Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1170

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W § 12Q_0~ TITLE Eighteenfh (Failing to encourage nm to ight). Or falls encourage, in’hi$ own person, his iuférior ·0¤icers and,men iight coufageously; _ V _ o` Niaétemth (Failing to heck encounter). Or-; does not do b utmost to overtake and capture or destgroy any vessel which is his duty to oucountexi; 2 _ ‘ Twentieth (Failing to alord ielief -in_battlc). O1- does n afford all pmcti<:z;blo'relief and assistance t0_ Yessels_:be10ugi1 tu the Uzéited States qxytlwiij allies when engaged in_ batti (R. S. §‘ 162-1, hrt. F1.) » . ’ _

 Article §. Spies.-All persons who; in timoof war, or of r

fiwllikm against the supreme `authorify of the Unitéd Stats _como‘or are found in the capacity of spies, `0I.°' who brihg · deliver any séd}icing letter or message fr0m·`an enemy or reb< . or endeavor to corrupt any person iri the Navy- tohetgjay 11 ‘tmst._shaH suffer ldezithe or_ sdch other punishxiient as a 90111 mértial mai adjudge. (R. S. § 162-1,•art.·5.) _ ‘ . . _Article 6. Murder.—It any person belohging to any publ f·~\ , vessel of the United States commits the cfirqc pt ngorder wit `° out the territorial jurisdiction thereof, lie may be tried .1 nourtmgaftial and punished with (108th; (it. S._§ 1624, airt. 6.) Article; 7. Impriscqment in lieu. bf death.·——·A naval hom martial mgy adjuqgo the punishment ot imprisonment for Iii or for ~a stated term, at. hard labor, inra11y‘casc wlwre it o authorf”zed sto hdjuclge tbé punishment of death; guidf sm s4·ntou~c<>s of imprisoxament o;1d.hard` labor may be cairied iu oxe<·utio;rin ari} prison ‘or penitentiary under the confrbi _~ the Uxiited Stateé, or which the United States may be allowa by the legislh;uro of any-State, to useio and persons so .*11 p;·i=·som~£l in th; prison or. penitentiary ot any State ,0;- Ter: tory shall be Sulajeoh in all respects, to fthe same disciplh and treatment as convicts sentenced by" the courts ot tl State of Territory in which the game may bé situated; (R. § 1624, art 7.) .‘ f · ‘ OFFENSES `_PI[NISHABLE.Af1‘ DISCRETIFON OF COURC ` · · MARTIAL Article 8. Persons to Wha: spplié•ble.——5—Such punishment : ·n com·t·mnrt1al-may adjlldgé may be iudicpad on any perm in the Navy-4 _ » ‘ Y `_ `

 (S&alo¤s Qduct). Who. is gzgilty of pmfauo swea

- mg, inisehood, dmnkonixesq, jambliug, fréud, thofi, or pg other sénudalous éonduct tending, to the destruction of gcc

 (Cmdty). Or isgullty of cruelty toward, `or oppre

sum oy maltreatment off any ;§¢·1·§0xx subject to his orders; TEN ,(Qa•rmling). Ot quarr—•.=ls.with, strikes, or assaults, e uses provoking or réproamhful words, gesturég or menaoos { ward, my person in the Navy; { · 0 c - ` " Fourth (Fomenting qmrmls). Or endeavors to fumorit qua mlsobotwoen other porsqxiiin the`Navy; i . * I Fifth! (Dwgls). Gr or accepts wchallougc to tight a dm or meta; as a second in a` duel; _ o · . ‘ _` Sixth (Cmtompt of superior ¤Qcer). Or treats his superb o§§vor with éontempt, or ig.disi*ospoctful 'to ·1:im iuflzmgugge e d;·pm·m;se*uL,»whi1o in the wxocaation of his umm`: _ Seventh w(Co:&bim.tiém against onmmtndini 0§céx’)· C joins in or shots goy combination to weaken the lawful aqtho `ity of, or legmsoxx; the duo to, his commandoixxg 0&ic¤}¤i'; ' .§ Eighth (Matimms words). Or ·uttem' my uodttious or mn ·· tinousssrords;. . —· ‘ ,

 . (Ninth (Neglect of ¤rdgrs),YQr is négligent or careless 1

obeying orders, of cu1pdt>ly"‘i:1¢·tii1•l¢~nt in me performance < duty; » » _ ‘ . _ _ Tenth (Pmvantiag destsiuctiaa of §¤Hic pmherty). or doe _ not me his §&·¤t_oxorti<ms to preyept theo \m1§m*£ul_'d¤§truct1¤ of public psjoperty by others; - · ° · *

l' 343.-—NAYY 1156 to negligence, cutters any vessel of the Navy to be st¤mq,,d_ or run upon a rock pr ‘sh0al, orhazarded; » lis . Twelfth (Negligence in convey eehtice). Or, vs·l1en.zzttm·l¤>·1 it- -fo any vessel appointed as convoy to,any merchant or rutile; vessels, fails diligently t0_ perform his dcty, or demands up _0t‘ exacts arxy compcnsatiem for hisj services, {}l'·II1&il[I'£’21[$ the ug oflicersor crews of such merchant or other vessels; le. . Thirteenth (Receiving articles for freight). Or tzxltm, re · ceires, or permits tc be received, Ion board the vessel to which g .8,. he is attached, any goods or merchandise, for freight,.sa;,t_ ,,,. ,S_· traffic, except gold; silver; or jewels. for frciéht or san»1;,,.,.{,- or ing; or demands or receives any compensation for the xwvipt B1, 4;;- z·tmm»pm·tation ot any. other article —th;m gold, >;i1v,;»,·_ M- ns ·j(§VVQ]S, Y\’f[h0l1t &l1th0I‘it);‘fl`0lIt the ·0l° St'(?I`t‘[§r_y {gf pt; the NaYY:~ , _ - . ,- ‘ — Fpmjteenth, (False muster). Or kncwtrrgly makes m- csgm lic or aids, abets, directéz, cr procmtes the making cr slguiqg .,;·; II, auy..false muster; — ‘ · _“ by `vastpfi any` ill`;}. .· , munitioxi, provisions, or other public property, er. ha-viug pl;w,,g· rt; t0`prev_engt it, knowingly permits such waste`; - N ge, Sixteenth (Phgndering up shcre). Or, when`nn·sl»6rp_—p1,,,,. is idérs, abuses, or miiltreats any inhabitant, or, injurcé his pulp. ch erty ih aniy way; Q _ - ” ° ` to . Seventeenth (Refusing tc apprehend 0§enders). Or refu¤e<, Of, gu·"fai1s to. use, his utmost exertions to detect; hppreheml, am" ,1, hripg to puxiiehinent all otfendcrs, or to aid lull persons apr I,. pbihted furthat `purposc; _ __ _ _ - ’ ri, _ Eighteenth (Refusing to receive prisoners). Or, when, nlm _ me or acting gs ¤.£ast:er¢at·arms, refusm to receive each prtseams ‘ hé asqtimy be ccmmittedto his cbhrge. or,.havmg_ received them, g_ suffers them to_ eecnpe, or dismisses them without orders from V "the proper aqthdrity; ‘ _ -— ~ Nineteenth (Abqence from duty without leave). Or is ahseut [~.,, from his station pr duty without leave, or efter his leave has expiredy . » l `5 ·_ __ _‘ _ _ ·° Twentieth (Violqting general crders er regulation;). Or vim °°_ lates or refuses obedience to any lawful general order or regnr m_ lation issued by the Secretary of the- Navyi _ - , · 'I`weltty·§r•t (Denertion in ti¤• of peace), Or, ln time at . T" peace, deserts prlattempts to desert, or glds arid exxtices others ‘Y t0Aesert;_., . " ‘ " \ “I. ~_` ’d— Titenty-ncccnd (Harboring jeserters), Or recehtesrrr cnteri ` tainsiwgy deserter frcm tmp ctliei·_ vesmel 0t_,the_ Navy, lnmwinz S" him tb be such, and dce! pct, with all convenient EW? · notice of such deserter tc the ccmmsmder of the vessel tn ml which he belongs, or to the ccmmhmder in chief, orto the ci>m· ·

  • ‘ msmder of the squadrpu. j (R. S. Q IQ-t, art. 8.) `

r- _ SPECIAL PROVISIONS_APPLICABLE TD`€)I•‘FICERS ‘ ¥: El F Article 9. M0§cer about wtthwt leave red¤ced.~—Any otliwr who dbswnts himself from his mrmrhand without lure. MM'. _ W hy the sentence of n ccurt··martie,__l, he reduced to the ruins JE of seaman, `seccpd clées. _·( S, 'I 1&-4, art.· 9; Aug. @, 19l6» c. 417, 39 Stat. 575.) ‘ . ‘ ‘ A · it _ Article 16. Deserticn by re•igi\att¤¤.——-—Any cc:x1h1l,sslc :;4-el r_ omver ot the Newry ·0r Marine_Cerps, whoyharing tendered his

 resignation, quite his post or proper duticé witheut leave, and _

u_ with intent to_`re1mxiu permanently absent theretrcmQ priqr to _, dce notice ct the acceptance ct such resignation, shall be U; dcermd And punished as an dmrterd - (R. 8. [1624, crt. 10,) ` It ° J RESTRICTIONS GN PRIVATE PROPERTY as l. Article 11. in ng&teg,:—-iLNo men i¤_ the `navat an 'servlve shall- procure stores or other grtgies cr supplies {pr, ' and dlspue thereot to, the céqwrs. or enlisted vessels ,