Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1259

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r ·;1f4§_ TITLE 39.--THE J · p§§;:"QQSv in guéhi 0Hi<.·¢s,_ Shall, before éutering up0u`tgc duti& gy zhéir cific, give band toxtghé United States with good-and

3;,§;;·,F,;·ed`·se<vurity, and in such pénaltygs the Postmaster Gen- ‘

._ um; »1m11~prescfibe, izunqiyioued-for? the faithful uigcharge oi; F fig; uzuies and fruS§S impflscd upouthém eithpi·`_by· law mj the —;—;m_»s ;wd` regxzlgtions of the Post Qéikfa Departmeut._ {June gf; 1~4£$S,§c. +15, 30 Stat.4g14.) _· _ _ V _ i » 1:;;;,W Esitrh labur at ·o$ciss.—4Wheucver unusual businéss ac- Y g·;;m~< :’1t\>Q* p<>St _<>.fHcé, the Roshnustér ·General shgll [make a` l ,;; 4-231 Qrde glloiwing rcuscnéble compensatiozx foriclérical sefvj · QA and a_ préportionate in€;rea*£se uf·§a1ary to the posfzrizister {m·sasg` the xiing of suish extraordiméry husiuéssi (R. S. §j 3863.) ` 134. Navy maildcrks and a$sistants.¢·¢—Euli$§ed men `pf the pgigeii Smtcs Navy OI"‘BI81`iH9 Corps mhy, u§ 0u_ selection by

·e’S¤><r1‘c{21ry_0f_(hc Navy, be designated by the Post Ofiicc De-_
§·$mmu·x¤f as "Navy,mai1 c1crks"\a11d- "assistaut Navy mail

{L wizs." who shall be a"iith0ri-Zed t0_ réccivé and 0pénQu11: pouches ‘ mz} s;1<<ks_0f mail addressed to naval vessels, -'t0~makc pmpczr eg-#;iw:·_5·`<>f suclymaii, m receive matter for trausnxissiou in the zmiis, tcurcceipt fer, registered matter (keeping $11 gxccurgteg ·

~i»~»z·4i tluimcf), tqkeep and ham for sale an adc¢jugte"§"upply;

H! ;¤`»§t:;g0~ stzmips, to make ·up and dispatch 'mails,i-·zi11d"4>ther· K gugmzl <Iu¢;i0zs®as ina-y be jauthorizcdiby. the Postmaster General, _ gg $1 in acmrdaxzce with such rules and regulations as; mayj be , _ ;im·<urii>eud by the commanding cdicer .0f fheivéssei or of the <

~»;{mda·¤n to gwhich. the vessel is attachedn Such cu1is§ed men

may aim be degiguatédas Ndvy mail clerks and assistant Navy xasmii clerks wit1;·ckp€difi0nary forces Ou shote or for duty at; s:;i·;i·>ug uml ·sh0re establishments under the Navy Dépaxrtmentr ` m §1e_·rg Alia services of such gmail clerks and assistant mail clerks mv u_e{·csa~ry., Each mail c¥1érk·3ud"assistaut mail clerk shall mk? the oath of office prescribed for employees of the Postal ‘ xeévice and shall give bond to the United States in tue sum ` of :$1,000“for the faithful performauceof his duties as `suchf {·E<·:jk. and shall be ameuab1e_iu"g1ll respects to naval dlsézipliue, ‘ »e·x·:e;a:; that, as to theif duties as`such clerks, the commanding " {;.:ii;_·c·r2-; of thé vessels upou which! they are stationed sl1all”;·e·v ` quire the~m_t0_ be; gqvermed by the postal lawsyaud regulations ‘ pf zhe·Uuit;¢d states} Whezxwerf necessityvariées therefor any ‘ * amistuut mail clerk muyvbé required by the (C0ll1lIl8Xl(iil1g·0m{3Bf _' j of {lm vessel ujwu whiqh hb is stationed or of the squadron t0_ _‘ s§{;i¤;·11 .>mid_wesse1 is attached to perform the 'dutiés of mail V; ~ (‘i1*§;k. Théy-shall rmeis·e as compensation foxir_suql1 sér€;i<.fes- ” _f¤‘<¤Li1` the Navy Iwpartmeut, in `additioxvto Thdt phfdltbcru of I xiiu grzade to which they lure asuignéd, suc.·h· sun; ililthé czgsc ' <·f mail {Jerks nut to exceed $500 per }rlll1lll1l,.f8I1(1'ill-th&tv·{)f. ' ,_=»¢>:>¤i>sta:at mail eleiks not tujexceed $300 pegreaimuxm as may I m·m:·miuc·d aud allukvvd by tlie Navy Department. (May”2fZ, .` 31*498, 4:, 206, Sgzgt, 417; Aug. 24, 191*2,* c, 389, § 11, 37 Stab, ‘ 560; Mar. 4, 191‘§,_ Q; 1S0,' 39 Stat. 1188; July 1, 1918,15. ·A1i4,·40 -1 mu. 713.), · -_ a U ‘_ ”`· _ _.·: _-335. Same;. b9ndg.—-—·Evcry Navy #n1z1il`t clerk z1~uil· assistant Navy .111:151 <·1a=r1§ shall gif? bond to the Uuiteu States `in sjuch°

:;{<··u:1l sum ug the Postmaster General ir1ay_déém`sumCiéut for i

3 The Ffaithfu}. perforxusmeia of his_ duties as Sucrh'· °clér1{.n (Aug. 234, 1912, 0. 3529,% 3, 37 St&£;,,55·i.’) ·’ M4 - t » (’Impter 4.——J·€’l’I'§' D}<}LlVERl’,.IlRANCH OFFICES, AND. t L I$}·3Cl·il\’l·§G BOXEiS.·_ ,· _ G sv.; 151. I.c=ttn:·gc:1r:·i¢r dcdivezry. `P · - w i4

 ¥_.ettc·r €’H!‘!’ii*1‘S an cbuscliclaticn o1’.·u¤icc·H.   · F Y

13:;. I£xp02·i¤s·entaa1_dxdivcry] T _ (E 134; ijuifmm for carrisws. gi

 Receiving ljoxvq. _, I — d

ade). Saazne; in buildings; ¤chutas as part of. _ li?. Hands ¤f'<:n*x·ri¢.·rss. . · `· C 158. Branclx ofuces. - · f 159. Same; in Hav{:;ii,v1“'0rt0 Rico, and Virgin ISla¤dS. _ 5

eoamz smzvwa t § 156—·~ V gi • _ » . Sec.- . · _ 7 ‘ 160. Rut1=ictlcné_0nestablishing stations and'_·bz·ancl:ea. ' 161. Contracts for conduct of contract a.tatlena.` · 162. Extra postage or eax·x·iex·s’ fees pgdhibited. 168. Expenses of captlers and branch e§ces. * 164. Contracts for supplies for free-delivery service. 165. Special delivexjy; stame; dedcient postage. ‘ _ §166. Same; Stamps for ppihirmatter weighing more than two pounds. 167. Same; emacs at which special delivery may be had; messengers; contracts and compensation. 168. Same;‘ use of ordinary stamps. 169. :S&I!1¢§ employment ·to delivjer ; _ receipts. 170; Same; compensation of pétjsona employed. .17’1._Same; regulations. " · · . · g 172, Same'; falsei returns: compenaationifn case ef. l . 173.?_Same;` pensions employed deemed postal en1pleyel_~s;.. 174. $21119; lD(%SS€l1g€1‘S· §1€€IIl€d €31‘£’l0!°S.' _ _ , 9 175. Same; z1llowjance'fo1·‘car fare for messenzersiin iirstclaes edicca; _ ° 'deliveyy in iixjst and second glass offices; _ » _ ` 176.__Same; assistant superintendents; per diem. _ Section 151[ Let ter·carrie1·‘ delivery.·—Letterx carriers shall be employed-. for the free deliyeryiof mail matter,. as frequently ag the publiebuainess may require, at everyhxcorporated cityQ village, ~01' borough containing a population of fifty lthonsand] within its corp rate limits, and may so employed at every place containing a population of not less than? ten; thousand, within- itsncorporate limits, .according'to the last `general census, taken byauthority of'State or United Statcsdaw, or at any ·posfoffice which produced a gross revenue, for the preceding fiscal year, of not less`, than· $10,000. This section shall not affect the existence of the free delivery in placesysvhlere it - `yvaa established priorx to .Tanna_ry*3,··1887; in effieeewhere the L free delivery,s~hall· be established, such free deliveiy shall not _` lie abolished by reason of decrease below ten thousand in population or `$10,000».1`n..grosS postal 1:eve1me,lexcep€ in the discretion of the Postmaster General. y(Ja‘n. 3, 1887,42. Ii, §_1,l24 Stat; 355;) ‘ _ l . _ ‘

  • 152. Better carriers on consolidation of *o$ce$.-g—\$’hen two

or ixnore post `officea situated within the Ycorporatef limits of any city, village, `or borough are c0nsolidated_—by_ authority of Q the Postmaster General, and the said odlces together produced a gross Tevenue for the preceding fiscal year of not less than $10,000,·1ett_er carriers may beewployed forthe free delivery of? mail matter in like manner_as__if any one of each poet otiices had produced such revenue in. said ilscalgyeani (Feb. 16, 1911, c. 87, 36=Stat. 911.)_ . A " · 153. Experimental deli\fery.—Experin1ent£1l` mail delivery znay$he.establlsl1ed, `lll1€l€1°&Sl1(?h regulations as the Postmaster » General my prescribe, ln“ towns and*vi11eges hating post omces of the `second or third classtbat are not by lady entitled to ft·ee#‘deliv~ery service. (Aug. 24,*1912, c. 389, § 9. 3'§ Stat?. i59·)“ ’l» ” U  » l·· p y 154. Uniform for carriers.;———Tl1e§_·Postmaéter ~General`_ may prescribe a uniform dress to be worn hy letter carriers. (li. SQ § 3867.)__ V . “ » B Aj U ` . 155. Reéeiving.bexea.~¢·'1"tbe Poatgaaster General may establish, in places where letter carr·iers are employed, and in otherm ilacea where, nt hiss judgment, the pnblic conyenieznce reciniresy .t, receiving borfca for the depositcof mail matter, and shall rauee the matter deposited therein to he-collected as often 1s"pnbllc conyenitenc·e_ may reqai·re.‘ (R.__S. § 3SG&,)_ y · ` ` 156._ySame;' in buildings; chatea as part ef.—~—No tmxes for he collection of xnaill matter by ciartiera shall lie placed inside lf any building except a public lngiltling, erica building which s freelybpen te‘tl1e’_pu=blic during business hours, or a·railhad station, and the Poetn1ae tex· General sis aixthorized, initial liscx·etion,» to declare by ohicial order that the clmtcs cmp lected with mail.b0xes*tl1§ are attached to any chute or levice which znay be _3[)[}I‘O\{!.}d by him ate a part of said rt--i eivlngboxes and under the`excl€isive carve and cuetody ofy.the ~ ’ost Odilce Department. ~ (Mar. 3,1 1887, c.’3S8,—§ 1, 24 Stat. 69; Jan. 23, 1893,*gt.41, 27 Stal:. 421.) X ‘