants. · In all eases ot prize property taken for or approprieted to the nee ot the Government. the department for whose use it is taken or- nppropriehted shollkiepoelt the vnlne thereof witlrthe fllreasurer ‘ ot the United States or public depositary ’n&1;est”to the place ot the session, oi the couirt, subject to the order of the fconrt

 in the enune. ·(R.·S. § 4624; Mer. 3,   c. 413, 30 Stat. 1007;  

May 29, 1920, c. 214,41 Stat. 854.) Z 0. Y , 1141. Proceedings for adjudication there property not sent in; e§ect of failure to wmnenee proceedinis within. retbim- 1

'*·F”Y _ 1152Y ‘ •N¢ ·¢i¤*¢·——If by?r<>¤¤¤¤;<>fi tk ¢<*¤d.i¤<>¤ ¤f tbé Q$;bU1I‘04]’i—,m Arty, orjit because the whole has bééu apprepriaceu to the H; · of me Uxiited States; no part of if BM been Gr can·b4;· scm {Ii V fqr adjudication; or if the property had béen gggiypyy mst or desgroyed, proceeding for adjwimtiou may be qqmm,.,,,m iw _ arnyjistrict the Secretary of {hc Navy may deéigmm.; and im any sugh casg the prvcecds Of gnything Sold, 0_r`the Ynluéb nf gnyugng takuj or apprvprktéfi ·,fo£ UIQ, psé of tin/f;»,g;*.{; States? shalt be depositéd with tghe 1Treasm·e1·° of tl10_I`x»it•`·eE’ smtes or public dc=p0sitary._i¤ G! tv that dist¤·i¤·:_ wh, -ject_t0 the €>rdér_0f the court :in_the QSIISG. And it in mw · _ qgselqi capture no proceefliilqjvf Rdj¤di¢\ti0H_H¥€ 1·•}n1:»¤;-;¤-pg; within a reasohable-_ rimey my Pifiiél ffhiming the <·apmm; p]_‘()pQl‘t.y IDQX, KEY c0’¤rt··¤8._a c°¤rt Bf DI'iZ(P.- Imgyé ’ for ai mopitiou to shqw C&\}B€ Wh! smh- my be commenced, or 'institqte an_ suit m éuch i;·+»urt fm- { mstituuon, `apcl the- mouition issued lib emzer case shall {,9

 on the attérrreyutrf thé '-U§1it€d ·8¢l|Z€S for the rlistrim

and pn nge Secretary of the Navy, an wjell as em ‘§u}·1» {gm; persons asthe ·c0urfshall ordér¤0ti§eé. (R. S; § 462.% Mar. 3, 1899, 0. 413, 30 Sta¢.·1007; Hay .%, 1929, `c. 214, 4l_Smt. · 1142.·Délivéry‘·pf property oa _¤i)¤l•t°nb’/a.-·—N0 prize pw- _erty shall be. delivered to the claimants 'dn stiptxlation; ¢}•·p¢>§i¥, or other security, éicepf; wheié the Ckimiht of any .pr<>p{—r;y shall satisfy. the cohrt- that thqfsduie has a bcculim mn ~ intrinsic vgzlue to him, ii1’;Iepe11d~e;1t· ot its market value. In su"<·h;·ca§é, the court may deliver the prbpcrtrcn ,stiq»mazm or deposit. of its value, if sa,tisHe;}= that (he rights mid iIl{€‘i'@·;Ii ’ `0f_ thé . United States, '01' .0} ·`€,itpér éliqimnnts, wil1»in•»:`·be prejudiced therebyj but :4 satisfactory apprnimmmt .sh:zl1 he .i’irsfmade, and an opportunity given to théygiéttrict ,a_tm~m»;-

aud‘ naval prize commissiopik to be heird   po the aymnimment of appréxiéers; Any mouéy degdsitcd in lieu of.sti;iu§z:-

tion, and sill money 'éollccred lon a stipulati8¤, xiét-being uosw. r shall be d;!posited with the Treasurérof the United Smt•·s‘ or public depoéitury in the same manner a proceeds (nf zz snug. -·(R.· S. § 4626;éMz1r. 3, 1899,_cé. 413,30. Stkgt. J1007; May 2f1._l%#2u, · c. 214,41 Stat. . · _ · _ . ·_ » _ l143. Sale, of `prizc;- when 6rdered.—-·Whenever anyk prin property is_ condemned, or at any stage` of the pmceodjngs is fouxid by the court to bc perishing,~périrs1;:1bl`é, or liable to kw- Jfgriorate or depreciixté, or; whenever themsts bf keepinag the V sumé_ are disp1·0p<»rtiongte·t0·ita value, the court shall mwlmz a f éale Qt such property`; azid— whengvei·,` atter the return day on the libel, all the parties in interest whe have §ppearcd·‘in we causeagrecgtherato, thé_ court may make such order; {xml no` _appea1 shpll operate to prevent; thqmaking or cxe<;miqn ui such order. (B. S. { 4627.} ‘ » -5 K 1144./ Mode of making ••k.·+-·Upo’n A mia of any priér mw- _ érty; by_01’der of the_ qourt, Becretgry of mg Nggy shall · employ an quctiomcr dt known skill in thé branch a£$>usim·»» `to which may sale [i3ft&iD8,; to make the mh, bat thersale smug bépoaducted under fha superiisibn at the ·marshnl, and the g¢A»l· xecging and aepégxung or cmgmu mmm nm: be py me auctioneer or Ms Qgeut. Bgtafe gay gig $.h=¤!1 »· cause full catajughes phd seheduléa to be prepdrad and circulated, and A;c0py of each shall be i·e£¤.mad~ by the `xmmimi to the 'éourt in each w\\88. ‘ The marshal `shdl mum al} >=ulo>;· to be adverqsed fully and mnmicuouuy in nevwlpgrs qrmgmk , by theizonirt, and by posters, and he aha1l,`at.·1wst fiveuays before tho sale, serve notice Lhgmof upon the Dfiw *"{“" miSSi0nér, and the goods rshéll kgehpeu to jggpgeqon at lfwt threé days befgre the sale. ._ (R. .8. { 46%) r · 1145. Transfer of priie prapérty ta another &•tri¢f for saleé-W‘benevei; it appears to me court, In of MY . prize prepcrty ordgx{gq“.to_be sold,-* that, ig will be rm- the ·i¤wf<‘#Y of all p&r§icé` to have it wld in another digtyict, tipmurt HWY direct the markbal toltraxisfexz the isame to *1:116 dinrict selected