Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/1260

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§ 157 rxrm we-mm P 157. Bonds of caryiers.—·—Every letter carrier shell give bonds, with sureties, te be approved by the Pmtmaster General, for tlaeee safe custody and delivery of all mallmatter, and the {althfuleectaunat and payment of all money received by him. (R. S. §:~1870.) Q , — · · _ ‘ 158. Branch e&ces.—-5The Postmaster G€Il€I`8J,>.Wh€l’l_th€ public eouveniebee xiequires lt, may establish within any post-office delivery eee or more branch emcw `fer the receipt and delivm·y of mei} matter and the sale of stamps and envelopes; em! he shell pr . `ribe the rules and regulations for the govenamem; there0f?§Yt 110- letter shall be sent for delivery tch may branch effaee cen mry to the request of the party ‘t0 whem itlis addressed. `(R,'Sv § 3871.) _ t ·' . . · " 159.—·Same; in,‘Hawaii, Perto Rico, and Virgin Isla¤ds.+—The ifesixmnster General shall establish ju the islam1;ls` of Hawaii, in Ptirte Rice mid the Virgin Islands tmder approp1·_late_ regulstiens te be, `prescribed · by him, -such branch eilices, mm- 7 eeeeunting ed‘iees,`ox· stations of Honolulu, San J uerl‘_,_a11d Charlette. Amelie, respectively, as in hid judgment. may. be necessary to lmpxeve the service and as mey be required- for the { eeevebience` of the imblie] Suche branches, _ izceaecouutixlg emcw, and stations shall be conducted under the name of the existing pest e@m gmzeted ee. ae te ,malntai¤ the identity ef the e$ces eeeeemed. (Get. 28, 1919, nc. 88, 41 Stdt. 323.) ‘ be 180. Restrietiens m establishing stations md_ brm1ehes.—·—N0 satien, substation,. er, branch 'post e@ee shall be establishedbeyebd the corporate limitg egpbohndaiim of my elty 012; town i which the brlucipal .e@ee tu which such stetienf substation, er branch e§§ee is attziehed is located, except in cases of villegm, towns, er cities et Ettmu hum·lred- or mere inhabitants net wutmere than Eve miles as near as maybe from the eater ue_dery or llmite et such city er town in which the · pribeipel ehlce is lecatz. (June 9, 1896, c. 3%, 29 Stat.- 313.) 1 161. §Centraets fer of centred ¤tatie¤s.——-The Poetmaster Ggueml me? enter ldte contracts fer the conduct ez eeetmet {stations Ie: a term net exceeding twe ¥y&x·s.` #(Mdyf 18,1§18,c.12G,§1;5,39StaL163.)_ `· i · - -· _ _162. Extra postage er c•r:iers’ fees '§1’§hibit¢d,·y····NO ext ra p0st,age*e:· es,rrlers’ fees be`eharged_e;* celleeted upon any mail be l ite; collected er delixrered by carriers. ~· (R. 8. §‘ 3873.) 163. hcauses of earrieye am branch e§m.-—·All expenses bt letter mgiere, breecli efdces, and b0xe§,———e;·—i¤ei· · deqt thereto, el1all_h lm kept and reported ii: a separbte account, and ebelt be shown ie comparison l with the proceeds from pestege eel malrmetter at each emee, and the Pestmesteni General shall in the expehditures fof this breech of the serviee by the; igzeeme derivw therefrom, (R. S.} 3874.) * 164. Ceetracts fer euiaplies fer freedelieery nerviee.-——-—'1‘l1e Peetzzaaetder General mei, if in his tjudgexent the _ gem:1 et ' the eerviee eq eebtrgct ie;  :~: l ry supplies . fer me fri·e-delljy ee?v~iges,§er a period at exceeding {our years. (Har; 2, 1, %·Stut. ‘ - ‘ _ 165. Sp&ial delivery; stamps; deicient gmet/nge}-A special etdmp of the faee valuation: of 10 ¢¢§[8.H1&Y:bQ provided and issued, `wbenever- adyieeble er expedient, .l¤‘ slick fotm axad@rleg_e;1el1 device as may meet the egprevul of the Pest- `master General, which, when attached to a letter er`, article et maileble matter welgbtng act mere than tele meme, in eddltlmi -te the _ lawful pestxegee thereon, shall be regarded an — eixtltling such letief at ertiele te immediate delieeri within the limit; and et the e§ees epeclded in seeded 167 et this title. The mmiein by tbe bender te peice the lawful pmta;e"¤p0u.. 'd· letter ,b&:i¤g , ,» eee}; , speeielgdelivery stamp ethe—rwise W, entitled m te .Tlmme·dle.te delivery under the et this » beetles ehell me hinder or delay the tra on me delivery ,§h€1'£¤Q£ as previ&d..lwrein,@t seek lawful pmtageehall be cE`lé< `lts delivery, ia the memeer @lded. by lgw for me eelleetieu et dedeieutpmtage ;·esultl¤g` frem the overweight-

osru. smzvzcu - 1246 ' of letters, (Mar. 3, 1885, c. 342, 5 3, 23 Stnt.387; Aug. 4, ,1eN;_ c. 901, § 1, 24 Stat. 220;. Jen. 13. 1889, e; 50,- 25 Stat. 859;) . -166. Same; stamps fer mail matter weighing more than two p08ndz.——(a) T0 procure the immediate delivery of me ¥ matter weighing more than two pounds mid not more than me pounde, stampsof the value of 15 cents shell be atiixeei eee addition to the regular postage). ` (b) T0 propure the immediate delivery of mail matter iia•i;;h-, ing more than ten pounds, stemps of the value of 20 cents :<i;;·.€€ · be ziilixed (_iH·&ddilEi0ll to the regular postage);

.(c) The Postmaster General ie authorize
} to providtreeeg.

issue special-delivery stamps of the deinomieatioris of 13 3:;;% 20 cents. (Feb. 28, 1925,_c. 368, § 212, 43 Stat, 1669.) l 167. Sa;ne;~0flices._at which special delivery may be hed; messengers; contracts and `cem»pensation.—Every artivlp I; mailable matter upon Wyhich the `proper special ritsezgégz shall be Eduly udixedgr shall be entitledto immediate de·li*.<r»r;:, wjthirx the carrier-delivery `limlt of any free-•;lellvery_oH&4•e», :::,:1 within one mileot any other post o§ce whiebthe Poptrnngee General shell at any time designate as ,21 special-delivery pe.; office. _The°p•`¤stmaster·ehall be _1°€$f}0H8iblB·f€}Y sueh Imlixe·eeii;m» delivery of every such article, and shall ceuee delivery m ee ·m:1de ofell such articles received it his é§ee_ bearing; sem: etamp and entitled to delivery tbereat, éhd may employ may persons, iuclkudlngwrlerks and assistants, at tlgrirdend fémrm class offices, ae uiessengers, on eeeli {terms as he shall fix es 1 l compensatiorix for such -clellvery;` end*·t0 defray the ex;e·ee~ thereof, such postfuester shall be entitled, inpcmtthe edjustmem; "V his quarterly uccoxiizt, to, 80 pereeemm of the facelyahre of all such specialazlelivery stamps receivggl ht his cme eee recorded, according te this chapter end l'€gl1l8Ii6B,S,_ ot the lee: Omce Department during the quarter; uml such allowance $2%:;%}. be irltull of all the expenses of such delivery. The Poetmesm General may, in his discretion, `direct my treedelivery offiro to be excepted from the toregeim provision, and reqeire the elelivery to be made entirely by special meemngzrs., eeeereieg m l the provisions of 169 and 170 etthie title._ He may ‘e<m= _ tract for the` immediate _ Y&1‘]’ of all articles fw my poet ‘ 'ofdme at any price. lesetbee 8 tents per wece, when he shan k deem it ¢YD€d¥$¤t, (Aug. 4, 1@6, e, 961, { 1,24‘Stz—t. @0.) . 168. `"Sgme; use `o[_ eréieary itampe.-—··Wbee, in edditiop 't·· » the stamps reqziired to transmit any letter er package et mail · "metter thfongh the mails, there shell be `attached te `tbe en-. velope or covering erdlnary postage namps, of my denomination equivalent to the value &xed_by law te procure the immediate delivery of may mill matter, with the words ‘ ‘ speviel delivery ” or their 5 éqniveleet written er- prieted ee the envelope or covering, under eww fezulatioes nsthe Peemnaswr Geaael mdyprmrlbe, said letter {or mehnge shell be handled, — trerxemitted, and élelbiveredjn all respeets as teougb it bore ru reguletioh meclel-delivery stamp- _ (Mer. 2, 1907,, e. 2561, 3l

 Stat. 124¥t;.Feb.`2S,' 1925, e,   { 213, 43 Stat. 10%. )'

· 169. Same; enwypmt te éeliver; xeeéy;.-+1*o provide for the immediate delivery of letters bearing the special stemlh . tbe postmaster may, with ehe approval of the -Postma,etLer Gerr- ~—erel, employ euéh persm er persons ee may actually be 1‘0· quired for such service, whe, upon the delivery ot such letter. wlll procure 'a receipt .from_` the mrty addressed. Qiseme one authorized to receive lt, ur {book to M furnished fer the pm'; `pesey which `sbeilfwheu net in rise. °be kept in the office: and et all fifties subject te examination by an iwpeéter of the 1 department; but the Pwtleeeter General may, such rulesgm! regulations es be thai! ibe, aetborize the. delivery or npgedel-delivery matter witl1c¤t‘qbtei g receipt therefori Preeieegi, That rrethiug herein ecmteined shell be mhstrued as . ,exc~using the delivery of swial-delivery matter by m®¤K9i° in the em lnsteeee. (Mer. 3, I@5, e. 342, { 6, % Stet. 388; June 19, 1922, e. @7,]; 1, 42_3tat. 656.) ‘ l