Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1168

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./ V. O -’§_1158 ” _ Tuna 4 n and eapenses. ordered by the court..`_ It the ‘ recapturedd property belonged to ,persons·. residing within "ort under "the protection of the United". States, the court sh-all adjudge the property to be restoredixlto its owners, upon their claim, nn the payment qt. such sum as the court may award, as salvage, costs, and expenses. If *the recapturcd property fbeionged to any person permanently resident Within the territory and under the protection of any foreign_ prince, government, or State, in unity,.-_with._ the United N States, and 'byi the law or usage ot; such prince, government, or State, the propertyof a citizen of the United States would be restored under like circumstances of recapture. it shall be adjudged to _ restored to suchowner, upon hisxclalgn, upon sufh. terms as by the law or usage of such _.prlnce, government. or. Stateiwould bc required of a` of the United States under- like cir;

cmnstances of recapture; or when no such lawor usage shall

be known, it shall be adjudged to be restored upon the ipayxncnt of such salvage, costs,_a~nd expenses as the court shall order.-_ The ‘whole’amount awarded as salvage shall he disposed of as in the cascofi proceeds of property condemned as‘prize_. .. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to .contravene,__`anyJtreaty of the United States. (R. _S. § 4652; ~Mar-. 3,.1899, c, 413, §_ 13, 30 Stat. 1007.) . ,- " - · V ‘ _— T h Cl1apter·21·.#gQ-ARTIQJLES FQR`THi§ GQVERNMENI OF 'IlI—1E·XAVY. · U ” ._ ’ ‘ ` ‘ Section 12 ·. `slrticics established. p _ [_ CONDUCT AND QM-ORAIQS IN GENERQQ. Article 1. _ _1mauders‘—duties of. examplcrand correction. ` ’ 2. Divine servlbe. ‘ " ‘ “ 3. irreverent behavior; _ {_, · ·"0Fl<‘liNSl~}S PUNISHAIQLE BY DEATII. 1

frtiole 4. l.’ers‘ons to whom applicable. _ ·

. . '· 1. 'Mutiny. _ ., _ 2. Dlsobedience of order.s._ ~ " . 3. Striking superiorofficer. .f » 4. intercourse with enemy. 1 5. Messages from axrcnemy. . “ _6. Desértion ln `tlmé of war., _ ‘ 7. Deserting trust. · _ J .., " 8. Sleeping on watch. _ · 9. Leaving station. · . , 10. willful strandingfor injury of `vessels. -l1·. Unlawful destruction o_t public property. - 1·2. Striking dag or treacherously yielding; J- 13. 0owa;·dlce‘ln battle. ‘ ’ _ l ’ _ " 14. Desertlng duty in battle. ·· » _ 154 Neglectlng. orders to prepare for battle. . 16. Neglecting to clear for action. ‘ ` ·` 17. hleglertlng to join on signal tor_ battle. , ` 18. Falling to encourage men to tight, -_ · _ 19. Falling to seekencounter. ‘ 20; Falling to alford relief lngllattlc. Article 5. Spies: · · _, " ‘ . _ ' » 6. Murder. . _ T , . 7. imprisonment in lieu ob death. . ·, Gl<‘l·‘l·:NSl<1$ RIJNISHABLE AT DlS(‘llE'l‘lON OF COURT-MARTIAL Article 8. Persons to whom applicable. _ 1. scandalous conduct. _, " ’ 2.’ Cruelty. - “ » - `· 3. Quarrellng. . 4..Fomentfng quarrels. 5. Duel:. _ 6. Contempt of superior otllcer. 7. Combinations against superior owcer. 8. Mutinous words; 9.‘Negle<·t_of orders. . _' . l0; Iireventlng destruction olpublic property. l1.‘Ncgllgerit strandlng. ` 12. Negligence in convoy service., ' 1:%. .lls<·~eiving articles for_l'ri·lght, 14. False rhuster. 15. Waste of public property. , » 10. l’l_u1:drring on shore. . _ $ i 17. Refusal to uppx·elwm.l oIf·en4.ler|.

4*.-anew " 3,

Article 8. Persons to vrlnom appllcsble.~——('ontlnned. ` .18. Refusing to recclyé prisoners. 19. Absence {rom duty without leave. ‘ 20. Vlolntlng general oroén oi: regulations. · ‘_ » 21. Ilesertion in time ofpeace. - ` _ { 22. Hnrborlng deserters. [ , ” SPECIAL PIIOVISIONS Al’PPLlCABLE "I‘O/.OFF1(:pg8’ · 3 Article 9. TOillcer absent wltlnout lesve reduced. n · lf , · · - 10. Desertlou by'_resignation. ,_ ·· - Q. g ~ ‘ · ·RESTRI/CTIONS .ON._PRIVA'1`E PROPERTY · ; » ," ·- _ · s 4 _ '. ·· 3 U ' Article 11. Dealing ln supplies. . · ». ° · . ’_ ,_·- · 12. Importing dutlsble goods in public iesnels. _ f. .. ~· A ,. 13. Distilled spirits only as medlcalstores. “ - , . . _ y _ . Q 3 . OFFENSES PUNISHABLE—BY’FIl*lE AND I§IPRISONMEN’l' ., A¤‘tlclc14.·Pcrs0¤s ns yvhom aripucaine. A T · ‘ »_ 1. Presenting false clalms.._ . -

 2. Agreement to obtain payment clfielsr claims;

` False paper} .` . _ ‘ · _ Y 4. l’er]ury.· ° · · T.

  • 2 5. Forgery. ” · _ _ ·° M l - .

—· . J6. Dellvering lcsspropérty than rccelft calls for, Y · lk . -7. Oicing;,recelpt.‘wl»thout knowgng trugth or, _ o 8. sSteall¤$. wrongfully selling, ctc. ~ ` " .9. Buying publlc·mllitary property; . 10. Any other fraud ugalnst United. States. F I [ . 11. Trlnlof otender after; tllschsrgc, " ’ . ‘. PROVISIONS Al‘l’LICABLE’ §I`O"PRl‘ZB' Artlc}e15. Prize money. » I ` `~ 16. .·Removlng property from a prize} · I 17. Maltre:1ting'·persons- on board prizes _ SPECIAL PROVISIONS Ai*PI.ll"ABLE TO ‘DES1l:R'I‘ERS AND [ ‘ A . ‘ REj,‘RUPI‘ING ‘ _ ' _ Ar_tlcle18. l·‘orfcit%re of clthenslnlp rlgl1ts»for(`dese.rtio"n. - . Y 19. Enllstlng dqscrters, minors. etc. = _ ‘ A · DUTIES. Ol·‘ COMMANDING Ol·`Fl€'·EZltS . Article 20. Rules to obeyed ·by. _ _ "1. Men received our board. '_ 1 - 2. Llst of odlcers, men, and passengers. _ I 3.. Deaths nndxlesertlou. _‘ ‘ 4. Properly ot deceased persons. ` _ 5. Accounts of men received. _ ` Accounts of men sent from the slxIp.‘ _ 7. ·Inspoction·of provisions. 1 [ - x » _8. Health ot cYrew.· _ » { ' 9. Attendsnce at Snal pnymenhof crews 10.· Articles for the government ot; the nlnyy. - 11. Punishment for oiendlng against {this article. A _ PUNISIIMENT OF OEFENSES NOT SPFCIFIED I Article 21. Authority ofo§ccrs utter loss or vessel - _22. .(n) Otlenses not speclned. T` I- ( ; I (b) Fraudulent enlistment. . ‘ 23. Otenses conimltted on shore. `_ 24.. Punlsluuents- by, ’ordcr' ot connnnnder. Q., . 25. Punlshments by other omcers. . ‘ _ {smmsnr couujrs-uAn·r¤Ar. Article 265 Convcnlng authority. ‘ * _ 27.~ Constltution of summary courts-msrtlal. ` 28. Ostlx or members and recorder. 29. Testimony. f ‘ , . _ 30. Punlshments by snmmnry conrtsernsrtlsl. 81. Dlsrating for incornpetency. _ ’ _82. Execution of sentence ot summary court. 33. Remission ofsentence. · . I 34. Proceedings end record of summary court. U · GENERAL COURTS—MAR‘1‘lAL . . Artlcle.3i'i. Authority to Indlct summsry conrtirnnrtlnl punisluncnts, — 36. Dlsgnlssnl otonlcers. t -- ' 37. Oqcer dismissed by President may dennand trial. · 38. Converting- authority.- ‘ . 39. Constitution of general courbmnrtinl} V 40. Oath ot members and judge s_dvocnt.·.— t . 41. Oath ,0f witness. _" - ‘ . 42: (:1) fexntempta of court.; ( (b) Witnesses; process tor. -. _ . . ” ‘·(c) Refusal of witness to appear or testify; prli·llj:·:e·