Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1199

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¤ . or . · TITLE 37.-·-·PAY ANL ]1co___ S . -. TITLE 37.-ePAY AND (ARMY; NA " GEODETIC SURVEY, AND 1 S;kn,,.,,,-ye,} provisions as to pay periods aid rates of pay. . ga ~» lm or certain omcers dang existence ot state -ot_ orare . .

 1,,],-,,nSo for lc¤§fh`0f service; no increase ot par for omcera or 1;

N w:1rrant_oBccrs‘o¤ retired lkt; I ‘ I 4 gn.-,·m» ro he ¢o¤¤ted.l¤·cou¤putl¤g—pay. _ _ 11 Q yay of persons not o¤cer• hot whose. pay equivalent to. that not ga eonnniseioned o omcers ol certain grades; contract surgeons;. commissioned warrant 0'Nc¢t!. . ‘v . 2t e, x,. increase of psy for neld or sea duty. · -21 ‘ gy my or omcers of National Guard or o;’reaerve“torces__.authortsed _ mreeolve Federal pay; increase. ‘ " _ · n 3 2: ’ $_ ·· Dependent “GéB~¤¤d· .7 . · ‘ - _ ‘ 21 it zinrisielonce nllowmcerto commissioned olhcera below grade of ‘ brigndier general or erplvalent. , I _. - 2< lo. llonml nlloviance to— connlaalged oicerrhelow grade of.brlg· · · ’ edicr general or equivalent. _ .- - ‘ · 21 lll. Amount or allovvancea, when subject to reduction. _ . 'lzz. lense pay and allowances ot -hrlxuHcr· generals, rear Jadmirals and eonnnodor-ea, amgeon genernhand oscere above those grades. 24 1:;, Base pay of Jvirrant gomcers nd enticed sen orpxuny and ., Marine Corps; mcreaae for service; reenltxment allowances; _ roelredpayofenllsted ma. ‘,‘ ‘ . _‘ ‘· ·__ 2‘ `_l—l. imno nay of warrant omcera and enlisted men of Navy end. 21 ' (‘oast.Gusrd.` __ . — · _ _ . · I 2l ,15. Pny. grade (or various rating of enlisted men ‘o!,Nsvy and Coast ‘ . ’ ¢;un_rd; increase for length of service. ‘· . 34 14:, my of insuler force. of Nsvyyreenllstment gratuity laws rei , pooled; enllst‘ment_ allowances; retired pay' ot {enlisted men. _ 32 _ Section 1. General provisions as to psy, periods and rates te of pay.TBeglnning July 1,1922, for the purpose of computing- g: _ tllswlnnllalhpay or the cornmlssioncd oillccrs of tho "Regular v Army and Merino Corps below the gradeof brigadiertgen- ·N mal. of the Nnvy bclow‘ thepgrade, of rear 'sdmirnl, of the dui ¢‘l.:ze=t Guard, of the Const and "Géodetlc 'Survey, and tl lluhlic Health Service below the grade of surgeon general, psy se perioels are prescrlbed,’and· the basepny for each is_ dxed as · follows: _ _ __‘ ‘ ~‘- · __ _~ ‘. i ‘ c, "l`hc"llrst.pcrlod·, $1,500; the second period, $2,000; the third cl p¥·r§<·<l, $2,400; the fourth period, $3,000; the ilfth period,. H $3.500; and the sixth period, a I U Q. I! The- pay of the slxth period shall be paid t0_ colouels oi the W Army. capthlns ol the Nnvy,_·and` omcers of corresponding 8; crude who have completed twentydx yearn'. service, 'or whose . tl not appointment- in the permanent service was ‘ in s trade. vu " :s!¤>vc that to captain in the Army, or who Wcrc.~ DJ appointed to the to dll vacancies created by'_ _1* one lnereaee ot ·the commissioned personnel thereof lni1%0;_ oz to ollicers or the Stag Gorge of the Navy ddvduccd by `$cl¢&!· J" tron under egistinglaws to rank or D¤Y`0f captain; to -t< ·ll<·ute~nant colonel; Army, commandersp! the Nuvy, and U officers of corresponding grade, and ¢0!I1mI¤dél'$ Qi .0f the line and Oorpsrof the Coast Guard Wh0'D§V€ _(· wjulpictcd thirty yenrs’ service; and to the Chief of Chaplniw G of the Army. - ° T` ·· . " l ti Thc poyol! the nith mill be paid to colouclsinfof the °? Milly, cnptaing of the Navy, and omem ot ¢Ql‘l’%DQI1dlllK crude who are not to the [ly or the tilt}! D¤!’i0d§ .|’0__ A _ lwutenent colonols or the Army, commanders ot the Navy, ¢! Mid dmccra of corrmpondlng {redo who, have cclllplétcd l¥W¢¤¢)' .1** _year¤ service, or whose Ant eppolntmmtln the ts eel-vice was in Qs grade above that to mptakl lr gm the Army, or vrho yere appointed to K! fill vocancles ermted by of the comnllsaloned m

 personnel thereof in reno; to {mem or the sm! Corps or .r!

Aho Navy advanced by. hlcction 'undcr eristlng laws bo- the tl rank or pny or commander; and to or the Army, lleué 01 86270•—g26——+—7I · ‘ · ‘

IALLQWANCES . § 1 · · NY, MARINE CORPS, COAST GUARD, COAST PUBLIC HEALTH. SERVIC?) ‘ ` ec. · . _ . ‘ . T. Retxiuerpay of men transferreq to Fleet Naval Reserve or Fleet ’ Marine Corpe_Reeerve. _ ·-_ _' ° · _‘_ B. Credit to enlisted men of service an warrant or commissioned ‘ 'omcen. · _ · , A ‘ - 9. Honey allowances to warrant oillcere and___e¤listed mee for`subv_ pisterice-and rental of quarters; ambeisteace ter pilots; commutation of ratiops of enlisted men. _ - . . D. Mileage allowance to omcere; travel expenpes. ’ ’ Q Money allowance in, lieu of transportation in jlnd ·for dependents jot commissioned am} enlisted personnel. - _ 2. Pay and nklowances •t female nurses of Army ned Navy. B. Natiolml Guerd e¤1ltted,_¤e¤; "ruerte dcers: NT . and glloqancea; armory drill pay; ysiidatlen ot ps@ts. -‘ 1. Laws authorising increase ot pay for toretp service and cemnrutstloxr of quqrters, heat, and light repealed. · . , 5. Existing pay of oleere and persons whose pay is weed oe pay _ o!·comm¤•to¤ed olcers not reduced; eetal ot existing pay and _ '|11¤W9.nce|`_eI·e¤listcd—¤1e¤¤otreéucedt _ · “. ~ . , B. Retired pay_; oqcers and warrant- ,e¤eere;. no jmrometion of retired omcers for active duty; pay xm Yallowsneee et retired odlcers, jwarraut omcere, and enlisted men when ee active duty. 1. Adgutional pay to enlisted pea. for. medal quahmtieua. B. Pay. and allowances et cadets cadet V 9. Increase ot pay· ot otlleere, vrarrant omcers, end, mlmed neu detailed to 'duty imrolylng iylng; numper detafleg!. · D; Exieting law and regulations governing- pay and, allowances ‘ , ·;_ twbich •re··¤ot_e¤ected py proitsiem. _ · 1, Whee provisioxrs of chapter étfeettye ; inconésteat laws reisealed. auant commanders of they Navy, and `o§cer§ of co  »~ ~¤ l a; »g_ rade who have qompnem-· twenty-three -ymrs’ service: Pro- — ided, That liellteimrxt commaudere of . the ‘_Stail' Corps of the {avy who were appointed betweentthe datéé of March 4,_1913, nd June 7,1916, in `a grade above that of ensigu, shall receive a he, pay of this pay period after completing twenty years} ‘ erviee. _» _ `_ I /,1* tttldr l _ · · The of the fourth period shall be , paid- to lietitezlant olonels of the ArmY» Wmhnauders of the Navy, and o@cere ot arresponding grade who are not entitled to psy of the - {th or siitlrperiod} to majors of the Army, lieetenantvcomreaders of `the "Nayy, and; gmcers ot, corremo¤dlng· grade rho have completed fourteen · years’ service, or whose int ppoihtuieut in the permanent service yas in a. grnhabeye hat corrapondinz to second lieutenant in the Army, or who were appointed- to the Regular Army to lll ucaedee created y the increase of tpe comqieeioned.; personnel thereof ia 920; to captains 0t_ the Army, ‘ lieutenants of t1§e$Nafy, ¤cers"oi,correspo¤dintg‘ grade who have e pleted mventew ears’ servim, except whose promotion is limiter; by law 1 this grade and nwho are not entitled. under eiwdfls lei to he pay and allowances of .n higher grade; and `to lieutemmts I the Stat! Corps of the Navy, and lieateninnme and lieutemnts junior §rade)fot the line--andknglueer ed the Coast mard whose total commixioned, service equals that of ment commepders of the line of the blevy drawing the psy r;¢;1¤a. ‘· ,  » . · · The pay of the third periodeshail be paid tomajors of the

rmy,» lle¤t&t commanders. ot the Navy, and omeere lot

orreaponding node who are not eirtitled to the of the aurth; Mth, or eixtbperlod'; to captains of the Army,‘1le¤» wants ot the Navy, and omcers of eorreepoaddug grade who avef ¢0m¤|eted` never: yea_rs’ mrvice, or yrhoee Hret appolat- ‘ gent in the permnent service was in s grade above that corre-

 to second lieutenant in the Army, ·or iéheee present

nk deteejrom July _1, 1920, or enrlieryto Bret lieetemmts x ae Army, J,teutenm¤_ts (junior grade) of the Navy, and omcers I eorresD¤¤di¤8 Kficie yvho harecompleted ten Nyeerslaervlce; _