Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1247

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1233 mrnn 38.--·PENSIONS, Bonus nxined in accordance with accepted actuarial principles and . based upon the American Experience Table et Mortality and in- { terest at 4 per centum per annum, compounded annually,. The { emennts so appropriated shall beset aside in the fund on the mst dey of thexcniendnr year for which appropriated. The di- Ieeter shell submit estimates for appropriations for the fund ereeted by this seetion. .(Mny 19, 1924, c. 157, §‘§ 505, 703, sie:. 128, 131.,) _ e · “L , · ‘ 646. Investment of fund.—+The Secretary of the Treasury is entherized to invest and reinvest the moneys in the fund, or may pnrt thereof, in interesbbenring obligations of the United §tetes and te sell such obligations of the United States fo1‘.th6 e;en·peses of the fund. The interest on and the proceeds item the sale of any such obligations shall become a part- of the ined. (May 19, 1924, c. -157, 5 506, 43 Stat. 128..) i _ 647. Fundnvailable for payn1ents.—All_amo11nts in the fund shell be available fer payment, by the director, of edjusted service eertidentw upen their maturity er the pxiior death of the veteran, and for payments under section *642 of this title t0 banks en account of notes of veterans, - (May 19, 1924,·» 0. 157, `· § BOY, 43,.Stnt. 128.) __ d “ ‘ · _ _ PAe1·‘\’I.—#PAYbiENTS TO VETERANTS "DEPENDENTS , i 661. Enumeration of preference of dependents.-—(a.) If the “ wtere;1 has died before meking application under section .612 ef this title, er, if. entitled to receive adjusted service pay, had died nfteirmnking application but before he had received pay- zneht under Putt IV of this ehaptet, then the amount' of his ndjuetecl service- credit shall (as soon as practicable after receipt d nn application in accordance, with the provisions of section 664 of this title, eut net before March 1, 1925) be `paid te his dependents, in the following order ofpreferencet ‘ ° (1) Te the widow exiwidcwer it unmarried; _ . (2) It ne unmarried widow or. widower, then to the children, · shdre nnd share alike; X ‘ . ` (3) It ne unmarried widow or widower, ’ or children. then to the mother;. , . * · U J (4) If no unmarried widow or wld0wer,,children, or mother, then to the father. ‘_ °  » `, . Ii ·, ‘ (b) For the purbeeee of this section jieyments made under D§1‘&gI’&}_3hW’(2)A of snladivlsien (g) of section 301 of the Were Risk, Innnrnnee Act (October ‘ 6, 1917, chapter 105, Fertieth Statutes, page #105)* shall. net be considered payments mdde Hy the United States on account et the death lot the _ veteran. (May *19,1924, e. E7, {601, 43 Stat. )_ _ Q · ` ' 662.- Demndent dedned.-—-·(¤.) No myrnent shall be made to. any individual nude: Part VI of this chapter unless nt the time of the death et the veteran such individual was dependent. ` (b) Fer the pntpeses et this section: t _ _ j (1) A child of the veteran shall be presumed to bade been dependent upen him, at the time ot hte death if at such time such ‘ehild»‘wn.s Qunder eighteen years of age; - , l ` (2) The 'etideerer wideerer elfeil be presumed to heve been dependent inpen the veteran upon showing by them, respectively, the nxerital eelmbitetien; the father and mother, respectively, ehall ,suinnit nndezi oath e etntement cf, the dependency te be died with the application; (May 19, 1924, ’c. 157, 5 602, 43 em1:.12e.>·_ » W f _ · ° ,. » ‘ @$3. installments; by ivlmm andfte when made.-———y'J§he pay- » ments nnthezized by eeetien 661 wet this title shell be made In ten eqnel{gduerterly` inetellmente, enleee the tetel emeunt et the peyzneizt is ieee teen $50, lin which it shell be paid en the dret installment date. Ne payments under the previelene, or thieltitle she!} bemede to the heirs et lega1_reneeeentntiven‘ et jeny dependents. entitled thereto who die betere receiving ell the installment payments, but the remainder ef. such payments »ehell' be ennde to the dependent er denendenteln the next drder ef preferenee under nectimi 661 et this title: All payments c · k6270°··———28———-—-'P8 d `

nee, AND VETERANS! RELIEE § 667 under Part VI of this chapter shall be made by the director. (May 19, 1924, c. 157, § 603, 43 Stat. 1%.) V t, ‘ 664. Application by dependents; how and when made; x·egulatinas.-;-(a) A dependent max receive the benefits to which he is entitled under this title by `hling en application therefor with the Secretaryrof War, if the lest service of the veteran was evith the `xnilitary forces, or with theeSee1‘etm·y of the Navy, if his lest serviee was with the navel forces. . (b) Applications fe‘r__such beneEts,l whether veeted er eentingent, shall be mede by the dependents ei the veteran eu or before Ja11uary,1, 1928; except that in case of the death of the veteran during the Six mouths immediately preeedigg such date the application shall be made et. may time within six months after the death of the vetemni Payments under) this title shall bemede only to dependents who have made appli- __cation in accordance with the provisions of this subdivieien. ’ `(c) An application shall be made (1) personally by the dependent, er (2) in case physical or mental incapacity prevents the making of e personal application, then by such representative of the dependent and in such manner as the Seeretery of Warnnd the Secretary of the Navy shall jointly by regulw » tion prescxvihe, hn application medehy-`e representative other than one authorized by any such regulation shall he held void. — (d) The »Secretary' of War andthe Secretary of the New shall jointly make any regulations necessary to the efheie:1t_ fadmiuistr:;1ti”0n- of the provisions of thie section. (May 19, 1924, 0; 157, § 604, 43 Stat. 129.) » ‘ -· “ ` 665. Same; certificated. accompanying transmittal; centents.——·-(a) As seen as precticable°after the receipt of e valid application the Secretary of War er the Secretary of the Navy, es the case may be, shall transmit to the director the appliedtion aud a certificeteeetting forth-~ _ K . . (1) The name and address of the applicant; r e _ (.2) That the indiyidual upen whom the applicant bases this A . elaim to payment was a veteran; r . ‘ (3) The name of sneh veteran and the deterehd piece ef) his birth; and . ‘ K l , “J ` _(4) _The amount of the adjusted. service credit ‘ef—_ the veteran, together with the facts of géceeu in the department epen which meh Above éenelnslens dere based. " · (b)_ Upon receipt et each eertihcete the director shell pre heed to extend to the enplieent the benedts provided ie Pert VI _ of this,_.chepter if the dlreeter Ends that theepplieeet ia the,dependent entitled thereto. (Me 19,1924, c. 1557; 5 6%, 43 Stern 1e0.)‘ » _ t 666. Assignments void? Réisens te rvhem he ments shall het be made.-4-Ne' right te peyment nnder the previeiehe of Pert VI -0f this chapter ehelllbe eeelgneble er serve as security fer eey men. `Any eselgnn1enfer lean made in vleletien of the_;§revielonsfef this. eeetien shell beheld void. ~ The direeter she_ll net r g make any peymertte under Part VI eflthis ehepter to any periscn other then the dependent er such representative of the

 dependent es the directer ehell hy regulation pre—.eeril»e. {May
 19, 192gi, e. —l57,.§ 606, _43_Stx1t.·130.) · 5 9 . ,
 667. l‘fADependent,"` " ehild,"` " fetl1er," and "\mether "` de-

E ined.-i—¢-Ae used ln this ehnpten-—-— ‘ °‘ . · -` N

 (e.) 'Ilhe term "dependeht" meens EI widow, widower, ehild, `

ifether, or mother; `° _ M ’ _ I .

 (ll) The term "ehild°“ ineludee (Qi) e legitimate child; (2)

ie. child legally edepted; (3:) e stepehild, if e member of the lvetermls heueeheltl; (4) en illegitimate el1lld,_hut, ne to the ifether only, if eeknew*le¢lge<l·in writing signed by him ere lf. E he has been judicially ordered or decreed te contribute te- such

  • chlld’e support or has been judicially decreed te be the putlxtixteew

tether et such ehild; end · » y ` t. (e) The terms ‘_‘fether ’* and ," xnether " include etepfatlxers and etepesethere, fathers and mether:,_ thmegh heleptieu, end; { pereehe whe here, fer e periedkof net less than one year, eteed