Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1255

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124]; a _ TITLE 89.-7-THE If ,;;:;_5»:$0, eérzco; and $4.100: fvremén, $2,500. and $2,700: Ween cashier., $4,100 ;· ass1stant‘c·ashlers, $2,600, $3,200, and $3,600;_`m01i£%y·01‘(19f cashier, $,700; bookkeepexfs, $2,400, $2_£;g9_'@,600, and @,800;.stetim1 examiners, $2,600 and $2,800.

§t·e{·ipts $20,000,000 and hpwardgfeassistaut pestthesters, $4;800

' mm $4,900; superintendent. of mails, $4,700; assistant superin- ·;,_.m1euts of mails, $2,800, $2,900, $3,100, $3,500, $3,900, epd $;_l0{)`; superintendent of delivefy, $4/}"00; assistant superin-

t·m1ents‘0f delivery, $2,800, $2,900, $3,100; $3,500, $,900, and

$4,109;‘fo1‘€§Il£B, $2,500,- $2,600, arid $2,700 ;'·supe;·i·¤tendeut ot registry, $4,306 ;` assistant superintendents "ot registry, $2,,800,

5;;»,000, $3,100, $3,506,* and $4,100; superintendent of money

» grder, $4,300; eselstent superintendent ot money order, ${1,100;

·, $4,000; postal cashier, $4,300; assistant cashiefs,

$::,600, $2,800,* $3,100, $3,300,:11iql $3,800; moneyrorder cashier, l 0 $::,900; boekkeepereg $2,400; $2,600,, $2,800, and $3,300; station 0 muuiners. $2,+200, $2,800, gud $3,000. (Mar. 2, 1889, ”c. 374; 5 1, 25 Stat. 8·¥1;·_ Mar. 3, 1903, e. 1009; 5 l, 32 Stat.-1166; May. 27, ~ 1s>0S,·‘c. 206, 35 Stat.—20S; Mar. 3, 1917,5*C. 162, §` 1, 39 Stat. 1002; Feb. 28, 1919, 'cl 69, §` 2, 40 Stat. 1199; Feb; 28, 1925, <·- 368, §_3, _43 Stat, 1056.) ‘ · it - _· `_ _, J 87. Nuiber of assistant postmastere at certain firstwlaes pest e§ces.¢·-Not more than two assistant postmasters shell be employed at cmcee where the receipts are $9,000,000 and up- . ward. (Feb. 28, 1-825, c. 368, §_3,`43 Stat. 1058.)- n ·° - ' ’ 88. poetmasters at qeeend-class _ u$c~ee; sdlaries; ·cemp¤tatie~¤.-4At etiiees of the second class the annual salaries. of assistant pcstmeeters shall be in eien hundreds of 'dollars, ‘ baeed on the g1·0ee·p0etal·receipts fof the preeediug calendar 0 ° year, as tollewez $8,000,Jmt {less than _$10;000, $2,200; $10,000, · lmtjess than $;2,000, $2,200;:$12,000, but less thah *515,000, $2,290; $15,000, but less th¤u_.$18,000, $2,300; $18,000, but 1ess¢ `_ them $22,000,; $2,300; _$22,000, but less than $27,000, $2.400: $27,0q). but less than $33,000, $2,400; $33,006T hut less thmf - $40,000. $2.500. (Mar. 2, _18@, c. 374,1 1, 25 Stat. B14} Feb. 28, f1925, c. 388, 5 3, 43_ Stat. 10&.) ‘ X _ · A, 89: Aesistaat putniseten pt eertain third-class c&ces.-—··· The Postmaster General may ie the disbursement of the up prepriadeui for clerical services at thirdezlam poet' bmces aud` within its  »· preyide for the mpleymemf at d saint? of $900 e nfmw, under section 676 ot Title 5, ot nm it post umm utthe third dies ` where the y et the postmaster is $2,200 or $2,300 pe; augmxm. {Mar. 1917, e; 162, S 1, 39·8ta~t. 1063; Jnihe 5, V1920,’ c. @4, 41 Stat.; 2;~Feb.,28t 19%, c. 388,} 1,‘43.Stat.·1063:) “, » 99; Snlarieg of npervieery employees at `Washingten poet Y e$ce.·--111 tixleg the mletiee `ot the superviscn? employees in ” the post e&ce.~et__jVeehi¤gtbn, District of Columbia, the Postmaster Genesgalz may, in his discretion, add ppt to exceed 75 ver eeutum to the gross teceipta ot that omce. · (Feb. ,28, 1925, c. 368, {3, 43 Stat. 1058.)_ · · _· t _ 91. Number of existant sapetinatmdents of mails, delitery, registry; and assistant csshiexw {ot be paid‘ maximum selerien,-·-·Net· mere then one agqtmunt §¤D¢1*i¤tend.e¤t _0t meils, cme assistant superintendent of delivery, one assistant superintendent et registry, and eneessistant ceshiery shell be paid the maxixmnh eatery 'provided fm: these peeitious, except- yéhere receipts ere. ®,cc0,e0o add less - than $14,000300. 'tv which omces two Eaeelstant superintendent; of mail shell, be assigned ‘ 'ht the maximum selery, one to be in charge et city delivery. ‘·(Feb. 28, 19%, c. 368, i 3, 43·8tat. 1058.) _ ° ` 92. Fmweywetfn chgrge of reeerds end adjustment elec- p counts in ;St•te demitories fer iurplus pests! fund; centre! aeeeueting e$ces; ¤•l•gies.·€-——···At· State deposi-· tcries ter surpmq postal tends 'aud central neecunttug emces, ` where the 'receipts are leegi than $500mO, andthe postal cashier is pmvided,. the `emp1oyee`i¤°ehu.rge ot such recordi · ae? adj uetmeuts ei the nceounti shall be `¢11cw& pen- increase Q

‘QST4L smzvizcv QL " § 1,00 of $200 ·per axinum; if receipts are $500,000-‘eud less than $5.000,000; the postal eeshler shall be allowed eu increl1ee_ of `~ $Z)0 egmuzm At ulleeixtral eceounting eQees_ where the bookkeepezvin eharge pertor_ms_ the duties of auditor, he shall l be `designated- chief boolekeeper, at a salary equal to that of the assistant cashier 'ot the highest grade atl that omce; (Feb. 28, 1925, c; 368, 5 3, 43 Stet. 1058.) ‘ 93; Superiutendents of eclasgiied stztiens; salaries ;- basie.—-— _The ealary ot superintendents of cleseihed statiene shall be based `orr the number of empleyees assigned- thereto end the mmgml postal receiptsi No hllowance shall be made ter sales of stamps to patrons resiclirlg outside of the territory er the stations. e At c1aesfiled· stations each $25,000 of postal receipts shall be considered equal to one additlouarempl0yee. (Feb; 28, 1925, eg 368, §‘3, 43 Stat. l0~57.) n · _ i e . 94. Same; salaries;--ratesQ——At Aclassfiled stations the salary of the superintendent sfiall beas follows-: One and - rmt exceedt ing five employees, ”_$2;400;· slx‘;1m1_net exceeding eighteen ele-- ployees, $2,500 ; nineteen and not exceeding tHirty-tw;) eui-~ 'ployees, $2,600; thirty-three and not exceeding {0rty—£em· employees, $2,700; forty—Bve end not exceeding slityiour oemployees, $2,800;.bixty·i1ve dud riot exceeding ninety employees, $2,900; ninety-one and not exceeding one hundred and twenty employees, ,$3_,000;`011e hpndred and twenty-one hhd ’n0t_ exceedlng one hundredand iltty employees, $3,100; ene hundred and `ilfty-one and not exceeding three hundred and Kfty employees, $3,300 ;' three hundred and ilfty-ene end not exceeding Eve · dregf employees,. $3,500; five hundred and one or more em·· ployeesz $3,800. (Feb; 28, 1925, c; 368, l 3, L'-! Stat. 1057.) · _,» 95. Assistant 'superintendents of `elassihed stadeus; salaries.·——-At clessihedstiitiens ehavlqg t0rty·§ve er more employees ‘ there shall -be assistant superintendent; of statieus ·'with·‘ eelaries as follows: Fortyehve and V net. exceeding `sixtyiour em? ployees, ·$2,400¢ slxty·¤v7e and not exceeding ninety Temployees, $2,500; ninety-ohe and not exceediw one hundred and twenty employees. $2,MO ;-` one hundred and twe¤ty-o¤e aug! not ex-~ ceeding one hundred and Htty employees, $,100; eee hundred and fifty-que fend mit "three ln1.¤drm`_a¤d Btty ein-_ ‘p1oyees,`$2,900§ three hundred and ittyéone md het exceeding Bee lmndreil employees, $3,100; Bye hundred and one exegloyees me upward, $3;4oo. ‘(.Fe¤·ee, dem, c. ge; ae smc _-10583 96. Superintendent; of deliver} and _ t superintendents of oellveri at `ieertain peet·o¤ees; aqlariee.-—·At post emcee where the receipts are $143900,000 but lm- than ¤9»000.000»_, there shall he. a superintendent et delivery, wheee salery shell he the same as that prevlded for the superintendent ol malls, and assietaut superlntemlenté ex delivery at the ssleriee provided for assistant 5 mgperlnteedents or mails. (Feb. 28,19%, c. 368,$3;43Stnt. 1058.) , _ _, . ‘ 97. Promotion of s¤pervisoryt»tem#pleyeee en advancement of _0&e to higher- grade.--——When an omce __ggivences to e higher grade because ot increased creme postal receipts ter a `celender year, bremotion ot all eupervisery empleyew shall he made te I the ccljrespcmllng grade at the higherfaelary prevflded fer Jthe same titles or designations under the higher clawlhcntion ot the omee based on its postel_reeelpts._ { (Febf 3925, c. 368, S 3, 43Stet.1058.`) ’ _‘_ » _ g e . 98; Minimum ref salaries of employees in supervisory grades.-—;·N0" employee in the supervisory~ grades shell receive e · salary lesis than; $100 more than that paid to the highest grade of élefk orepeciul clerk. (Fep1_°28, 19%,_c.· 368, § 3; 43 Stat. ` 1058,) e '° . I l_— `_`

  • 99. Expenses of gupervisoryl emphyees;—~Supervis<>r;r einployeesof peethdleee 'shell be pmkl their actual expen% as

Rxed bylaw. (Feb. %, 1925, c. 368,%,5 2, 43 Stat; 1w5.·)$#§" ·' a

 186. Grade; of certein employees duiguated by titles for

irhlch mere than me grade Xi salary is provided.;-Lp the re—. ndjustmeht ot salaries of all employees above the highest grade . · _ a Q}